Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Mini Updates

Yay, blog time! I am constantly composing blogs in my mind, but when that happens I am no where near a computer...then I used to think I could just tap one out on my Blackberry but this website seems to never load so that rarely helps.
Dexter Stats Update
Okay, what do I need to share? Hmmm, well Dexter weighed in yesterday at 14lbs 15oz with diaper but without clothes & 65cm. My doc says that puts him just about the 50th percentile which means he is pretty average. That could also explain why half the people I meet think he's big and half the people I meet think he's small! I just changed over his drawers with the 3-6 months clothes and so far they are fitting pretty well. It's exciting having all new clothes for him to wear again :-D
Moving Update
We have made pretty much no further steps to move yet. Theortically we are both on board and think its the best thing to do but we're both procrastinating...not sure why? I guess it's just a big change for us right now and does include some major effort and is a bit risky. I get very excited about looking for a new place, but very unexcited about "moving" and being out of our comfort zone.
Mommy Update
I still very much like being Dexter's Mommy. Generally speaking he is a pretty good baby, but lately he's been having shorter naps and being fussier and not liking being left to his own to much right now, which makes life a little more challenging for me. In analysis, I'm not sure if Dexter is fussier or if I'm trying to get more done?
On Thursday, I am going to my Women in Business luncheon. From drop off to pick up I'll be gone about 2 hours and I won't lie, I am very nervous! Dexter will be watched by June (Tyler's step-cousin's wife & my friend) who is very capable as she has three kids of her own, two of which will be in school at that time. But it's Dexter's first time without me or Tyler there except for the one time he stayed with Mary while we went to Kevin Smith. I'm worried he'll be sad without me but I'm also worried he won't be LOL
New Year's Resolutions
Well one of my resolutions is to make blogging a priorty. Another one, is to go through the house, room by room and do a deep purging of our crap. On the one hand it would be super awesome to make some money off of the purged items, but on the other, sometimes it's best to get it out of the house & out of sight as soon as possible.
Hmm, I haven't made too many more resolutions, but I'll probably come up with some more as time goes by :-)
My Teeth
In September I was esctatic to get my braces off. Life was going to be so much more wonderful without the pain causing metal mouth piece...however one of my discoveries post-braces is that my teeth suck. How do they suck you might wonder? Well essentially they are crumbling apart. At this point I have a minimum of four major cavities in my visible front teeth and who knows how many more that aren't visible. A major suckage of front cavities is that the freezing needles, which I already hate, need to go through the roof of your mouth. So back in November I called around looking for sedatation dentistry & found that the one office really close to my house does it (my current office might as well but I am SO over that office right now). The catch is that my first 'meet & greet' appointment isn't until Jan 22 and who knows how long it'll be before I can get in. I'm hoping that they'll be able to work on all the cavities at the same appointment down the road as Tyler is working in Fort Sask during the week and I'd like this to be as inconvenient as possible. I'm not sure if my cavities are due to pregnancy, poor genetics, not so great brushing, my tendency not to drink milk or my sugar obsession or a deadly combination of all the factors.
Baby Savannah
Oh & my friend Shelley had her baby girl Savannah Mirjam Elizabeth on December 20th. Between the holidays, her c-section & this being baby #2 I've put off my first visit until tomorrow (Wednesday) to give Shelley time to adjust. I'm super excited to meet this new baby though I'm sure I'll be sad to see how small she is compared to Dexter now!

1 comment:

  1. Danielle11:50 AM

    Get organized! I'm excited for you to move to Edmonton!
