Monday, October 15, 2007

Shitty Monday Morning (a.k.a. today)

So about an hour before I planned to wake up I suddenly become alert and turned my lamp on. Tyler, all groggy, is like "What the hell?" and my response was "I smell shit". Sorry for the expletives but that is what we said. You see our cat Baxter has been having bowel movement problems and we have found some runny BM's outside of his litterbox over the last few weeks. Unfortunately for me, Baxter likes to sleep on my pillow above my head. So I wigged out, threw him off the bed & out the door & slammed my door. Then I did the nose test looking for the offending poop. But I couldn't find a trace of poop anywhere (except for the smell that is). Baxter has been known for some stinky farts so we figured it just must have been that & went back to bed (after spraying some Fabreeze).

About two minutes later Tyler jumps out of bed & says "now I really smell it". So we turn on the bright overhead light & go hunting for it. We eliminated the closet & bathroom as the smell was pretty much non-existant coming from there. Then I was like "smell my hair" to makes sure it wasn't there on me...and thoroughly checked over my pjs & under them (just in case). We pulled off the bedding & still nothing. I suggested we check the dog kennels but Tyler insisted that it was a "cat shit smell" for sure. So we turned pretty much every logical place over in the bedroom looking for the smell. I peeked out into the hall & stairs and eliminated that cuz the smell was less out there. We pulled back the mattress and checked by the head board. Nothing. We're like "is this phantom poop?" Finally I was like, we'd better check the dogs cuz we've eliminated everything else. So I pull the two kennels apart & sure enough there is the offending poo. The boys (dogs) run out to get away from the smell. Then, instinkively (pun intended) Charlie decides to "shake off" and splatters runny poo onto our floor, the door & wall and worst of all ME. I almost threw up right then & there.

Tyler says "I guess you're showering with the boys while I'm cleaning the bedroom?" So into the shower I go with two poopy dogs (who don't like to get baths or anything). It was so gross. Oh & since Dominic hates baths (so he's stressed) & probably also cuz of the poop smell he decides to take a poop in the shower as well which was extra gross & I had to dispose of. Tyler's walks in and says "& you want to have kids?" To which I replied "at least kids don't shake off their poo". LOL At least Dominic's wasn't runny. But I don't think I'll be taking a bath in there anytime soon until I've disinfected it like 5 times.

The good news is that I was able to do my elliptical this morning, finished organized my H&G kit for my party tonight & show up to work on time (pretty much) with a Starbuck's Iced Caramel Mocciato in hand since I was up so darn early.

Sadly, after lunch I am off to the dentist to get a cleaning & a new wire put in so I will probably be sore this afternoon. I will however be taking some painkillers pre-emptively!


  1. Anonymous10:21 AM

    That is awesome!! Scott & I have had the same morning, where you wake up and smell dog shit.
    Tell Tyler that while you breastfeed your baby, their poop doesn't smell!

  2. Anonymous7:12 PM

    LOL!!! OMG that is crazy! Of course this would only happen to you and Tyler. LOL!
