Tuesday, October 31, 2006

**New York Trip Disclaimer**

I have gotten some feedback that my trip postings are coming across a little bitchy &/or rude. I just wanted to respond to that:
I wrote up my trip when it was still fresh & in my brain. I was sensitive because I hadn't had much good sleep that week and I wanted my descriptions to reflect my experience as I had it, not as I remembered it later. This means that yes, I was brutally honest. And that yes, I probably wasn't very nice to some people. I hope that anyone reading them (including those involved) don't take my commentary personally & that it doesn't affect my future friendships with them, as I'd like to remain friends with everyone!
So that's why they are called "uncensored". I would also like to invite everyone to leave comments on anything I post here...that's why the option is available. So if something is accurate or if you don't agree with something I say please "comment". Most of you should know that I love a good debate!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Sounds like a whirlwind trip all in all. We were lucky we didn't have any rain at all. Guess maybe July is a safer time of year for that. I can't wait to go back - trying to convince my hubby to go there instead of Vegas soon!
