Sunday, January 20, 2008

Offspring Responsiblities

Okay so my brother-in-law Tyrone is staying at our house this weekend along with his 1 1/2 year old Kira. My mother-in-law Mary & her boyfriend Robert are here also. For those of you familiar with our house Tyrone is staying in our purple room, named appropriately so because of it's liliac purple walls. This room happens to be my baby cuz it is very feminine, has beautiful 'woman' colors and is decorated with the likes of Marilyn Monroe, Betty Boop and butterflies.
Well today Tyrone is off in a crib tournament with my husband and my mother-law-in was charged with babysitting (presumably I am incapable of babysitting but it is fine cuz I was able to sleep into the afternoon this way LOL). When I finally got up Kira was napping so she wasn't around. After tidying up the main floor I decided to go upstairs & work in my office as Mary & Robert were in the middle of a movie, Bourne Ultimatium, and I didn't want to see what happened as I haven't seen the first two! So while working there I heard Kira get up. I figured Mary would hear it too so I didn't respond right away. However the TV was cranked pretty loud so she must not have heard Kira banging around. Finally I got up to check on here & as I forced open the door the stench that hit me was overpowering. The smell of nasty, dirty diapers. I looked down & found Kira diaperless but all smiles. I took Kira to Mary who took care of her but I think the smell is coming from a pile of diapers in that room. So...
1. Why wouldn't Tyrone take the diapers & put them in our outside trash can?
2. Especially cuz he has been sleeping in that room all weekend.
3. I am freaked out cuz that room is carpeted & if it still stinks when they leave I will be very frustrated & upset.
4. What if there are poop or pee stains on my carpet? :-(
I am pouting. I am also flabbergasted. As a guest in someone's home, would you not make every effort to leave the house as you found it? Clean & in good order? I mean not only does the room smell but it also looks like a bomb hit it cuz there are clothes & stuff flung everywhere!
The "bomb" look extends to the rest of my house as well. Common also when Kim & Tyrone were together, they let there stuff lie where it falls, toys strewn everywhere, dirty dishes all over the house etc. And they wonder why they aways forget things. Comments?


  1. Anonymous9:44 AM

    I am suprised you let him stay upstairs - I would recommend he have to sleep in the basement when he visits - so then at least you don't have to see/smell/hear him and his daughter when they visit? I mean, at least if he leaves dirty diapers everywhere or decides NOT to put diapers on his daughter, then in the basement it is out of sight out of mind - and then you could suggest it gives them more space/privacy during their visits. Just a thought?

    I can't believe, yet am not suprised he acted the way he did...I would just say he can't come over anymore. he has inlaws who live in the area. Those are the breaks if you're a bad house guest


  2. Anonymous10:06 PM

    Ew! I have enough trouble with MY own baby's diaper pail (which doesn't even smell too bad yet since she is barely on solid foods) so I would certainly not want to offend anyone who I might be staying with. I almost always ask people where I should dispose of the diapers when I'm at their house. At the very least, I put them in the bathroom garbage (I assume that is socially acceptable since it's the bathroom!).
    Well, since I was in your purple bedroom on the 26th to feed Jackson, and I didn't smell anything, I assume that there were no offensive materials left in the bedroom carpet! So that's good. But yes...the lack of respect is astounding and disturbing! I know he is your brother-in-law, but I would still give him a BIG piece of my mind!
    - Diana
