Thursday, October 26, 2006

New York (Uncensored): Day 4

October 20, 2006

Friday. The last full day. It was again somewhat misty and rainy out. We (The 8 sans Nicki & Scott) headed to Rockefeller first thing. I bought my ticket for the “Top of the Rock”…then we wandered over to the “Today” show display where we just missed P Diddy walking off the stage L. After a few minutes of hanging around we gave up trying to see anyone famous. A girl approached us & asked us if we’d like to attend a taping of a new show that was like Dr. Phil. Unfortunately we had our TV/Movie bus tours to get to at 11:00am so we had to pass. Then the other 5 ladies went to buy their Top of the Rock tickets…the booth guys informed them that there was zero visibility. Grrr! I teared up. I just wanted to see something. As you can tell I was getting very tired and frustrated by this point. So I returned my ticket (got my money back) and we went inside to try to get NBC tour tickets. Megan bowed out cuz she wasn’t interested. We agreed to meet at the front doors.

Get upstairs, just missed the 9:30am tour, got our tickets, then found out we wouldn’t have time for the whole tour. Figured we’d just take part of it. No dice. There was no way to only do part of the tour. So we went downstairs together. Tricia leaves the group to go find Megan (and yes boys & girls she does not have a cell phone). The four of us stand by the front door for about 15 minutes waiting for Megan & Tricia to show up. We text Megan. We go to the bathroom downstairs. Megan finds us with Tricia in tow, luckily, as they just happened to bump into each other. I decide that I need to hit Starbucks as I still haven’t eaten breakfast and we will soon have to leave for our bus tour. Yes we wasted half a morning & accomplished nil.

I told everyone that I needed to hit Nintendo World before we part as I was going to get something done dammit. Bought some things, almost everyone appeared to look inconvenienced for the 10 minutes it took me. Yet it was no biggie when Megan & I had to wait over an hour in the lobby of Empire, hmmmmm.

Then off to our tours. Megan, Tina & I to the “Sex & the City” bus tour. Tricia, Melody, & Vanessa to the general Movie/TV bus tour. I saw some cool things, ate a delicious & famous cupcake from Magnolia Bakery, got my photo taken on Carrie’s stoop, had a cosmopolitan and a flirtini at Aiden/Steve’s bar, and got a way too tiny shirt (but it was pre-bought, mistake). I think it would have been way more fun if Megan & Tina had faked some enthusiasm. In their defense they don’t really know the show & went just for me…so again another disappointment.

On the walk back to the hotel Tina decided to cab it to Century 21, a store that sells designer stuff at discounts. Meg & I kept walking to the hotel. Then we got hit by a friggin’ monsoon! We were soaked within 30 seconds despite my umbrella. That’s such an uncomfortable feeling…and we still had plenty of block left to cover before we were back at the hotel. We did see “Crystal CafĂ©” on the way so I got a shot of that.

So then I got to listen to how much fun the other 3 had on their tour…they ate at “Rice to Riches” (a really cool sounding store that makes rice pudding creations taste like pumpkin pie and other neat things), saw where tons of celebrities lived…that sort of thing. Boo, so jealous of their fun.

Then we packed our bags up a bit and got ready for the cruise that night. We had talked to the concierge and he suggested leaving at 5:30pm to make sure we don’t get stuck in rush hour traffic. At 5:25pm I popped into the Nicki-Scott-Melody-Vanessa room to see how things were coming. I was surprised to see that Nicki was still in her boxer shorts & so I commented on it…

Me: “You’re not even wearing pants?” (I thought it was obvious that I was being funny).
Her response: “We have over an hour.”
Me: “No. We have like 5 minutes. The concierge said we should leave by 5:30 cuz of rush hour”.
Her, snapping: “So leave without me then.”
Me: (thought - that’s a great solution) “Why are you bitchy?”
Her: “Well I’ve been bitched at all day.” (thought – by me?)

That pretty much ended that. She finished getting ready in about 10 minutes-ish and we went downstairs to get our cabs. Nicki, Scott, Vanessa & I shared one cab (me in the front) and the other four were behind us getting another. On our way there our cab suddenly stopped in the middle of the 2-way street in our center lane. I looked around trying to figure out a logical reason for why he was stopped. Then he says “That mutherfucker hit my cab.” Oh. Great. I see that cab zoom over to the right lane beside us & pull up to the front of the intersection. So our cab pulls into the oncoming traffic lane, then parks himself perpendicular to the traffic in the middle of the intersection. He rolls down my window (via button) and yells out the window OVER me “Hey you mutherfuker. You asshole. Why you hit my cab.” A few more times & yes he had an accent.

The other cabbie doesn’t say a whole lot but does start inching his car towards my side door. “Hit me, yeah hit me” our cabbie says. Um, please no. I AM sitting here. Hello cabbie? The light changes to green. Horns start going. Our cabbie reverses a bit so he can whip around to go left. The offending cab drives past us in the same direction, then our cab goes after him! I thought, I am SO not paying to chase this guy all over the city. But it turns out that was where our cruise docked at. So we paid the guy & got out. The three back-seaters confess that they had their hands on the handle so that they could escape if a gun was pulled. Excuse me? I hadn’t even thought of that. I would have been screwed. Cool story though.

After standing in the cold wind for about ½ hour we board our cruise boat. Not as big as I expected but still cool. The staff was standing in line to greet us and the table set-up was quite fancy. The walls & ceiling were made of glass so we could see everything while we cruised. The food was quite amazing, the drinks were expensive and there was a live jazz music. She sang L-O-V-E and New York, New York as well as many others. By the time we pulled out from the dock we had eaten our appetizers & it was pitch black outside. The night view of the city was beautiful & we got to see the Statue of Liberty, Brooklyn Bridge, Ellis Island and many more…one of the highlights of our trip for sure. Especially since the waiter hit on me LOL I wanted to ask him a question & his response was “Single & Available.” Cute. Not the waiter, the response. About 3 hours later we docked back at Chelsea Piers.

Our group split up again. Vanessa and Melody were off to do some shopping (however they were dismayed to find most of the shops closed). Tina, Tricia, Megan & I headed to the Empire State building as Megan and I wanted to see the city view from high. When we got there it was 11:01pm so we missed the store where we needed to get our tickets using our NY Passes, so we had to talk management into letting us in anyway. Turned out to be a bit of a gong show. He wanted to keep our passes (which would expire at midnight) so that he could get reimbursed the next day. We didn’t want to give him our passes as we wanted the souvenir. A very friendly American couple Bob & Cathy Lewis offered to mail them to us after picking them up the next day! Isn’t that sweet?

We went upstairs and surprise, Tina and Tricia wanted to do the Skyride. Well Megan & I didn’t want to do that cuz we had been drinking & on a boat & a skyride didn’t seem like a good idea. So Megan & I had to wait for the two of them yet again for over a ½ hour. We chatted it up with Cathy while Bob joined T & T.

We asked one of the workers what time the Observation Deck was open until. She said 2am. So we weren’t worried and just hung out, waiting for T & T. Then everything seemed to be getting shut down (it’s about 11:30pm right now). A different ladies says to us “we’re closing you have to leave.” What? Meg & I were outraged…the other lady said 2am. This is our second time here and we are not leaving until we see the city dammit! The first lady saunters over & looks puzzled. The “closing up” lady starts laughing. She punked us. They were not closing. It felt good to laugh!
So another 15 minutes or so and the other 3 join us so we go up to the Observation Deck. Beautiful. I am glad I made it there. You can’t see Central Park from Empire (you have to go to Rockefeller for that) but it was still great. I tried to take some shots but they didn’t turn out that great. Next up the gift shop. So fun. I bought my favorite souvenir there: an apple shaped snow globe with the city inside. Plus a postcard of the famous men eating lunch on a construction beam and an ornament for my Christmas tree.

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