Thursday, January 17, 2008


My boys (the male dogs I treat like babies) got haircuts recently. I wanted to document this on my blog because I think their cuts are quite dramatic. In fact I feel like I have different dogs until their fur growns back, I love them the most in their crazy furry stage. But for them it is easiest when they are trimmed short.

Dominic! (He has grinch hair)

Charlie, looks like an Ewok


And no their eyes are those colors, they are a basic black/brown but they photgraph green & blue for some reason. But aren't they scrawny? Maybe I should fill their food bowl LOL


  1. Anonymous6:41 AM

    LOL LOL LOL!!!!!

    I love it! ha ha.. for some reason these haircuts seem way shorter than their usual cuts? or is it just that i've never seen them with as long a hair as they did this last go around? lol.. too funny! i love dom's beard thing - it's way cute, he looks like a santa.

    nicely portrayed crystal!


  2. Anonymous9:59 PM

    Charlie TOTALLY looks like an Ewok with his long hair! And I'm with Kyla: I LOVE Dominic's beard! hehe. They are so cute... :)
    - Diana
