Friday, April 09, 2010

Can I become less Judgemental?

First off, there's a blog before this one peeps if you missed it.

Okay, so the first half of Easter weekend was spent with Tyler's family: his Mom, brother, 2 nieces, and the Baby Mama. Most of the time there I was being very judgement, running a mental commentary on all the things I felt were wrong, annoying, etc. I couldn't wait to leave so that I could communially bitch about things with Tyler &/or write a blog about it.

Is it easy to judge and think harshly about Kim, & Tyrone (and a lot of the times, Mary)? Absolutely. Do I find it entertaining? Sadly yes. BUT, and big BUTT, does it really serve me positively? If I instead find a way to create a bubble around myself and not let them phase me, wouldn't I enjoy myself more during and after their visits? Would Dexter & Tyler also not be better for it? Would my personal karma improve?

I think the answer is yes. And I think that I need to work towards this goal of being less judgemental. In reality, I've got a "shit storm" of stuff I'd like to work on for myself including but not limited to improving my health, improving my finances, finding my passions, utilizing and enjoying my creative side, enjoying and building my family (not by having more kids but by increasing my positive relationships) and an endless list of projects I am always dreaming up.

Plus, I fully believe in the whole Positive attracts Positive...and that negative media is partially responsible for the negative aspects of the why am I perpetuating negativity?? I need to write about positive things, "Good News" so to speak and be putting that into the world. I hope you enjoy it as much as the "bitchings".


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