Thursday, January 10, 2008

Confessions of a Shopaholic Housewife #1

Repeat after me:

I will not get hooked on daytime TV and I will try to shop less.
I will not get hooked on daytime TV and I will try to shop less.
I will not get hooked on daytime TV and I will try to shop less.
I will not get hooked on daytime TV and I will try to shop less...

So far the first half has been easy as I've been sleeping until noon and then rushing around each afternoon to remain somewhat productive. The second half has not been so easy as 1) I now have 2 home businesses & the reason I am a consultant with them is cuz I love their products & I really LOVE the products @ a discount, 2) I've decided that I need to go to Texas for a woman's conference and I HAVE to have two dresses for it (one dressy & one springy) so I need to find those as I obviously don't own any dresses other than my wedding dress & my grad dress. If I knew the ladies better I might have tried to get away with that combo (as it does fit the bill) however I think it would alienate me more than making them my comrades! 3) I honestly have an addiction/sickness and you need external support to kick the habit. You also need the desire to kick the habit and I am lacking there also.
Hmmm, so my big hurrah for 2008 was getting this time 'off' and having a chance to really get my house & life in order. Between September & November I was uber, fantastically busy with Home & Gift and my office became a disaster area, as well as my basement & as well as my bookkeeping. My task list is montreous & I can't believe how long it takes to cross a couple items off! So needless to say I am frustrated with my slow progress. Oh well! Getting up at a decent time would help. For instance today I:
-took the boys in for their haircuts @ doggy do's for 8am (yes i was still in my pj pants & hat),
-went home to shower & pretty myself up
-went to your supper solution (add a www & .ca on it to check out the website) for 10am to assemble some meals. came out of there with 12 meals & 2 side dishes that i did plus 3 from the previous month that were already done.
-had a quick orthodonic check up at 12:30pm.
-got a book from the library.
-picked up a parcel.
-picked up my dogs.
-called home & gift to ask 3 questions i've been meaning to ask.
-now am home writing on my blog again (another goal). & it's only 3:11...awesome! i also plan to cook dinner, make marshmellow treats, unpack an order & possibly watch a tv show before tyler gets home. go me, it's your birthday...

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:39 AM

    I think being you've only been home 10 days or less if you don't count the holidays, you need to enjoy the fact that you have some time off right now! it won't last forever and we all know you are a busy busy lady and will get all your work done! :) but yes, shopping can be a problem when you don't have a steady inflow of cash, so watch that a bit ;) lol.. enjoy the sleep though! sleep an extra hour for me sometime... i could use it!
