Tuesday, October 31, 2006

**New York Trip Disclaimer**

I have gotten some feedback that my trip postings are coming across a little bitchy &/or rude. I just wanted to respond to that:
I wrote up my trip when it was still fresh & in my brain. I was sensitive because I hadn't had much good sleep that week and I wanted my descriptions to reflect my experience as I had it, not as I remembered it later. This means that yes, I was brutally honest. And that yes, I probably wasn't very nice to some people. I hope that anyone reading them (including those involved) don't take my commentary personally & that it doesn't affect my future friendships with them, as I'd like to remain friends with everyone!
So that's why they are called "uncensored". I would also like to invite everyone to leave comments on anything I post here...that's why the option is available. So if something is accurate or if you don't agree with something I say please "comment". Most of you should know that I love a good debate!

Monday, October 30, 2006

NY Pictures Four

Melody's "come hither" pose...just for me!

The closest I got to celebrity :-( I just love "the Office"...

NY Pictures Three

Megan & I...I'm all backlit...ain't it 80's!

Melody & Vanessa at FAO Schwartz (famous toy store).

NY Pictures Two

Ambercromie & Fitch model...yum.

Nicki, Scott & Melody aboard the double decker bus.

NY Pictures One

Vanessa, Melody & I with New York's finest (that's what they call the cops right? or is that the firefighters?).

Tricia, Melody & Vanessa outside the bookstore in the Minneapolis airport.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

New York (Uncensored): Day 5

October 21, 2006

Our last day. I so wasn’t ready to go home, but I was ready for some other people to leave! We wanted to jam pack as much into our last morning as possible. T & T decided that they were going to go to Canal Street to do some shopping. I found it quite rude that they hadn’t even asked any of us if we wanted to go, including Megan who was suppose to be on this trip with Tina.

Nicki & Scott had decided that they were sleeping in, getting ready & leaving for their flights.

So that left what I like to call the Fun Posse to hang out (Melody, Vanessa, Megan & Myself). First up we wanted to do some final souvenir shopping. I wanted a “Wicked Witch” bobble head that I had saw, & something Betty Boop New York for Tannis (good story behind that). Plus if I could find a I Heart NY charm I wanted that. We set off about 8am to find that most of the stores weren’t quite open yet. We decided to grab some breakie and ended up in a sit down restaurant! Ooops. Oh well, we had a great time. Vanessa & I split a $15 bacon & eggs but it was pretty good and there was lots. Did I mention that I was feeling a bit hung over? And I really didn’t drink that much: 5 milk + coca cream liqueurs.

After breakfast we continued shopping and figured we might as well hit Madame Tussaud’s Wax Museum while we were close to it. Even though it was on the bottom of my priority list it turned out to be my favorite outing! We had so little time that we decided to blast threw it as quickly as possible but still try to do everything. We did the 1 ½ hour tour in 22 minutes! Some of the wax people were so real I didn’t know who was real & who was fake until they moved. There was also a Chamber of Horrors which I did NOT participate in; I do like to sleep at night. I waited at the other end and all three girls came running out screaming! It was awesome. Plenty of photo ops.

After we headed separately back to the hotel so we could finish packing up all our purchases and check out of the hotel. Tina & Tricia were waiting for us to brag about how cool a time they had. As you can tell I was pretty darn bitchy by this point. I am thankful that they picked up a fake Coach purse & pashmina for me though. I was trying to plan the last 2 hours so that I could go photograph the Met and Mel, Nessa, Megan could go to FAO Schwartz (famous toy store w/ large floor keyboard). However T & T were insistent that they were going to go have lunch together & “relax”. Thanks for taking one for the team guys. So the Fun Posse piled into a cab and we went to the Met. Got some shots. Hailed another cabbie. Went to FAO Swartz. Mel & Nessa tried to hit CocaCola thinking it was a store, but it wasn’t available to the public. Meg & I were going to go to William Sonoma but it was too far away to do it in time so we waited by the fountain. We met up again then headed back to the hotel with not a minute to spare.

Limo picked us up & we got to the airport at a decent time (the six group sans Nicki & Scott). We all managed to get our luggage in underweight after some rearranging. At the carry-on security part my snow globe was picked up in the machine. Right now security doesn’t allow any liquids in your carry-on unless it fits into the one-liter ziplock bag, even my snow globe (cuz yes I manufactured a “made in china” snow globe in four days in New York). Security was really nice though & luckily it fit in my ziplock so I was good to go.

We decided to eat some lunch as it was about 3:30pm New York time. The Chili’s waitress was really nice. Then we stopped in on a few shops, sporadically getting back to the departure gate. If we were smarter we would have realized that 4:29pm departure time means we leave the runway at that time. So we were the last ones to board the plane. Megan was ahead of me & one lady was giving her a hard time because she had a backpack as well as a shopping bag. However Melody had the same amount and type of carry on & they waved her through. The lady wasn’t being helpful in telling us what to do so we got a little stressed! Finally she left & another lady just hushed us and told us to get to the plane. In the panic Megan forgot her passport & boarding passes on the desk. The lady run to the plane with the passport but didn’t have the passes. Said we could re-print them at our next stop, Detroit.

Flight to Detroit was pretty boring. This gentlemen Raj sat in our row (Window, Crystal, Tricia, Raj, Aisle) and Tricia flirted with him the entire flight. He even asked for her email by the end of it (mine too but I think just as a cover up). We had to bolt to the next gate once we touched down in Detroit, even taking a airport shuttle thing.

No problems boarding in Detroit. Vanessa ended up trading seats with a lady so a couple could sit together, putting Vanessa in the same row as Tricia & I. Again, uneventful flight. Just really ready to get home now.

Few hours layover in Minneapolis. It was about 9pm there so stuff was all closing down. I decided I really like the “Butterfinger Crisp” American chocolate bar but was unable to find one. I was even willing to take a loss on an empty space in a vending machine but the machine was too smart & wouldn’t let me.

Landed in Edmonton about 11:00pm Saturday night local time. Went through customs and discovered that if you are out of the country between 48 hours & 7 days you only get $200 exemption. No it’s not prorated. L I was none to happy about that cuz Tina, who I’m sure spent loads (so much that she had to buy an extra piece of luggage) wrote she only spent $300 & didn’t have to pay. It was only about $11 but it was the principle that made me mad. Also the customs guy was super pissy and I didn’t appreciate that welcome back to Canada. Tina made a comment to me about sucking it up and I started to cry (cuz I was super sleep deprived, exhausted from the flight & hey it’s easy for her to say when she doesn’t have to pay anything). I hate crying in front of people, especially when you don’t want them to think they can effect you like that.

Everyone but Megan & I was finished and waiting on the exit side of the door. Megan went through & they asked her to go to another room. I was going to wait for her but they shooed me through. We ended up waiting for over an hour. She got bag searched (poor girl). And it turns out she completely forgot about a bunch of things she bought (make-up & credit cards can have that effect). I didn’t get the whole story but it sounds like she made it out okay. She’s a trooper. Think about it: if Tina can make me cry what about some customs guys? Scary.

So then Tina, Megan, Tricia headed back to Red Deer (Tina’s husband came to pick them up). Vanessa, Mel & I headed to Tyler’s mom’s to pick up Mel’s car. The house looked like they were all in bed. Vanessa & Mel headed back to Grimshaw and I went into the house. Turns out Mary, Robert, Cassie (Robert’s daughter) & Tyler were in the hot tub…so I told them some stories, showed them some souvenirs, ate some Chinese food & headed to bed. It was roughly 3am at this point.
That about sums up my trip. I had a mostly good time but some negativity as well. Learned lots about some people and traveling. Can’t wait to go on a trip again (however I am some kind of poor)!

New York (Uncensored): Day 4

October 20, 2006

Friday. The last full day. It was again somewhat misty and rainy out. We (The 8 sans Nicki & Scott) headed to Rockefeller first thing. I bought my ticket for the “Top of the Rock”…then we wandered over to the “Today” show display where we just missed P Diddy walking off the stage L. After a few minutes of hanging around we gave up trying to see anyone famous. A girl approached us & asked us if we’d like to attend a taping of a new show that was like Dr. Phil. Unfortunately we had our TV/Movie bus tours to get to at 11:00am so we had to pass. Then the other 5 ladies went to buy their Top of the Rock tickets…the booth guys informed them that there was zero visibility. Grrr! I teared up. I just wanted to see something. As you can tell I was getting very tired and frustrated by this point. So I returned my ticket (got my money back) and we went inside to try to get NBC tour tickets. Megan bowed out cuz she wasn’t interested. We agreed to meet at the front doors.

Get upstairs, just missed the 9:30am tour, got our tickets, then found out we wouldn’t have time for the whole tour. Figured we’d just take part of it. No dice. There was no way to only do part of the tour. So we went downstairs together. Tricia leaves the group to go find Megan (and yes boys & girls she does not have a cell phone). The four of us stand by the front door for about 15 minutes waiting for Megan & Tricia to show up. We text Megan. We go to the bathroom downstairs. Megan finds us with Tricia in tow, luckily, as they just happened to bump into each other. I decide that I need to hit Starbucks as I still haven’t eaten breakfast and we will soon have to leave for our bus tour. Yes we wasted half a morning & accomplished nil.

I told everyone that I needed to hit Nintendo World before we part as I was going to get something done dammit. Bought some things, almost everyone appeared to look inconvenienced for the 10 minutes it took me. Yet it was no biggie when Megan & I had to wait over an hour in the lobby of Empire, hmmmmm.

Then off to our tours. Megan, Tina & I to the “Sex & the City” bus tour. Tricia, Melody, & Vanessa to the general Movie/TV bus tour. I saw some cool things, ate a delicious & famous cupcake from Magnolia Bakery, got my photo taken on Carrie’s stoop, had a cosmopolitan and a flirtini at Aiden/Steve’s bar, and got a way too tiny shirt (but it was pre-bought, mistake). I think it would have been way more fun if Megan & Tina had faked some enthusiasm. In their defense they don’t really know the show & went just for me…so again another disappointment.

On the walk back to the hotel Tina decided to cab it to Century 21, a store that sells designer stuff at discounts. Meg & I kept walking to the hotel. Then we got hit by a friggin’ monsoon! We were soaked within 30 seconds despite my umbrella. That’s such an uncomfortable feeling…and we still had plenty of block left to cover before we were back at the hotel. We did see “Crystal Café” on the way so I got a shot of that.

So then I got to listen to how much fun the other 3 had on their tour…they ate at “Rice to Riches” (a really cool sounding store that makes rice pudding creations taste like pumpkin pie and other neat things), saw where tons of celebrities lived…that sort of thing. Boo, so jealous of their fun.

Then we packed our bags up a bit and got ready for the cruise that night. We had talked to the concierge and he suggested leaving at 5:30pm to make sure we don’t get stuck in rush hour traffic. At 5:25pm I popped into the Nicki-Scott-Melody-Vanessa room to see how things were coming. I was surprised to see that Nicki was still in her boxer shorts & so I commented on it…

Me: “You’re not even wearing pants?” (I thought it was obvious that I was being funny).
Her response: “We have over an hour.”
Me: “No. We have like 5 minutes. The concierge said we should leave by 5:30 cuz of rush hour”.
Her, snapping: “So leave without me then.”
Me: (thought - that’s a great solution) “Why are you bitchy?”
Her: “Well I’ve been bitched at all day.” (thought – by me?)

That pretty much ended that. She finished getting ready in about 10 minutes-ish and we went downstairs to get our cabs. Nicki, Scott, Vanessa & I shared one cab (me in the front) and the other four were behind us getting another. On our way there our cab suddenly stopped in the middle of the 2-way street in our center lane. I looked around trying to figure out a logical reason for why he was stopped. Then he says “That mutherfucker hit my cab.” Oh. Great. I see that cab zoom over to the right lane beside us & pull up to the front of the intersection. So our cab pulls into the oncoming traffic lane, then parks himself perpendicular to the traffic in the middle of the intersection. He rolls down my window (via button) and yells out the window OVER me “Hey you mutherfuker. You asshole. Why you hit my cab.” A few more times & yes he had an accent.

The other cabbie doesn’t say a whole lot but does start inching his car towards my side door. “Hit me, yeah hit me” our cabbie says. Um, please no. I AM sitting here. Hello cabbie? The light changes to green. Horns start going. Our cabbie reverses a bit so he can whip around to go left. The offending cab drives past us in the same direction, then our cab goes after him! I thought, I am SO not paying to chase this guy all over the city. But it turns out that was where our cruise docked at. So we paid the guy & got out. The three back-seaters confess that they had their hands on the handle so that they could escape if a gun was pulled. Excuse me? I hadn’t even thought of that. I would have been screwed. Cool story though.

After standing in the cold wind for about ½ hour we board our cruise boat. Not as big as I expected but still cool. The staff was standing in line to greet us and the table set-up was quite fancy. The walls & ceiling were made of glass so we could see everything while we cruised. The food was quite amazing, the drinks were expensive and there was a live jazz music. She sang L-O-V-E and New York, New York as well as many others. By the time we pulled out from the dock we had eaten our appetizers & it was pitch black outside. The night view of the city was beautiful & we got to see the Statue of Liberty, Brooklyn Bridge, Ellis Island and many more…one of the highlights of our trip for sure. Especially since the waiter hit on me LOL I wanted to ask him a question & his response was “Single & Available.” Cute. Not the waiter, the response. About 3 hours later we docked back at Chelsea Piers.

Our group split up again. Vanessa and Melody were off to do some shopping (however they were dismayed to find most of the shops closed). Tina, Tricia, Megan & I headed to the Empire State building as Megan and I wanted to see the city view from high. When we got there it was 11:01pm so we missed the store where we needed to get our tickets using our NY Passes, so we had to talk management into letting us in anyway. Turned out to be a bit of a gong show. He wanted to keep our passes (which would expire at midnight) so that he could get reimbursed the next day. We didn’t want to give him our passes as we wanted the souvenir. A very friendly American couple Bob & Cathy Lewis offered to mail them to us after picking them up the next day! Isn’t that sweet?

We went upstairs and surprise, Tina and Tricia wanted to do the Skyride. Well Megan & I didn’t want to do that cuz we had been drinking & on a boat & a skyride didn’t seem like a good idea. So Megan & I had to wait for the two of them yet again for over a ½ hour. We chatted it up with Cathy while Bob joined T & T.

We asked one of the workers what time the Observation Deck was open until. She said 2am. So we weren’t worried and just hung out, waiting for T & T. Then everything seemed to be getting shut down (it’s about 11:30pm right now). A different ladies says to us “we’re closing you have to leave.” What? Meg & I were outraged…the other lady said 2am. This is our second time here and we are not leaving until we see the city dammit! The first lady saunters over & looks puzzled. The “closing up” lady starts laughing. She punked us. They were not closing. It felt good to laugh!
So another 15 minutes or so and the other 3 join us so we go up to the Observation Deck. Beautiful. I am glad I made it there. You can’t see Central Park from Empire (you have to go to Rockefeller for that) but it was still great. I tried to take some shots but they didn’t turn out that great. Next up the gift shop. So fun. I bought my favorite souvenir there: an apple shaped snow globe with the city inside. Plus a postcard of the famous men eating lunch on a construction beam and an ornament for my Christmas tree.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

New York (Uncensored): Day 3

October 19, 2006

We started out the day by going to Grey Line and buying a 48 hour pass for their Double Decker bus tour. Our plan was to do the downtown bus loop. Our posse included: Nicki, Scott, Melody, Vanessa, Tricia, Me. Megan and Tina had some hair stuff to do as they are stylists and wanted to accomplish some business while they were there.

The bus tour was great because: a) less walking, b) tour guides are filled with lots of fun facts. The first stop we got off at was the World Trade Center area, but before that we saw the Brooklyn Bridge. I was expecting to be able to walk through the WTC area but it was blocked off by a huge fence all away around. They have some professional posters up with emotional pictures and timelines of that day’s events. Around the corner from the WTC area was a WTC Visitors Center where they had a makeshift museum. It was a lot smaller than I was expecting, especially if you consider that it was 5 years ago that it happened. Or maybe that is why? I had to keep the pictures, quotes and memorably registering at arms length or a person could get mighty depressed there. A lot of lives were effected by that event.

After that we headed towards Wall Street where the bronze “charging bull” was supposed to be located. We did see the New York Stock Exchange but no bull. The six of us ended up at the South Seaport where Nicki & Scott wanted to lunch but Mel, Nessa, Tricia and I wanted to try to find our way to Chinatown. Our first mistake was not going back onto the bus! We got a little lost and found ourselves in the real Chinatown versus the tourist Chinatown (didn’t know there was 2 LOL). So it was stinky, and we didn’t find too much good shopping.

After much walking, nervousness and time we got to the one block that remains as Little Italy. We had Gelati (Italien ice cream) and I bought a chef pizza cutter for my kitchen. Eventually we made our way back to the tour bus (it was a hop on – hop off deal which was really nice to have that flexibility). Since we just missed a bus we decided to check out the tented sale area that was right beside it. We were quite glad we did. I bought 2 elephant purses (one for my mother-in-law & one for my sis-in-law), a NYC hoodie (for only $18), and perfume for Willie my old carpooler.

Then we caught the bus and looped back around the area we walked through which was great as then we got some facts & history about it. Many, many photo opportunities. Also we drove past the bull so I got a great side shot of that. The bus dropped us off a little ways from Rockefeller where we checked out the NBC Store (one of my favorite highlights of the trip) where I loaded up on “the Office” stuff and Mel, Nessa & I got our photo in Central Perk (a green screen that looks amazing). Then we had to hustle back to the hotel so we could meet up with the group again.

Megan & Tricia got tickets to see “the Producers” on Broadway, Tina and Mel were going to watch the Met’s game in Times Square, and the last four of us (Nicki, Scott, Vanessa, I) were going to check out New York Improv (stand up comedy). The latter 6 of us decided to get dinner first. Big mistake. By the time we were all ready to go it was prime dinner time. I wanted to go to Carmine’s which is some famous Italien food but it was a 45-60 minute wait which would have made us late for the comedy. So we walked into the first available restaurant: Planet Hollywood.

It started out okay: food decent, clips of songs, movies & trivia (that we won free stuff at). However it was a rushed meal. Oh, and Nicki & Scott confessed that after Mel and Vanessa fell asleep they had sex a mere few feet away. Rude. Then, when we went to split up the bill things went haywire. At first we thought we had too much money so Nicki & Scott left, saying they didn’t care. But upon further inspection we realized we didn’t have enough money (8.5% tax + 20 % gratuity adds up). I blame it partly on the fact that the bill was itemized retardedly (the souvenir cost of the glass was under the cost of your drink).

Can you believe that they charged me for bringing a small, small plate of cutup pineapple from the bar that I had to add to my own pizza? It was only a $1.50 but it’s the principle (and the fact that the pizza was already like $18 for a small)…anyway I tried to bring it up with Nicki & Scott in what I thought was a nice way. Turns out it didn’t come across that way & Nicki was peeved at me. She even said she was mad cuz she had bought me that Scrapbook stuff and I threw a few dollars in her face. My point: it wasn’t me that ended up pitching in the extra money, and I think it’s rude to ditch the bill without making sure everything is covered.

Anyhoo, the four of us headed to our comedy stuff via cabbie (I think?) and Mel & Tina went to a sports bar as it ended up raining again. The comedy club was in a somewhat scary basement and we were packed like sardines! Drinks were far from good but the comedy was pretty excellent. Especially since it was only $5 admission. The table next to us were really annoying, talking through some of the sets. Thankfully the management asked them to pay up & leave. I wish they’d do that in Red Deer! It was really interesting to hear different material from New York comedians as they have different environments to draw from.

That pretty much wrapped up Thursday.

New York (Uncensored): Day 2

October 18, 2006

All of us (sans Nicki & Scott) are ready to go by 8:30am. While we are getting ready Tricia informs me that I was on her side of the bed all night and she doesn’t look impressed. From that time on I spend each night half-awake so that I don’t get in her space. Needless to say I was not well rested.

The concierge suggests that we contact the place we got our tickets from (ticket master) to explore our options. They don’t open until 9:00am. We grab some breakie and head to Central Park. While we’re walking down the street I get a hold of Ticket Master. They were really helpful and printed off tickets for us to pick up at the Theatre. Dilemma solved.

We get some beautiful shots of CP as well as the horse carriages. Our group of 6 have a hard time staying together. Tina and Tricia seem to have paired up as they are zooming through the park several paces ahead of the rest of us. We get a wee bit lost so didn’t end up having time for the Met (Metropolitan Museum). I was quite disappointed. We hit the Central Park zoo and get plenty of good shots of penguins (my favorite), polar bears, turtles and birds. We don’t have time for the children’s zoo which is okay by me. On our way back to the hotel we walk along 5th Avenue (where the famous shops are: Tiffany’s, Gucci, Trump Tower), though we didn’t see anyone famous.

Back at the hotel I change my shoes (blisters already) and my outfit (everyone else dressed up). We head to the Gershwin theatre where Tricia, Megan, Tina & I are going to see “Wicked” (the prequel to “Wizard of Oz”). Mel has no problem getting our new tickets and so they (Vanessa & Mel) split off to go see the Lion King at the Minskoff theatre. I was thirsty so I bought a small glass of pop & a small bottle of water. Cost me $7.50 US. I guess expensive concession stands are international?

The play was amazing…I think I’ll write a separate entry for the synopsis as I don’t want to belittle it with a few lines. Ana Gesteyer (best known for her roles on “Saturday Night Live”, but you may also know her as Cady’s mom on “Mean Girls”) starred as the Wicked Witch.

After the play some of us changed again as we rendezvoused with Nicki & Scott. We attempted to take the Subway to Madison Square Gardens but do to some train cancellations had to do some really complicated switches. Nicki & Scott ended up leaving us & taking a cab. Luckily they were waiting for us at the Will Call where we needed to get our tickets.

We had two tickets in one section, 226 and four tickets in another section, 202 (fairly equal levels). Originally Melody offered to sit with Tricia by themselves and Tricia agreed saying she didn’t care…however after Tina & Megan got tickets in the bigger group section, 202 she told me she wanted to sit with the group so Mel & I sat together (it struck me as a little odd but I guess by this point she was just a lot more comfortable with Tina then my other friends). We split off to our sections and Melody & I hit the souvenir store. We managed to find a deal where a New York Rangers sweater was $30 versus $60 by accident. It was awesome. Then we split a foot long hotdog, pretzel, knish & some pop. We were having a pretty good time. After the first period, since the Gardens were about ½ empty, we went over to sit with the group in 202. Game was okay, but I think the Rexall has a much nicer arena. Rangers lost 3-1 against the Nashville Predators. A guy walked out into the stands wearing a jersey of someone from New York Islanders and the crowd went crazy yelling “asshole”…apparently there is a really good story behind that involving a new rookie & cheap shot-ing but I don’t know the names so I won’t bother to tell it.

At one point when I went to the washroom the signs were confusing and I accidentally walked into the men’s urinal…very embarrassing. But it makes a good story! LOL

After the game we decided to walk to Empire State Building. We walked down this really scary street where one guy was puking and another was peeing! On the way there Mel realized she didn’t have her NY Pass which got us pre-paid admission, so I offered to let her use mine as I would rather have seen the Top of the Rock (Rockefeller). Once there Megan realized she had left her’s back at the hotel so we were both hooped. We waited in the lobby with nothing to do, no where to sit for well over an hour. I don’t mind taking one for the team but it sucked that no one bothered to hurry so that we wouldn’t have to wait as long…and that no one was thankful that we waited. Wait, scratch that. Nicki bought me a scrapbook pack of paper so I am VERY thankful that she thought of me.
Then we headed back home & I think may have done some more shopping and hit a Starbuck’s? It wasn’t important either way.

New York (Uncensored): Day 1

October 17, 2006

Woke up dark & early at about 5:30am (I think?). Got ready and left for airport with Vanessa, Melody & Tricia. Arrived at airport with plenty of time for some breakie (bagel & milk for me). Boarded our first flight with no luggage problems & we were on our way to New York.

Had a stopover in Minneapolis, Minnesota airport for a few hours. Checked out the airport, Melody did a little shopping, took some pictures and had lunch. Had a thought that something wasn't right with my money when paying for lunch. Went to board our flight & realized it was delayed. It was also at this point that we discovered one of our broadway tickets was missing. Told Vanessa not to worry about it, we'd check out the luggage fully when we got to NYC.

Flight left Minneapolis about an hour late. Fully realized on the plane that I had left $200 of my $500 US dollars at home in a different wallet. Upsetting. Flight was a little turblent and our arrival in NY was non-too-exciting as it was cloudy & the first thing we saw was runway! Getting bags from claim area was super easy however our limo driver was nowhere to be found. About 20 minutes, several loops & a phone call to the hotel later we finally bumped into him. Did I mention that it was pouring rain (but warm)? So we had an uneventful ride to the hotel as we couldn't seem much from the low limo windows...had not thought of that.

Tricia & I were sharing a room with Megan & Tina who had a 2-day head start on shopping...and the room showed it. Melody & Vanessa were sharing a room with Nicki & Scott who had flown Air Canada and arrived despite a cancelled connecting flight.

All 8 of us headed down Broadway Avenue to find a place to eat and see the city at night. There were guys selling umbrellas at just about every corner. Most of us got one (mine was $3, money well spent). Ended up at Hardrock Cafe as both Melody & Nicki wanted to eat there and buy souvenirs. We had about a 25 minute wait and ended up sitting at 2 different 4-seater tables which was fine. I had one of the most scrumptious burgers I’ve ever eaten there, but for about $20US it had better be! Our waitress was terrible especially after she realized we weren’t tipping her much. I had bought both a souvenir group picture & glass but ditched the glass before I came home.

We then split into two groups & proceeded to start souvenir shopping and continued taking in the sights of Times Square and Broadway Avenue. In one of the souvenir shops a tall, Arabic guy walked straight towards me and asked me the following, “How you doing tonight?” “Are you married?” “Where is he?” “Why isn’t he here?” intermingled with my answers. It was flattering but also a little nerve racking! LOL

When we got back to our hotel Vanessa & Mel double checked their luggage and we were indeed short one ticket for Wicked. It put a damper on the mood of the trip right off the bat. Also discovered that Nicki and Megan/Tina had NOT hit it off right from the start. Not sure of the specifics or who was “in the wrong” but it affected the rest of the trip. We pow-wow’ed and decided that we’d:
1. Talk to the concierge first thing in the morning to try to sort out the tickets,
2. Visit central park (hit the zoo & the Met),
3. Go to our Broadway shows (Wicked & Lion King),Go to our Rangers game.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Things I learned on my vacation...

-Group size is important. For me a group of about 4 would be optimal.

-Rain happens, get used to it.

-It's important to double, double check your wallet for changed currency before you leave.

-Double check for pre-purchased tickets before you leave.

-Leave room for purchases in your suitcase.

-Pack your carry on light.

-Save up for first class flying.

-Customs doesn't allow much for international purchases, suck it up & pay the GST.

-Almost all New Yorkers are really nice, the weather is unpredictable, and there is too much to see!

-A double bed is too small for 2 people who are not married.

-Don't share a room with a sexually open couple.

-Bring a back pack for carrying versus a purse because the purse causes extreme shoulder pain.

-Always carry a really good map with you and check it frequently to make sure you're not lost.

-A 30 second pow wow of communication is worth a thousand text messages.

-Skip the limo & get the cab UNLESS you are on the way back to the airport & have a ridiculous amount of luggage.

ENGLISH Begin your semester short story

Assignment: Write the first 2-3 pages of your story that will be worked on for the rest of the semester.

“What a bitch.” Viola complained to herself under her breath as her boss walked away. She willed herself to stare at her computer screen instead of glaring daggers at Bette's back. As soon as Bette was out of sight Viola opened her email. Her fingers flew over the keys as she typed a coded message to her best friend three cubicles away: SD strikes again...must have had bitch flakes for breakfast...give you details at ten.
Twenty minutes later the girls were sitting in their lunch room. Fluorescent lights flickering over their bent heads, a low-fat bran muffin split between them, neither of them noticing the crumb that hit the table like drops of rain.
“So I'm in the middle of the LES report when the She-Devil stalks over, tosses the Lancaster proposal on my desk and says ‘Do it over’.”
“What?” Lacey asked, her eyes widening. “Vi, you spent weeks on that. You even missed Thursday night drinks.” She said, shoving another section of muffin in her mouth. Thursday night drinks were really coffee or tea from Starbucks. Both girls had weak stomachs and couldn’t hold their liquor.
“I know and apparently it still isn't good enough.” Viola slumped back in her chair
“Did she say what was wrong with it?” Lacey's eyes darted to the clock over the fridge. There were so many clock nazi's around you couldn't get away with taking an extra minute over your break.
“I believe her exact words were,” Viola paused in order to compose herself in Bette fashion: head tilted back, nose in the air. “Lancaster proposals are always done in Edessa font not Times New Roman font. Everyone knows that.”
“Oh of course.” Lacey responded, rolling her eyes. “Yet three days ago she wanted it in Times New Roman. Typical.” Every since Bette was promoted from the floor to a corner office she had been pulling rank on Viola, despite Viola’s impeccable work record. Blame it on stereo-typical woman-on-woman competition if you want but Viola thought there was more to it.
Deciding to risk her boss’s wrath she made a b-line to the ladies’ room before going back to her desk after break. As she was struggling to get her dress pants re-buttoned she overheard what sounded like muffled crying. Viola knew that sound well as she had spent many afternoons nursing hurt feelings or a broken heart herself. Would I want to be interrupted, she thought to herself? Usually not. So she tried to wash up as quickly and quietly as possible. Red snake skin shoes under the bathroom stall door caught her attention on the way out. Those were familiar.
Viola puzzled over the shoes as she walked through the maze of cubicles back to her desk. She saw Jean poke her head up like a gopher trying to catch late comers. She’s such at time warden, doesn’t she have work to do? Viola quickened her pace before Jean could tattle on her. She didn’t need Bette’s classic “work time versus personal time” lecture this morning.
It was near lunchtime when Viola was finally finished reprinting and assembling the Lancaster proposal. She dropped it off then met Lacey for lunch at the front doors of their building.
“So I guess SD is trying out the “Dorothy” look today?” Lacey asked Viola as she adjusted her jade gloves then pushed on the doors to outside. The fall air was crisp on their faces, a welcome wake up after the busy morning.
“What do you mean?” Viola questioned back. They double check the pedestrian light then made their way across the road to Oliver’s.
“Didn’t you see those ruby red Wizard of Oz knock offs she was wearing?” Lacey snorted. “Okay they weren’t quite ruby red, or bejeweled but they definitely didn’t go with her pink sweater.
“Though,” Lacey paused, a thoughtful look on her face. “Her hair did look like it went through a tornado!”
That’s where I saw them, Viola realized. Then felt weird as it occurred to her that she had witnessed Bette crying in the bathroom. It made her more human like, and Viola was not used to seeing her boss as a human.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Da da da da da...

I am sitting here watching the minutes tick away cuz tomorrow I go to NEW YORK! Tricia & I are leaving today for Edmonton after she is done work...I am mostly packed except for the clothes I am waiting for from the laundry & my Ipod which I am charging/uploading right now... I hope I didn't forget anything important & that Megan and Tina (who are already in New York) are doing okay...
It's unbelievable to think I will be there in 24 hours...crazy!
I have been planning this trip for a little while...we bought the plane tickets on August 22 and there are 8 of us going all together: Nicki (friend from Grimshaw), Scott (Nicki's boyfriend), Melody and Vanessa (both friends from Grimshaw), Megan (my hair stylist - though she's coming as a friend), Tina (Megan's co-worker), and Tricia (a co-worker from Lacombe). So as I said before Megan & Tina are already there (they left on Sunday). Nicki and Scott are flying with Air Canada so their flight leaves an hour before ours...then the last four of us are flying together on Northwest Airlines.
When the four of us arrive we will be escorted to our Hotel (Novotel) via Limo [insert girly shriek here] and then we are sharing rooms (4 to a room, 2 to a double bed YIKES). Nonetheless it's will rock.

Diamonds N' Denim Gala

Last week I ended up winning tickets to the Canadian Paraplegic Association's Diamonds & Denim Gala for Saturday. I was driving to work, listening to the Zed and they said "if you want to play a game give us a call & be #9"...I like to play games so I called in. I was caller #3, so I thought, alright I'll try again, I was caller #7, I thought what are the chances, okay one more time...and BINGO I was caller number 9. Which is completely crazy cuz normally it's near impossible to get in once let alone 3 times!
I had to play the "wrong game" meaning they ask me a question & I had to give any answer as long as it's the wrong one...some examples:
Q: What color is a pink flamingo? A: Purple
Q: How many Olsen twins are there? A: 17
Q: What do you wash with shampoo? A: you butt
I think they asked about 10 questions & I got them all right (or wrong?). The prize was two tickets to the Gala worth $140. Score!
Katherine Alexander & I went. The evening's activities included: Cocktails, Dinner, Silent Auction, Live Auction, Door Prizes, 50/50 draw, dance & a chance at winning a $1500 diamond pendant by purchasing a key and trying it on a lock. Drinks were $4.50/each (but they had a variety of stuff available), dinner was decent (chicken cor de bleu & roast) with an excellent selection of desserts, I won a blue afgan in the silent auction, and a door prize (manicure set - weak, but cool just to win), Katherine won the same door prize.
I was surprised by the price that some of the items in the Auction went for (mostly that the prices were too low):
Sydney Crosby signed jersey - $1800
Edmonton Oilers' Jersey signed by entire western conference team - $1100
Signed Picture of 2006 Canadian Olympic Women's Hockey Team - $550
We didn't stay for the dance as it was a country band (& I'm not that into that). However it was an okay evening...though I think it'd be a lot cooler if it wasn't a denim Gala!

Thursday, October 12, 2006

ENGLISH Change the POV of a Published story

Assignment: To re-write the opening of a published short story from our text's using a different POV. The original story is "A Cap for Steve" by Morley Callahan (if you want to look up the original way it was written), written in third person limited in the dad's eyes. I re-wrote it in the son's eyes using first person. Enjoy!

I have never been sure if my father had a quick temper because we didn't have a lot of money or if we didn't have a lot of money because of my father's quick temper. Either way the result was the same: back then there wasn't any room to buy anything but the necessities. That can be pretty hard on a young boy in the school yard, but I knew better than to complain. Luckily my mom seemed to understand the need for me to have a proper childhood, so instead of being stuck with a youth robbing newspaper route, just to earn a few more pennies for him to pinch, I got to play baseball almost every afternoon with the neighborhood kids.

Baseball was heaven for me: the sun beating it's rays on my back, sweat dripping in my eyes, palms pounding with the force of ball after ball. But every night at dinner I could see that look on my father's face and I wondered how much longer mom could hold him off. I feared that look.
Then I found out about the Phillies coming to town. I wanted more than anything to go to that game. I approached my father about it carefully.

“Dad?” I almost whispered at the supper table that first night, pushing my green beans around my plate with my fork.

“Mmmmm,” was his vague response. He continued to stare down at his paper, shoveling dinner into his mouth without looking up. Taking a deep breath I focused on the grain in the fake wood paneling wall behind him and trudged on.

“Jimmy was telling me that the Phillies are going to be playing an exhibition game here...” I started, then trailed off as I realized he was glaring at me.

“Oh?” he questioned, then in a instigating tone “and I’d bet you’d like to go, would you? Huh? Well I’d like to have socks that haven’t been patched twenty times and a roof that doesn’t leak and -”

“Dave” my mom broke in. “He’s just a boy, don’t trouble him with those things.”

“Those things?” Father snorted. “Those things are our everyday life! You don’t get what you want in this world. The sooner he learns that the better.” Then he went back to his dinner and the paper so I knew the discussion was closed.

Mom comforted me about it when she tucked me in that night. She stroked my hair, trying to straighten that cowlick out, then brushed my tears away.

“I’ll talk to him for you honey,” she said kissing my cheek.. Then clicked the lights out.

She must have convinced him because a few nights later he came into my room before bed. His shadow danced awkwardly in the hall light at he wavered in the doorway.

“You still want to go to that ball game?” He asked. I could tell that uttering those words pained him even though he tried to hide it. Looking back I think that I should have let him off easy, told him that I didn’t need to go. It would have been better for both of us. But I was young and short sighted so instead I nodded enthusiastically.

As I laid my head down on my pillow that night I started to daydream about all the wonderful things that would come out of our game day: we’d get hot dogs and sodas, we’d bond over the excited of loaded bases, maybe we’d even catch a fly ball. I was still naïve that night and thought that maybe, maybe for just one day, we could pretend that we weren’t poor. I should have know my father better than that.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

New York Trivia

Why is NYC Called the Big Apple?
In the 1920s, a sportswriter for the Morning Telegraph named John Fitzgerald overheard stable hands in New Orleans refer to NYC's racetracks as "the Big Apple." He named his column "Around the Big Apple." A decade later, jazz musicians adopted the term to refer to New York City, and especially Harlem, as the jazz capital of the world. There are many apples on the trees of success, they were saying, but when you pick New York City, you pick the big apple.

Why Cabs Are Yellow?
John Hertz, who founded the Yellow Cab Company in 1907, chose yellow because he had read a study conducted by the University of Chicago that indicated it was the easiest color to spot.

Statue of Liberty
The Lady in the Harbor is 101 feet tall from base to torch, 305 feet tall from pedestal foundation to torch.
She has a 35-foot waist and an 8-foot index finger, and she weighs 450,000 pounds.

New York Stock Exchange
The trading area of the New York Stock Exchange is about two-thirds the size of a football field.
The New York Stock Exchange is the world's largest exchange with an annual trading volume of $5.5 trillion.
The New York Stock Exchange began in 1792 when 24 brokers met under a buttonwood tree facing 68 Wall Street.

NYC Fun Facts
Downtown Manhattan was the site of the nation's first capital.
As late as the 1840s, thousands of pigs roamed Wall Street to consume garbage - an early sanitation system.
Under the Dutch, Wall Street - where there really was a wall - was the city limit.
St. Paul's Chapel is Manhattan's oldest public building in continuous use.
New York City's first theater was on Beaver Street.
Forty-six percent of leisure visitors to Downtown come from outside the United States.
When built, 120 Broadway's Equitable Building cast a 7-acre shadow, leading to the creation of zoning setback laws.
In 1664, the city's tallest structure was a 2-story windmill.
Legend has it that Peter Minuit paid $24 in trinkets to purchase the island of Manhattan from Leni Lenape Indians at Bowling Green.
The vaults of the Federal Reserve Bank on Maiden Lane store more than one-quarter of the world's gold bullion.
Without firing a shot, the British seized control of Nieuwe Amsterdam from the Dutch in 1664 and renamed it New York City.
A 7,000-pound bronze 'Charging Bull' mysteriously appeared one day in 1989 in front of the New York Stock Exchange - the bull is now at Bowling Green.The Brooklyn Bridge was the first bridge to be lit using electricity.
On completion, the Brooklyn Bridge was the world's longest suspension bridge and the city's tallest structure.
When it built its headquarters at 26 Broadway, Standard Oil Company was the largest U.S. corporation and its founder, John D. Rockefeller, was the wealthiest person in the world.
Phillippe Petit walked a tightrope between the rooftops of the World Trade Center towers in 1974.
The triangular shape of the Flatiron Building (an early skyscraper on 23rd Street) produced wind currents that made women’s skirts billow and caused police to create the term ’23 skiddoo’ to shoo gapers from the area.
In 1898, the five boroughs – The Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens and Staten Island – were incorporated into a single entity, known as Greater New York.
There are 6,374.6 miles of streets in New York City.
Broadway's Original Name was the Wiechquaekeck Trail. It was an old Algonquin trade route.
The Cloisters, a branch of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, is the only museum in America dedicated exclusively to medieval art.
The Caribbean Cultural Center is the only cultural organization in the U.S. that represents all of the diverse artistic expressions and traditions of the African Diaspora.
Ellis Island Immigration Station officially opened its doors to the world on Friday, January 1, 1892. Annie Moore, a 15-year-old Irish girl, was the first to be questioned in the immigration station’s second-floor Registry Room.
From 1892 to 1924, 12 million immigrants entered the United States through Ellis Island.The Titanic was scheduled to arrive at Chelsea Piers on April 16, 1912 at the conclusion of her maiden voyage. Fate intervened, and the “unsinkable” ship struck an iceberg and sank on April 14, 1912. Of the 2,200 passengers aboard, 675 were rescued by the Cunard liner Carpathia, which arrived at the Chelsea Piers on April 20th.

The Numbers:
The Verrazano-Narrows Bridge is so long – 4,260 feet – that the towers are a few inches out of parallel to accommodate the curvature of the earth. New York City has 578 miles of waterfront.
The 2½ mile boardwalk at Staten Island's South Beach (718/390-8000) is the fourth longest in the world.
The New York City Department of Transportation is responsible for approximately 5,700 miles of streets and highways and 753 bridge structures and tunnels.
The world’s largest gothic cathedral is the Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine – and it’s still under construction. Its first stone was laid in 1892. The nation’s largest public Halloween parade is the Greenwich Village Halloween Parade
Macy’s, the world’s largest store, covers 2.1 million square feet of space and stocks over 500,000 different items.
The New York Botanical Garden is home to the nation’s largest Victorian glasshouse, the Enid A. Haupt Conservatory, a New York City landmark that has showcased NYBG’s distinguished tropical, Mediterranean, and desert plant collections since 1902.
The Panorama of the City of New York in the Queens Museum of Art is the world’s largest architectural model, containing 895,000 individual structures at a scale of 1 inch equals 100 feet.

The Sandy Ground Historical Society offers a look at the oldest continuously inhabited free black settlement in the nation.
The oldest schoolhouse still standing, built in 1695, is situated in Historic Richmond Town.
The country’s oldest municipal golf course, opened in 1895, is in Van Cortlandt Park in the Bronx.
Number of bird species in Central Park is 215.

First in the Field:
The Brooklyn Children’s Museum is the world’s first museum for kids.
Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, America’s first performing arts center, held its first performance on September 23, 1962.
Babe Ruth hit the first home run in Yankee Stadium in the first game ever played there. Opened in 1633 in the Market Field, which is now the financial district, was the first public brewery in America. Colonists loved their beer and often had a mug with their breakfast.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Black Eyed Peas Concert: October 4th

So for the second time, I went to see Black Eyed Peas in concert at Rexall Place in Edmonton. The first time was about 1 week before my wedding and they had two openers that I didn't know at the time. I was also pretty pissed off that I didn't get floor seats thanks to the "Dancing Moms" (another long story).
This second concert was WAY more amazing than the first one. They had Swollen Members & Rihanna open for them (not to noteworthy but alright). The stage show was very elaborate this time including 3 big screens, several small screens, giant floating monkey heads, flashing "BEP" signs, and back up dancers. My friend Melissa said she felt like she had ADD cuz she didn't know where to look as there was so much going on. The sounds quality was better this time, oh & I had floor seats too. Yeah Baby! The freestyling of the first concert was replaced with paradies of well known songs (think Sweet Child O' Mine &, OPP & Hotel California) and they played "Let's Get Retarded" versus "Let's Get it Started" from the first concert (why write a song if you don't have the balls to see it?). Fergie also played her new song "London Bridges"...did I mention that she has an amazing voice even in person & that I wish I had her bod?

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

ENGLISH Write in Another's Style

Assignment: We had to duplicate another person's style, though create our own story. It's ugly but I should showcase my good & bad work. There are 2 stories & 2 styles.

Style 1:

He had never gambled, or taken a risk, in all his life. This plump man was pale, a tired, aging man with defeated shoulders, as if he had resigned himself to this fate. He wore a bankers suit, traditional black, starched white shirt, sans tie, collar unbuttoned. Trampled. He also had a Burberry trench. But he didn’t have the brown, tattered brief case and his hair was disheveled. He always thought the stock market was for rich guys. When actually, he could play too.

So he had, played the stock market, or it had played him. What had changed his mind, to jeopardize, investing all his savings, in a fool’s hope to strike it rich? That crazy game of ups, downs, buying, selling, crashing. Broke. He now had nothing. Not a dollar, not a penny to his name and his family gone. One mistake, in a lifetime of rule abiding.

Styler 2:

Every Saturday she saunters past the store windows and dreams. The sidewalks are bustling with frenzied shoppers. All the bakeries scents waft through the air. The store shoes are sensational in a way she could not envision on her – dainty ankle straps, glittering jewels, so expensive and outrageous that she hoped it would shock the shoppers into rebellion, into non-conformity, but they bought them anyway.

She strides past the designer clothing to jewelry. The shop girls are buzzing around their best prospects. They all have the hungry look in their eyes. No one bothers her as she looks around – too poor, unfortunate, so meager and small that she doesn’t even register on their radar as a target, maybe as a shoplifter, but not a patron.

14 More Sleeps to New York!

In exactly two weeks I will be on a plan w/ 3 of my friends to see New York. We are meeting up with 4 other people once we get there. Some details:

-Staying at Novotel hotel which is in Midtown Manhattan (over $400/night!)

-Touring only Manhattan as we will be there a mere 4 nights :-(

-I'm going to see the Broadway play "Wicked".

-We're hoping to see the New York Rangers play at Madison Square Gardens.

-Sex & the City Bus tour !

-Tours & Walking will be the bulk of our trip (Red Double Decker Buses!)

ENGLISH Narrative Modes Assignment

Assignment: to write 2 pages starring 2 adults in an unequal situation displaying all 5 narrative modes (you'd be bored to hear them). Please post comments!

He was watching “Family Guy”, an obscure cartoon comedy made for adults, very risqué. He loved it, especially that smart mouthed kid. Out of the corner of his eye he saw his wife saunter into the room. Her beauty was just as striking as it was when they first met, three years ago, but “Family Guy” is on only once a week.
“Honey?” she prodded him. Charlie pretended he hadn’t heard her, hoping she’d lose interest.
“Honey.” Dana was more insistent this time. He groaned, couldn’t it wait until the end of the show?
“Yes dear?” That was something his uncle had taught him, women rarely wanted an honest answer. He watched her gnaw at her lower lip, toy with her wedding band, glance down at her lap. He braced himself for the long talk that he was knew was coming.
“I was chatting with Cindy today. Her and Tom are going to start trying again. She asked me when we were going to expand our family?” She left that last part hanging in the air. Talks with his sister Cindy always seem to trigger these conversations. Charlie wiped his sweaty palms on the front of his jeans and in doing so missed the look of yearning on her face.
“Aw, hon you know I don’t want kids.” Wrong Answer.
“What!?” she exploded, jumped off the couch, tears spilling over. “I need a family Charlie. I’ve dreamt of having babies ever since I was a little girl. I don’t want to be old with no one to take care of us.”
He needed to diffuse this bomb. “I meant, I don’t want to have kids right now.” It had worked, Dana settled back onto the couch. What was she thinking? He’d been working out of town a lot; didn’t he deserve time with his kids? To see them grow up? He wasn’t going to be like his dad. Plus Dana was making debits out of their shared account almost daily for stuff they “needed” for this new place. How could they afford a baby right now?
“Why do you always do that?” She not so playfully punched his leg. It kind of hurt. “There’s a big difference between not wanting kids and not wanting kids right now.” Women. Did those two words really make a difference to her? He’d have to make a mental note of that.
“So if not now, when?” Her voice pierced his ears as it hit that high note. They had talked about this. Endlessly. In fact, he was pretty sure she didn’t want wailing, pooping babies right now either - a wait in line at Wal-mart always re-enforced that. Sleeping in, her favorite spur of the moment road trips, and her hair styles that always reflecting the current trends: all would fall to the wayside when baby showed up. She knew it too.
Ringing. Dana sprang up to answer the phone; a reprieve that would allow him a few moments to think, when would be a good time? There was no perfect time for kids. If they waited for that they’d wait forever and he did want to have them someday.
“…no we’re happy with our long distance carrier, thank you,” Charlie heard her rebuff the telemarketer on the kitchen line and then hang up. He saw the “Family Guy” credits stream on the screen. Damn it. He’d missed it again. Dana marched back into the room, ready for battle? How could he appease her without making a promise that would almost definitely be a mistake in their lives right now?
“I’d like to wait a few years.” He finally spit out.
“A few years? I’ll be ancient by then.” Ancient? Wonder when 27 had become ancient?
“Come on, baby.” He was pleading now. Then, desperate “What about getting a puppy? Freddy is really cute, we could get one just like Tina’s.” She wouldn’t look at him, but her mouth twitched. He knew he was on to something.
“A baby pug? Or a cairn terrier maybe? Something that doesn’t shed so that when the baby does come, it won’t be too much trouble.” He sprinkled that baby part in, trick her into thinking he wasn’t just buying time. Between house breaking and training she should be busy for at least a year. That should give him enough time to get their finances in order. But would it be enough time for their relationship? Was he ready to be a dad?
“A Maltese?” She suggested, her eyes daring him.
“Don’t they shed?” It was a weak attempt. He knew they didn’t shed. She was testing him. He got bit by a Maltese when he was five and still had the scar to prove it. Psycho dog. Wait, don’t kids bit too? He would need more than a year.

ENGLISH Prairies Assignment

The assignment was to "write a 1/2 page about the prairies" which I think are darn ass boring so I wrote a bit of a narrative. Please enjoy & post comments if you're up to it.

The warmth of the sun was on her arm as she stared out the window. The fence lines whizzed by, occasionally punctuated by cattle grazing behind them. She grew restless in the passenger seat as they neared their destination. She was trying hard to imagine a screaming, polluting city booming among this peaceful countryside. A twitch in the low grasses caught her attention. Was that a gopher? She never understood how something so cute could be considered such a pest. Did the gophers know they were unwanted?
“Ten more minutes,” her mom broke in, grasping for conversation. The girl simply nodded at the comment and turned back to the world outside the car.
Farm living had never appealed to her: waking up early, getting dirty and sweaty. So she was surprised by how she was drawn to the glistening wheat stems; the way they sashayed in the gentle breeze, like they didn’t have a care in the world. Not like her. The ever swelling belly was a constant reminder to her, and soon, to everyone that would see it.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Flash forward: 3 months later

Wow. I cannot belief how time flies! Guess that means I'm having fun? I dunno. The job is going okay. I use an unenthusiastic verb because I am not being challenged here, however I am content for the moment cuz that gives me time to do other things. Like plan my fabulous trip to New York!

Yep I'm going to New York (manhattan) in T minus 15 sleeps! I am flying there the day after my 6th year anniversary with Tyler...crazy all around. Man I'm getting old...good thing I'm starting to cross things off of the ol' Life To Do List.