Wednesday, October 17, 2007

My Psychic Reading

My friend Katherine told me about this medium who lives in Calgary & does readings. I went to her website & since I am fascinated with the afterlife decided to book a reading. I think it was in December & my appointment was booked for Oct 17th @ 1:30pm (which is today). First off I'd like to say that while I firmly believe there are talented people out there, mediums, who can channel spirits, I am skeptical of each individual until they prove to me that they have a connection.
So I told my boss I had an appointment this afternoon & I went home to wait for my phone call reading from Kim Dennis. I also kind of put it out into the universe that if there was anyone that wanted me to get a message to someone that they should go through me. Her receptionist told me that I should think up some questions I'd like to ask ahead of time, so I sat on my couch with my mug of tea and started to jot down the following thoughts:
"a connection, "proof", kids for me (cuz i worry that i might be infertile)?"
then the phone rang.
So I answered it. We chit chatted for a few seconds where Kim asked me if I knew what she did. I said I had a general idea & see said "well I channel spirits." And she just started telling me things. I'll try to get our conversation to the best of my memory (possibly paraphrasing or just writing the key words if necessary, & it might be out of order a little bit as i was talking jot notes):
Kim: You have a grandmother who has past cuz she has been hanging over me while i'm dialing your number. Are you getting married or already married?
Me: Yep.
Kim: Are you thinking of having a baby cuz i see a baby in your future. The grandmother is holding a baby in her arms. A girl.
Me: Well yes I've actually just starting thinking about it just recently.
Kim: [laughs] Well good cuz I see it happening within the next year. Maybe even Easter, or spring or summer cuz I see good weather.
Then: Have you been married for a while?
Me: Two years.
Kim: Yes, cuz the grandmother, i see her as already being passed before the wedding. And the baby has curly hair. Do you or your husband have curly hair?
Me: yeah my husband has some curls [he had very curly blonde hair when he was a kid, & i've also discovered, when styled right, i have some great curls so that made sense].
Kim: Well there you go. I see this a being one of two. And the second will be a boy. Both beatiful healthy babies. And you'll have no problems getting pregnant. [This made me happy cuz I wanted to ask about it and she beat me to it. Plus it kind of confirmed that it will happen for me and that Tyler does want kids. Hopefully especially when i tell him that the psychic predicted it LOL]
Then: Are you sick of your job?
Me: Well who isn't right?

Kim: I'm not. [laughs] I just see you as not hating it but not loving it. I see a change coming. But with the baby you probably don't want to leave this job just yet. [laughs]
Me: Well maybe that's the change!
Kim: Sure could be. I definately see a change. Are you in customer service?

Me: Well I've also started this side business which definitely involves customer service.
Kim: Well maybe you make the change to that. Just doing that when baby comes. Definitely stick with it. I see it going well.
Me: I had quite a few great grandmothers who passed. Can you tell which one it is?
Kim: Oh. Well that would explain why I feel two presences! I feel like one is Margaret or Mary...definately MAR. The other is an name with a strong L song. Lily or Elsie or Elly, something like that.
[I'm not sure on these. My grandpa's girlfriend's name was Margaret but after my grandpa died we lost contact with her cuz she was a nut job so i have no idea if she is alive or not. And wouldn't think she'd come chat with me if she had passed. My Biological Contributor's mom's name is Mary but so far as I know she is still alive. I am unsure of what his grandparents names were, but I just emailed him so I'll update this once I find out. My dad's grandma's name is Edith. My mom's two grandma's names are Francoise & I can't remember the other. I just tried to call her but she was busy. However I did have a lady in my life that I called "Purple Grandma" and I was thinking about her this morning and said I'd like to hear from her and her name was Lena. As well Tyler's stepgrandma that past's name was Elsie. But I don't think they were close & it sounded like the spirits belonged to me not him.]
Kim: Your dad's father passed away right?
Me: Yes.
Kim: What's the J mean?
Me: Well his last name was Johnson so it could be that.
Kim: Yeah that makes sense. (or something along those lines).
Then, there's a young man here too, saying "grew up together".
Me: [thinking she meant with my grandpa] Hmm, not sure.
Kim: Did you live in a small town? Because he's saying you both from the same small town. And he died in a car accident.
Me: [at this point it hit me that that she could very well be talking about this young guy that just died from my town & i started crying a bit] A guy I graduated with's brother died in a car accident a week or so again.
Kim: Did you read about it in the paper?
Me: Well online.
Kim: Yes, i see you reading it. You did know him though? Maybe not very well but you knew him? Cuz he's indicating that.
Me: Yes.
Kim: And you must have been thinking about him lots?
Me: Yes. Because he was so young.
Kim: Sometimes I think kids shouldn't get licensces until they are 18. He is older
Me: Well there was wildlife involved.
Kim: Yes, but he is also saying 'too fast', that he was driving too fast.
Then: Who is Nelson?
Me: Well that's me & my husband. That's our last name.
Kim: Oh, cuz that's my boyfriend's name too.
Me: His first name?
Kim: Yeah. You have a good marriage though. You like him most days, right?
Me: Yes, most days [laughs].
Kim: I see him going to be self-employed. Is he a tradesman?
Me: Yes.
Kim: An electrician?

Me: Yes.
Kim: Well I see that he's working of someone, and they like him, and he likes it well enough. But he's making them a lot of money. And in 4 or 5 years, after getting the experience and the client base, I see him going off on his on. He does very well. Financially. It's a good move.
Me: [head nods, that she can't see obviously] Cool.
Kim: Yeah the second kid is definitely a boy cuz I see your husband hauling in lots of hockey equipment into an arena. Hockey, hockey, hockey.
Then: do you live in a small town right now?
Me: No, we live in Red Deer, which is kind of a small town.
Kim: Hmm, well I see you moving to not necessarily a small town but an acreage maybe. His parents, do they live on an acreage? Or have some land?
Me: Yes.
Kim: Well you probably don't want to live on the same land as them.
Me: No!
Kim: [laughs] Well I probably don't even need to ask you if you get along with them. But I see you having kids bringing you closer together. That they are biting at the bit for you guys to give them grandkids. And I see them either helping you financially or giving you land for an acreage. And you are happy about it. In about 2 or 3 years. [This part was interesting because the psychic i went to in edmonton talked about us moving to an acreage in about the same time span as well. though i didn't trust in that psychic much].
Then: does your husband have a quad or a motorcycle?
Me: No.
Kim: Well that could be part of the acreage cuz I see him on a quad. Do you live in a bungalow now?
Me: No. A two storey.
Kim: Is it really narrow? I see it being really narrow (then described it in some way that i didn't quite hear).
Me: Yep it's pretty narrow.
Kim: And I definitely see you moving to part time work in one or one and a half years.
At this point I asked about some friends and stuff but she didn't really give me any information. She suggested that if they were interested it was best for them to get their own reading. But she did give me some advice on a thing or two. Then she went back to reading me:
Kim: I see you making a small moving first, locally, closer to a schoool. Then to the acreage. I see you walking your kid to school. So you will be having a family soon.
Then: did you just get a new vehicle?
Me: Um, well mine is sort of new [still paying for it so i think it's new LOL]
Kim: Well I see a brand new truck. So maybe hubby is contemplating a truck purchase.
Then: you mom's dad passed too right?
Me: Yes [and here i started crying too cuz i wanted to hear from that grandpa pretty bad]
Kim: With a heart problem [he died of a hard attack]. The other, your dad's dad was more of a kidney thing or bowels. I see that the kidney's shut down [i can't remember exactly what my Grandpa J died of but he did have jaundice at the end and he had many problems. this sort of rang a bell but i plan to ask more from my family].
Me: Yeah that makes a lot of sense.
Kim: Was there anything else you wanted to know?
Me: Well I just kind of wanted a connection. Is there any memories or stories you can share?
Kim: Hmm, I'm not sure how much time you had with them?
Me: My mom's dad died when I was 9...
Kim: he's showing me a pocket full of candies so maybe he used to always give you candy? [i don't remember]
Then: i see a lake. What's at the lake?
Me: Well he used to take me there. [cried again cuz this is really all i remember of my gramps. He would take me camping & fishing with him which I liked. And he had a dam built at the back of his farm & put fish in it so we could fish all the time.]
Kim: Did he have a cabin or trailer? I see you in a bunk of some sort.
Me: Yeah he had a fifth wheel [I always got to sleep on the table that converted to a bed]
Kim: And you will have no trouble conceiving so you'd better make sure you're ready before you start trying [laughs].
Me: You said you saw the girl right?
Kim: Yep...
Me: I was wondering if she had blonde or dark hair? [weird i know, but i want my girl to have brown hair]
Kim: It's a light brown [made me happy]. And you go into history and pull out a old traditional name like Olivia, or Charlotte.
Me: Yeah I've always liked those names for girls. Like Elizabeth.
Kim: Oh! That's a great one.
Me: Yeah but my husband hates it! But his grandma's name is Olivia so you never know! The kids you saw, any chance they were twins?
Kim: I don't think so, but I guess they could be. You don't have kids yet obviously! Cuz you wouldn't wish for twins [laughs] then goes on a tangent about that for a minute.
Then:Well. Was there anything else?
Me: Not really. Well there is one thing. [crying AGAIN cuz i'm sensitive] I have this obstacle and I was wondering if there was any advice or anything...
Kim: Have you seen the Secret?
Me: Yep.
Kim: Good. Cuz that is the key. You cannot think thin & be fat. Food does not make you fat, the belief that it does is what does. Embrace the thought that no matter what you eat you will be the perfect weight for you and it will happen. Do you drink pop?
Me: Um, a little.
Kim: What kind?
Me: Pepsi lately cuz I've been so tired.
Kim: Well that's one message I'm getting. If you eliminated one thing: pop and drink mostly water & tea [which i'm totally cool with] that would make the world of difference to you. And eating oatmeal for breakfast. And you need to do a cleansing for your colon. And when you see a person who's body you admire say "that's what my body looks like". Embrace it. If you want to eat cake say "I'm just eating it for the taste. The calories & fat will go right through me" versus "this will go straight to my ass. Cuz then it will. Smoking does not kill people. Millions of people smoke & it doesn't kill them. The belief that it will kill them kills them. My grandfather lived to 93 & he just died of old age not his smoking...and go buy the Secret CDs...they have some great tips for the weight loss.
Then she offered to send me her book if I emailed her my address.
So I loved it. She said many things unprompted and right on the money. She told me that there wasn't a lot to say because I had a good life, which is true. If you want to know more about her or check out her website it is:
Love to hear your comments! Now I have to get back to work before I get fired!!

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