Thursday, January 21, 2010

So what's the real estate verdict?

Alright so how close was I on my estimate? Well you can be the judge of that with the following information...
On Friday, the female realtor who was referred to me by a family friend came over to do her appraisal. First off, I just want to say that she seemed very nice. I had given her our "stats" before she came (in case you're wondering - 3 bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms, 1498 square feet, built 2005, two storey) so when she arrived she had her estimate already. I went through the house with her & showed her the space. Then we sat down & looked at the numbers according to her. She said she'd list at about $275,000. She came up with this number by looking at 'comparables' in the neighborhood to see what they sold for and by averaging our four property tax assessments. As you can see, that was a good $50,000 below my guess and though I'm not a real estate professional I didn't think I was THAT off. The average size of house she showed me seemed to be about 12 - 1300 in size so I went through her stats of the sold compariables myself (as I'm a data nerd) and broke it down to an average price per square foot & then multipled by our square footage and came up with $309,000. Oh, she also seemed pretty focused on the finishes saying that people are really looking for granite and hard woods. While I think those are nice, I don't think they are dealbreakers for many people in my price point.
I decided to get a second opinion from a business associate of mine's husband who is also a realtor. Kevin has been doing real estate since 1985 in Central Alberta which means he has a lot of experience and hopefully that also means that he is good enough to sustain his income to raise his kids all these years! LOL Anyway, he came over on Sunday afternoon and didn't want any information before he got here. Tyler & I showed him the house this time and he made lots of positive comments about our floor plan choices, etc. I liked that he geniuinely seemed to appreciate our house and the qualities it had. He took down the info he needed and said he'd get back to us this week.
Today Kevin came over with his own pile of information. He also showed me some of the comparables, though I'm not sure of his exact approach to crunching the numbers. He recommended listing our house between $299,000 to $314,000 and said could see it selling for $295,000 to $310,000. First of all, of course I like that his numbers are higher but the reality is that your house is only worth what someone will pay for it. But secondly, I like that he had ranges so that we go into it being flexible yet still have some set goals. Personally I feel more comfortable listing with Kevin so I think thats the route we'll go. I'd like to list for Feb 1st as there is some purging & tidying & staging I'd like to do with the house.

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