Monday, October 16, 2006

Da da da da da...

I am sitting here watching the minutes tick away cuz tomorrow I go to NEW YORK! Tricia & I are leaving today for Edmonton after she is done work...I am mostly packed except for the clothes I am waiting for from the laundry & my Ipod which I am charging/uploading right now... I hope I didn't forget anything important & that Megan and Tina (who are already in New York) are doing okay...
It's unbelievable to think I will be there in 24 hours...crazy!
I have been planning this trip for a little while...we bought the plane tickets on August 22 and there are 8 of us going all together: Nicki (friend from Grimshaw), Scott (Nicki's boyfriend), Melody and Vanessa (both friends from Grimshaw), Megan (my hair stylist - though she's coming as a friend), Tina (Megan's co-worker), and Tricia (a co-worker from Lacombe). So as I said before Megan & Tina are already there (they left on Sunday). Nicki and Scott are flying with Air Canada so their flight leaves an hour before ours...then the last four of us are flying together on Northwest Airlines.
When the four of us arrive we will be escorted to our Hotel (Novotel) via Limo [insert girly shriek here] and then we are sharing rooms (4 to a room, 2 to a double bed YIKES). Nonetheless it's will rock.

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