Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Home Party Girl

So I think I am officially the home party girl. I just last night/today signed up to be a Partylite consultant. Here's my story of how I signed up for Partylite:
My friend Vanessa had an incredible party at her house with sales os over $1600 so she was able to get a free kit + $1400 in free product if she signed up. She is a very cautious person & didn't want to sign up with partylite as she feels there are too many consultants in her area (peace river) & she just signed up to do home & gift under me (woo hoo). Anyway I told her she was crazy not to take it as it was such an awesome deal. She was like "well do you want it" so I said "Sure! Why wouldn't I?" So the deal we made was that I got the free kit & we split free product & 1/2 price items & I would sign up as a consultant. So for very little committment or energy on my part I just got a free partylite kit, $700 in free stuff + three 1/2 priced items. Sweet deal eh? So if you every want a partylite party or want some products I will hook you up. However I think I will be my own best customer as I am a partylite freak!
Have you every heard the saying "Jack of all trades, master of none?" Well I'm beginning to worry that, that is where I am headed. So for all of you that are wondering, here is my master plan...
Partylite: Have people aware that I sell it so if they are interested in booking parties or purchasing product I can be their contact. Abuse my position to get wicked deals for myself and spend only about 5% of my time on this business line.
BeautiControl: Continue introducing people to the product as I love it & believe in it. The sign up is a minimal committment for others and a huge bargin so I will definitely be sharing that with everyone and also if they just want to purchase products, allowing that. Spend about 15 - 20% of my time pursing parties and leads as the rewards & perks with this company are A-MAZ-ING (more to come on what I've gotten so far!).
Home & Gift: Ultimately this will be my main focus. For me it is the easiest to book parties for and it is more in my comfort zone. Plus I have been successful with it so far so I believe that forecasts future success as well. I'll be allocating about 75% of my time to this.


  1. Anonymous6:53 AM

    you're never going to go back to work if you keep betting busier at home ;)


  2. Anonymous10:08 PM

    haha...those sign-up deals are how they suck you in! :)
    But you seem to be really good at it, so YAY for you! :)
    - Diana
