Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Things I learned on my vacation...

-Group size is important. For me a group of about 4 would be optimal.

-Rain happens, get used to it.

-It's important to double, double check your wallet for changed currency before you leave.

-Double check for pre-purchased tickets before you leave.

-Leave room for purchases in your suitcase.

-Pack your carry on light.

-Save up for first class flying.

-Customs doesn't allow much for international purchases, suck it up & pay the GST.

-Almost all New Yorkers are really nice, the weather is unpredictable, and there is too much to see!

-A double bed is too small for 2 people who are not married.

-Don't share a room with a sexually open couple.

-Bring a back pack for carrying versus a purse because the purse causes extreme shoulder pain.

-Always carry a really good map with you and check it frequently to make sure you're not lost.

-A 30 second pow wow of communication is worth a thousand text messages.

-Skip the limo & get the cab UNLESS you are on the way back to the airport & have a ridiculous amount of luggage.

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