Tuesday, October 03, 2006

ENGLISH Prairies Assignment

The assignment was to "write a 1/2 page about the prairies" which I think are darn ass boring so I wrote a bit of a narrative. Please enjoy & post comments if you're up to it.

The warmth of the sun was on her arm as she stared out the window. The fence lines whizzed by, occasionally punctuated by cattle grazing behind them. She grew restless in the passenger seat as they neared their destination. She was trying hard to imagine a screaming, polluting city booming among this peaceful countryside. A twitch in the low grasses caught her attention. Was that a gopher? She never understood how something so cute could be considered such a pest. Did the gophers know they were unwanted?
“Ten more minutes,” her mom broke in, grasping for conversation. The girl simply nodded at the comment and turned back to the world outside the car.
Farm living had never appealed to her: waking up early, getting dirty and sweaty. So she was surprised by how she was drawn to the glistening wheat stems; the way they sashayed in the gentle breeze, like they didn’t have a care in the world. Not like her. The ever swelling belly was a constant reminder to her, and soon, to everyone that would see it.

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