Thursday, January 03, 2008

Writer's Strike

Since I'm not a big News watcher, I don't really listen to the radio & I think newspapers are boring I tend not to hear communications at the same time as everyone else. We I noticed that most of my favorite shows were in re-runs I figured that Hollywood was just taking bigger advantage of their "hiatus"s. Apparently there is/was a writer's strike on. If you're anything like me and didn't really know that here's a video (or two if I find more) that help you to understand why we shouldn't curse the writers but more the "fat cats" of Hollywood.
From my favorite show the Office's writers:
And the facebook group you should all join:


  1. Anonymous6:58 AM

    lol i am in shock that you didn't know about this!


  2. Anonymous7:01 PM

    LOL.......They have been on strike for months. Just the other day David Letterman got his writers back to work and I think Jay Leno got some of his writers back. Ellen was given a hard time about this issue because she continued with her show without her writers. She felt the show must go on for her viewers.
    OMG Crystal I can not believe you didn't know. If you need to know more I'll fill you in.

  3. Anonymous6:46 AM

    hey Vanessa - did Ellen still get decent ratings/have a good show without her writers? I think that proves if you're a good entertainer or not...

  4. Anonymous9:27 AM

    I believe that Ellen still had good ratings, maybe even better ratings since there was no other talk shows to watch that were not in re-runs. I think her show was just as good even without her writers cuz Ellen is an awesome entertainer.
