Thursday, January 17, 2008

My parents won the lottery and all I got was a lousy big screen...

Just kidding! We are completely greatful for our new tv. So here's the deal. Shortly before New Year's my dad got a call saying he had won 2nd place in the Cars for Christmas lottery = 2008 Chrysler Aspen a.k.a. an SUV. The lottery value of said vehicle was $64,000 however if my parents wanted cash from the dealership instead of the vehicle they could only give them $37,000 (hmmm, I wonder if that is their basic cost?). So, smartly my parents took the vehicle cuz they had some interested parties who had heard about their winnings via the grapevine. They ended up pawning if off very quickly for $40,000. They might have been able to haggle more from people but the idea of a quick sale + good karma won them over. My parents are fairly generous people so they wanted to treat each of us kids to something with their money, but they are also smart & conservative people so they weren't offering us a 1/5th share! My sister requested her "share" be put into the bank for college (shocking I know!) and my brother's was used to bribe him to go get his learners (he's 19 & for some reason has never gotten around to getting it). I'm happy to say my bro is now the proud owner of a legal ID for driving with a licensced driver!

Anyhoo, Tyler & I were given a budget & told to go pick out our tv as my parents know how anal we are about details & that we (well Tyler) have much more patience shopping around for the best deal. We ended up getting a Samsung 40" LCD Widescreen which was the best deal for our needs. We wanted a flatscreen but didn't want to pitch in extra money of our own as this is just for our main floor. Eventually when we build our "theatre room" in our basement we'd like to get a projection screen & projector to complete the theatre feel (at least that's what we think we want, we'll see when it happens).

I'll attach a picture of our cool new tv with what else on it? My Sims for Nintendo! P.S. in case you are wondering we had a basic 27" toshiba before that now resides in our unfinished basement.


  1. Anonymous6:45 AM

    Dude, that's the same TV that my mom got for my dad for christmas, and shelley's mom got for her dad for christmas! too funny! Nice TV :) Looks great!!

    P.S your old TV: are you planning on ridding of/selling it? -we would consider taking it off your hands if you plan on selling it - we're looking to put one in our bedroom possibly... think about it! let me know! :)


  2. Anonymous9:57 PM

    Hmmmm...Matt didn't mention you coming in to Leons to buy your sweet TV from him! lol...j/k!! ;)

  3. Actually I thought of Matt when we where there but didn't see him around. We got it from a Brandon?

  4. Actually I thought of Matt when we where there but didn't see him around. We got it from a Brandon?
