Friday, October 12, 2007


-So my 19 year old younger brother is allegedly having a baby.
-My friend Diana is now a pround mommy of 7 week old baby girl Jackson.
-My friend Shelley is now a proud mommy of 3 week old baby boy Regan.
-My friend Twylia is now a proud mommy of many months old baby boy Owen.
-A couple of the people I graduated with (and some that graduated before & after me) have baby or babies.
-My brother-in-law & his ex have a 14 month old.

Couple this with the fact that I just turned 25 and I suddenly realized that 30 is practically around the corner. Not that I think 30 is old or anything but I figured I'd kind of be having baby or babies around 27 (you know when you think up a plan when you're a kid). Now that this is only 2 years away it makes me anxious, nervous and optimistic.
Reasons to have babies soon (as in trying next year):
  1. We both have decent jobs; plus I've been working on building a career with Home & Gift which would allow me to work whenever I want.
  2. We are married & have been for 2 years. We've also been together for 7 years as of this month & lived together about 6 of 'em so I'd say we probably know each other fairly well by now & have had our "alone" time as a couple.
  3. We own (well the bank owns) a suitable home.
  4. We aren't planning on moving or up-rooting our life or lifestyle anytime soon.
  5. Tyler's family would love it as they've been begging for grandkids since we announced our engagement.
  6. Tyler works locally now so he'd be home to help.
  7. I'm currently fascinated with pregnant woman & what they are going through. And I think I've always been realistic about what to really expect from children. It's not all giggles & birthday parties. It's sleepless nights, poopy diapers, temper tantrums...
  8. My vehicle is family friendly & reliable.
  9. Some of my friends have babies or are planning babies soon so there will be kids similar in age to mine. Including 1 or possibly 2 cousins for our kids.
  10. People who have less financially, emotionally, intelligently have done it so why can't we?
  11. If my little brother can be excited about it happening & not freaked out that why can't we as a couple be like that?
  12. Many couples have problems conceiving & often even miscarriages happen. If we wait too long to start trying we increase the probablity of there being obstacles. Please if it takes a year or two then we'll be even older when we finally have kids.
  13. In the past Tyler & I have seen many couples who have had accidental babies, or poorly planned babies or even babies had in an effort to save a relationship and the parents have ended up being miserable and the kids are often misbehaving. I think this is what is causing the anxiety we both feel over having kids. Now though, a lot of the new parents I know are very happy to be parents or my co-workers that surrond me have raised really well behaved kids (shout out to Katherine, Cheryl, Nancy) so I see that kids can be something you enjoy. And that you get what you raise. (p.s. i'm still waiting for them to all write me a advice books).
Reasons to not have babies soon (post pone it indefinitely):
  1. Tyler says he's not ready (pretty good reason LOL). But I question if he'll ever feel 100% confident much like I wonder if I'll ever feel 100% confident.
  2. I want my mommy to live closer. While she has said that it's a possibility that they'll move when their house is paid off - 4 years, I have heard time landmarks before (when Calli graduates) that haven't been met. Well Calli isn't graduating any time soon as she's not in school.
  3. I want Tyler's family to live farther away LOL But if I'm waiting for that it may never happen.
  4. My body is at the worst it's ever been and it's important to me to be healthy and provide a healthy start for future children.
  5. I am currently "wage" at my job and in order to get maximum mat leave benefits I need to be "salary" which may or may not happen in the (near) future.
  6. I'm not sure that I'm ready to stop being so self-ish & self-involved to have a kid.
  7. I still cringe when I hear kids screaming & whinning in Wal-mart.
  8. We have 2 dogs & 2 cats that are still a lot of work. When we first got our cats they had our undivided attention. Then when we got our dogs, we had to share our love with them too. I'm worried that if we have kids our dogs will suffer from less attention.
  9. I still have lots of travelling I'd like to do & while it is possible to travel with kids it's a lot easier to do it before hand.
  10. My one friend, Shelley, makes it look so not difficult. She could easily be nicknamed supermom! But I'm guessing that I won't be as easy going or as adaptable and strong as Shelley as been as that is truly the difference in our personalities!

So I've exhausted my brain for the day but be sure to leave comments for all three of my blogs today!!


  1. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Thanks for saying I am supermom!

    I don't think anybody is ever 100% ready to have children. But I think if you want children, you should start trying soon for the following reasons
    1) If you are planning on having more then one child, you want to have all your children before you reach 35.
    2) The younger you have children, the faster you bounce back from labor. (Personal experience & information from friends & family)
    3) I want Regan to have "cousins".
    4) You guys are going to be awesome parents!!

  2. You truly are supermom :-) I'm trying to take notes so I can be your prodegey (sp?)...
    1) Totally...I'd like to pop out some twins for the first pregnancy so that I'll be safe & possibly be able to have my kids before 30!
    2) Makes sense. I've even been told (by a much older lady) that the prime child bearing age is actually before 24 so BOO
    3) Me too!
    4) I think so...I mean we're awesome at everything...except for bowling that is!
