Tuesday, October 03, 2006

ENGLISH Write in Another's Style

Assignment: We had to duplicate another person's style, though create our own story. It's ugly but I should showcase my good & bad work. There are 2 stories & 2 styles.

Style 1:

He had never gambled, or taken a risk, in all his life. This plump man was pale, a tired, aging man with defeated shoulders, as if he had resigned himself to this fate. He wore a bankers suit, traditional black, starched white shirt, sans tie, collar unbuttoned. Trampled. He also had a Burberry trench. But he didn’t have the brown, tattered brief case and his hair was disheveled. He always thought the stock market was for rich guys. When actually, he could play too.

So he had, played the stock market, or it had played him. What had changed his mind, to jeopardize, investing all his savings, in a fool’s hope to strike it rich? That crazy game of ups, downs, buying, selling, crashing. Broke. He now had nothing. Not a dollar, not a penny to his name and his family gone. One mistake, in a lifetime of rule abiding.

Styler 2:

Every Saturday she saunters past the store windows and dreams. The sidewalks are bustling with frenzied shoppers. All the bakeries scents waft through the air. The store shoes are sensational in a way she could not envision on her – dainty ankle straps, glittering jewels, so expensive and outrageous that she hoped it would shock the shoppers into rebellion, into non-conformity, but they bought them anyway.

She strides past the designer clothing to jewelry. The shop girls are buzzing around their best prospects. They all have the hungry look in their eyes. No one bothers her as she looks around – too poor, unfortunate, so meager and small that she doesn’t even register on their radar as a target, maybe as a shoplifter, but not a patron.

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