Thursday, October 04, 2007

Recipe - One Pot Dinner

Okay so I am always looking for alternative recipes for the things we eat as I HATE repetition. So here is one I tried last night that wasn't too shabby:

Red Pepper (&/or any veggies you like)
Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO)
Meat - I used sirloin steak cut up but you could sub stew meat, hamburger, chicken or even pork...
Spices - I used Montreal Steak Spice w/ my beef
Can of Baked Beans
1/2 cup BBQ sauce (your favorite flavor & brand)

  1. Chop your veggies & put into a pot with EVOO (a couple turns of the pot). Cook on medium heat stirring constantly until tender. At one point it may be necessary to use a little water or more oil to keep the veggies from sticking or burning.
  2. After your veggies are started, start cooking your meat in a separate pan also with some EVOO. You can also add any spices you want to, such as Montreal Steak Spice. This one can be a little spicey so be wary of this when adding it in.
  3. Mix your beans into which ever pan or pot is done cooking first & add the BBQ sauce. If both are done at the same time you can just mix everything together at once. Keep on the burner until everything is at the same temperature.
  4. Serve.

You could make many variations of this by using different veggies, meats and spices. You could even add/sub rice, pastas, etc.

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