Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Names ending in "N"

Okay, so I know you all have read about how I am trying to avoid picking a name that ends in "N". I also know that my brain doesn't work the same as everyone else's so often I worry that I am a little paranoid about things. When I was looking through a blog on a baby naming website I found some amazingly interesting stats & graphs that actually back up my names ending in "N" theory. I really love when my random theories get backed up with facts so I thought I would share these graphs with you!
Both graphs show the alphabet on the X axis and the number of boys with a name that ends in that letter on the Y axis. The first graph here is from 1906. The first interesting point is to notice that the graph tops out at 17,500. Secondly, the top four contenders are the letters: E, N, D, S. You might be struggling to think of names that end in that letter, one key thing to remember is that a name like Edward that ends in "D" might have been used 15,000 times rather than there being many names that end in "D" LOL

The second graph, is the one I get excited about. I should also point out, before you look at it, that there is a third graph available at the website regarding 1956 if you want to see the medium ground between them. It's pretty similar to the first one so I didn't bother. Anyway, here is the second graph:

I think it's pretty self explanatory, but in case your not into graphs...this graph is showing that in 2006 there was approximately 600,00 baby boys given a name that ends in "N". The closest next contender is the letter "R" which has less than 200,000. That's a signifant difference! N is obviously very dominiating...

By the way, I am way to excited by this data LOL Maybe I should become a sociologist or something :-D


A Blemish on My Perfect Record

My temping job was going amazingly well, and I was really enjoying it, until I had an unfortune incident over the lunch hour. Here is my official report (which some sensitive info bleeped out):

Incident Report

Date: June 23/09
Time: About 12:40pm

At approximately 12:40pm a man walked into the office quickly thumbing several cash bills then threw them in a pile onto my desk announcing “There that’s $335 for my payment.” He made a move to walk away and leave when I stopped him saying that I needed to get his name and information and fill out a receipt. I pulled out the receipt book, filled in the date and said “Can I get your name please?” He starred at the employee board and said “John Smith (name changed)”. I said “Can you please spell that for me? I’m not that great at spelling...” He said “J-O-H-N” and I wrote that on the receipt. Then I asked “And your last name?” And he said “S-M-I-T-H” which I also wrote on the receipt. I pulled out the loans binder so that I could locate his file number for the receipt and told him that’s what I was doing. I found the page and was scanning it when he pointed at his name and said “Yeah [insert half of file number here]...” trailing off. I wrote down the loan number as per the book. I then reached for the cash pile to count it and he put his hand out, as if to block me, saying “I said its $335.” I should have known better and counted it anyway as a counting error can be innocent but he intimidated me so I wrote down what he said. He then told me “that’s for May and I’ll be back with more for the next one”. So I wrote down ‘May 2009 Pymt’ on the receipt as well. I signed my name to the receipt and was tearing off the white copy for him when he started telling me that his number was probably disconnected, that I should tell Tonya (name changed) that and that he would call Tonya when he could. I passed him his receipt and he went to leave, then paused at the door way and said “As soon as I get my phone number you’ll be the first ones to know.” As soon as he was out the door I counted the cash pile and got $315 ($300 in 20s and $15 in 5s). I counted again to be sure. It was still $315. I immediately grabbed the receipt book and the cash and went into Sharon’s (name changed) office to get another person to count it and since she is in accounting I thought she might be able to tell me what to do now. It was about 12:45pm now and she was technically still on lunch but I didn’t want to wait. She was talking with Diana (name changed) but I interrupted them asking if she could “double count this for me as I think the customer told me the wrong amount”. She got $315. I told her that he had told me “$335”. I asked if I should change it on the pink & yellow copies. She asked if he already had a receipt for the $335 and I nodded and said “yes”. She said she wasn’t sure what to do as he had a receipt backing up his claim of $335. She went to count it again but since I had already counted it twice I knew it was $315. Sharon said it was probably going to be his word against mine and asked Diana to verify that she saw Sharon count $315. Then Sharon said we should talk to Tonya about the client when she got back from lunch (as it was a ‘insert file number’ file). She told me to keep it at my desk for now. When Laine got back from her lunch, probably close to 1:00pm, Sharon told her about the incident right away and asked Laine what we should do. Laine said to post the payment as $315 and make notes on the receipt and payment about what happened. So I gave the cash and yellow copy to Sharon. She wrote up a quick few sentences on her computer and asked me to verify that that was my experience. I read it and said yes. Rhonda came to relieve me for a lunch break at about 1:10pm and I mentioned my frustrations about what had happened with the client. She suggested we tell Aaron about it rather than waiting for Tonya. I let Sharon know that was what Rhonda thought and then headed for my lunch break at about 1:15pm.

More Musings on "Jon & Kate + Eight"

I made sure I watched “Jon & Kate + Eight” last night as the episode info said they were sharing news that would “impact the whole family”. Interestingly, both Shelley and Danielle made comments to me about the shows contents this morning and Danielle requested a blog about it so “your wish is my command”!

Jon and Kate did separate interviews for the camera as they discussed their relationship. Then a black screen with white writing announced that papers were filed on June 22, 2009 to dissolve their marriage.

Kate, to me, gave the impression that she was willing to do whatever it took to save her marriage and stay together. She said that Jon hadn’t yet communicated with her his issues, which is what makes me think that she is willing to work on things while he just wants to cut his losses. I could tell she was very emotional about the topic as she used “um” a lot and paced her conversation very slowly (seemingly holding back tears). She even admitted to giving herself half a day to breakdown about it. In my opinion I don’t think she wanted the divorce.

Jon, on the other hand, to me seems resigned to their fate. He said at this point all he can hope for is to rebuild his friendship with Kate. Whether or not I believe the cheating rumors, it wouldn’t surprise me if he had a girlfriend lined up already as he didn’t seem willing to do any work on the relationship (though who know if they’ve been to counseling or not). With regards to the show, I think he may have suffered a lot of teasing about his wife wearing the pants in the family and I’m sure he’s had a lot of people sympathizing with him (though I don’t for the record). He made a comment that he is “only 32” and so has his whole life ahead of him which made me think this is a midlife crisis for him. Having eight kids so young is a lot to bear for anyone but I don’t think getting divorced, going out drinking and seeking new relationships is the answer.

Both parties claim that they want to do what’s in the best interest of their kids and that bringing them peace and harmony is better than them seeing the couple argue. I agree that couples shouldn’t stay together “just for the kids” and even Dr. Phil once made a comment that kids would rather be ‘from’ a broken home then ‘in’ a broken home. The large home and estate they just moved into has been named the Kids’ Home and so Jon and Kate will live there during their kid time and live elsewhere while the other parent is there. Kate expressed how painful it was going to be to have to leave so Jon could have alone time with them. Jon & Kate are currently committed to spending all the holidays together in peace so that they don’t miss out on the holidays experiences with their kids. I give them a lot of credit for even attempting that, though once significant others enter the picture things might not be so peaceful.

I am honestly heartbroken that their marriage is ending. With every public couple that I see getting divorced, it adds to the statistics and shakes my belief in marriage. When you see really well matched couples or ones who’ve been together a long time it makes you wonder “if they can’t make it work, do we really have a chance?” Jon & Kate have ten plus years together and eight beautiful great kids and from our perspective it didn’t seem like much was done to salvage it. But it takes two people giving 100% (not the classically thought 50/50) each to work on a relationship, so if one of them isn’t in it then there is no point.

I believe that your ability to be a couple is a separate thing from your ability to be a great parenting team. The love and support you provide your children is not based on how much you love your spouse. While I think its irresponsible to purposely create kids with someone who you are not committed to spending your life with (aka Tyrone & Kim), I don’t fault couples for admitting there are better off not together. My Grandma married my Grandpa because she was pregnant with my mom and they had two more kids together before they got divorced. Their marriage was forced and therefore never blossomed as it should and I believe my mom and her siblings suffered because of this. This belief is cemented by the fact that when my mom got pregnant at 16 my Grandpa refused to make her marry my biological contributor and thus I had a very happy childhood that continued once she married someone by choice.

Neither Jon nor Kate fault the show for where their relationship is and to be honest I don’t think the show is to blame. Its entirely possible that the show (and especially the tabloid interest) magnified things so that they happened faster than they would have normally but the elements still had to be there in the first place I think. Jon even says that he’s thankful for the show as it gives them a platform to speak from on what’s the truth and not have it be twisted.

I don’t understand why people are so judgmental about them doing the show and continuing to do the show. Most families struggle with financially providing for one or two kids and can’t even fathom what the expenses would be for eight kids (at this point or the future). So many of my friends have expressed distress about having to choose between having more time with their kids and being able to provide for them. If you were given an opportunity to have a very lucrative income WHILE having MORE time with them, is that really so evil? Plus it has given them many opportunities to experience different places and activities that most families can only dream about. If I was offered a reality show (and really one should be coming cuz I am so darn entertaining LOL) I wouldn’t hesitate to snap it up. Look at all the thousands of people who apply to put themselves in compromising positions for the chance to win one lump sum money (Survivor, Big Brother, Wipeout, Fear Factor). And that’s just for a one time chance. Kate indicated a few seasons ago that the cameras are only there for the times they want them to be, which is more for special events and occassions then everyday life. Maddy, for instance, was getting braces and Kate didn't want the cameras there for that as Maddy is pretty high strung as it is and Kate thought it would interfer with her experience. So we didn't see Maddy get braces, she just suddenly had them. I really do believe that Jon & Kate put the kids interests above personal gain and fame.

Though I try not to partake in tabloid stuff, I couldn’t help but watch a special about Jon & Kate that was on a few weeks ago and it infuriated me. First off, there were allegations that Kate is having an affair with her body guard because he goes everywhere she does...isn’t that the point of a body guard? (P.S. She needs the body guard because of the overwhelming paparazzi). Then they were criticizing Kate because:
-she has gotten a better hair cut & highlights (who wouldn’t after seeing yourself on tv like that, and I get new haircuts/highlights like ever 6-8 weeks),
-she goes tanning “twice a month” (I’m pale skinned, but I know people who go 2, 3, 4 and even 5 times a WEEK),
-she’s dressing better (again, seeing yourself on tv and making public appearances, you’re going to make an effort to look good...plus there are many episodes where she is in sweat pants),
-she got a confirmed tummy tuck and possible boob job (after 8 kids and nursing I would say yes to both as well...i might even say yes to both after 1 kid!),
-she’s “taken advantage of her fame by writing a book” (a great and inspiring book if any of you care to read it, I own it. If there weren’t people willing to read it she wouldn’t be able to write it. Besides, writing a book is hard work),
-she’s bossy with the kids (I think she does the very best she can with the eight she has and I really don’t think anyone can fault that she is a great mom).

Everyone has faults if you look close enough.

Of all the reality show families they certainly seems to get the most flack and to me it seems a lot of that flack is based on them being too “real”. Too be honest I think Kate is sometimes nicer than I have been to Tyler and I am definitely higher maintenance than she is! How many of your households could stand up to public criticism? All of this arguing is done for the sake of the kids...so look at them. They are well behaved, loving, smart and amazingly unspoiled kids with emerging individualized personalities. They have schedules, eat organic, healthy food and have a beautiful home and grounds to play on. They should have trust funds that can provide for secondary education if they so choose it and will have many wonderful memories of growing up that are very well documented for them. I don’t know about you but I love looking back at my younger self and would love to have all the footage they will have.

So I ask of these nay-sayers, what are you giving your kids? Are you really a “better” parent? Do you truly deserve to be on your high horse or would the public find something to criticize you for too?

Monday, June 22, 2009

Updates (sorry about the delay)

Sorry for the lack of blogs over this last week or so. I have been temping during the day and was out camping this weekend so didn’t have much time to do them. My weekend was pretty uneventful considering...it was our first weekend taking out our “new” RV and we were going with a group of 38 people including Kim, Tyrone and Mary (my mother-in-law).

My parents brought the Bumbo chair back from Medicine Hat that Kim was so frantic over. In addition to that were a few other random items in a bag that she had given me so Tyler & I gave her the whole bag back on Friday as soon as we saw them. I wanted to avoid spending much time with Kim this weekend so I enlisted June (one of my new friends), who has a permanent site at the camp ground, to spend a bunch of time with me as an extra excuse to avoid Kim. It turned out to be pretty rainy Friday night so Tyler & I mostly just set up the RV and did a little visiting in our fifth wheel before I went to bed pretty early (growing a fetus is exhausting!).

We slept in on Saturday and then Tyler headed to the kiddie pool area along with Kira (my 2 ½ year old niece) and Tyrone. I found out June was also going to be there as well so I headed over sans swim suite (not really interested in swimming with the chaos that is kids). After a bit June, her two daughters and I went for an ice cream and a casual saunter (as opposed to a walk). Then I hung out at her site as long as I could, until about 3:30pm when I was due back at our area for a group campfire-dinner thing. Mary had two co-workers there for the weekend, one whom I had met before and one whom I hadn’t - both who are really nice and friendly – so I got to visit with them and Owen throughout the dinner. After, Tyler & I both went over to June’s site as Willie and Kris were going to be there as well (June is married to Kris’ nephew). Kim & Tyrone ended up coming too, so I had to do some visiting with Kim but it wasn’t too bad as June was there as well. Then June ditched me for her campsite friend Mary Anne (just joking cuz I know June will eventually read this) so I convinced Tyler we should go back to our area. It was raining again so Tyler, Owen & I hung out in our RV playing a little bit of ‘Uno’ before they decided to hang out by the campfire and I again, ditched out to hit the hay early.

Sunday was another sleep in day followed with some visiting with Dezerae (Owen’s younger sister) and then a solitary swim in the pool as by the time I made it to the pool everyone else was done. Then it was about time to pack up so we did that and headed home. So I avoided any extra conflict arising this weekend J

Our stay in our “new” RV wasn’t too bad. The bed in there was pretty hard so I was pretty sore and not well rested so I am planning on getting a foam pad to see if that helps. The back roof vent leaked a bunch on Saturday and then just a little on Sunday after Tyler tried to fix it so hopefully that won’t be too bad to take care of. It was really lovely to have privacy and my own space and to NOT be in a tent with the crazy amount of rain we got this weekend. We are doing another camping trip out near Strathmore this weekend for a Friends Golf Tournament and then family Anniversary party so hopefully I have a few more of the quirks and missing pieces figured out by then. Tyler took the following week off so we’ll be able to do some odds and ends around the house, go to my much awaited Ultrasound on the 3rd and Vanessa will be coming down to help paint the baby room around the 1st and into the weekend.

Baby Room Update – I’ve boiled down my color choices for the room to the four main colors in the bedding set (though there are many shades still to choose from): chocolate brown, turquoise, taupe & green. I am not a big fan of the green idea so I’ve ruled that out right off the bat. I’m going to use ‘Debbie Travis’ paint as it is wonderful and they have little sample bottles in some of their colors so I bought the taupe color to try out (it was the only one of those I was interested in available). I put it on the wall and totally hate it so that’s out. I was thinking I might like to do three walls in the turquoise color and then one wall (which will have the crib) in the chocolate color to add depth to the room and suggested that to Tyler. He responded with “whatever you want” to which I said “you DO get an opinion” and he says “I don’t like brown I think it looks like poop, literally”. I was like, no brown looks like chocolate. And I was pretty surprised that he suddenly doesn’t like brown as we have a LOT of brown furniture and accessories. He’s so weird sometimes. So anyway, I am still leaning towards that option.

Megan and I pow-wowed about what kind of paintings she is going to do and we’ve pretty much decided on her doing animal silhouettes instead of the like cutesy animals I was originally considering. I have quite a few stuffed animals already that can add the cutesy affect and then be taken away as baby grows to be a little less baby like. So the basics of the room itself will be pretty modern & urban (which is one style I favor) and then my changeable accessories will be a little more cute and baby like (another style I like). Megan won’t be able to do the paintings until after the long weekend as she is away & we’ll just be painting the basic colors that weekend. Since that is still about two weeks away we both might come across something totally different and change our minds LOL

I have Wednesday the 24th off so I am hoping to go to Edmonton to see Danielle and her new baby Lakelyn as well as maybe do a little baby stuff shopping there.

Temping - I am temping today & tomorrow (Tuesday) here at RIFCO and then I am off until July 6th. The job I’m at right now, RIFCO, is probably my favorite so far as there are 28 people in this office so its been pretty busy socially and workwise though I am much too efficient so I’ve had down time (like right now). I have a job lined up at the “Red Deer River Watershed Alliance” from 8am - 12pm from the 6th to the 17th (two weeks), and then following that I have the 20th to the 24th booked at “Parkland Maintenance” which is 8:00am - 4:30pm. I’m really enjoying the temping work as it gives me variety in jobs and people as well as a paycheck without a huge commitment. However the dollar/hour wage is lower than I am probably “worth” in the market. I think I’d like to continue the temp work after baby but that will depend on my ability to get some sort of sitter that makes it worth my while. I need some free labor ha ha

Friday, June 12, 2009

Gestational Diabetes Testing

Hey Folks,

As I am writing this I am at the DynaLab in Red Deer waiting out my 1 hour for the glucose screening. This test just screens if u need to go on for the more specific 3 hour test. If u pass u're free, fail means 3 more hours another day.

I had been warned about the sugary sweet orange pop like drink. What I didn't expect, was for it to taste EXACTLY like orange pop. So I really didn't mind the flavor, just found it a little disconcerning to drink 10oz of pop in 5 minutes. I am not much of a fluid intaker so it felt kind of weird during the second half of the bottle. However it is about 15 min later & I feel fine again.

I am worried about this test. Despite my resolve to eat better, I know I am still eating too much sweets and not a huge balance of nutrients (protein & veggies are the tough ones right now). However since I still haven't gained any weight, even with my belly size expanding, I am trying to stay with positive thinking. Hmmm, I don't imagine I get the results today as it is a blood test. That never occurred to me. Oh well.

Yesterday I had a business luncheon and one of the ladies asked me if I had lost weight cuz I was looking good. Who doesn't want to here that at 25 weeks pregnant? :-)

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Baby Bedroom Update

I ordered three things for our baby room yesterday: the matching drapes, extra fitted sheet and the 3pc artwork (all in the same picture). I decided to go with the curtains over the valance as I like curtains better but they were like double the price which sucks. I really hmmmed & hawed over it but decided to get them. Tyler wasn't completely sold on the idea so he's a little annoyed that I bought them (in my defense I thought he was fine with it per our previous conversations). I also probably shouldn't have bought the extra matching fitted sheet as it is priced ridiculously...but it seems like such a waste to get the bedding set and then not have a spare sheet that matches. I told him that since I didn't get to do the 3D ultrasound that would have cost $175, that I am able to spend a little loosely for that sacrifice. He didn't see the logic in that LOL So I am 'grounded' from further purchases until he gets home this weekend, which is fine cuz I've spent enough money this week for even my comfort level! Oh, but I did manage to save an additional 10% by using a coupon. Yay me!

Tonight when my Mom is here we'll be ordering the crib, mattress & change table mattress. So exciting! My parents & sis are also bringing the glider down with them too. We are losing some stuff tonight though...my brother apparently has found a basement suite to move into (and out of my Aunt's house) and doesn't have a bed (he's been sleeping on a very uncomfortable futon - trust me I slept on it once). So since we have two spare beds that only get used when we have company we are letting my parents take one for my brother. Realistically, my parents bought the bed when my sister moved down here and we inherited it by default when she moved back to Grimshaw. Since my parents are buying so much for us (especially with the fifth wheel added in), I'd feel like a complete A-hole if I didn't let them take it and they'd have to buy my brother a new bed. We don't even have it set up right now as we are finishing the basement. So they'll take that and the two matching bedside tables. We still have a bed in our spare room (purple) room so I guess we'll just have to have less company!

For Your Entertainment

From an email, some ways to entertain yourself. They made me giggle (especially when you really think about the ramifications) so I am sharing:

1. At Lunch Time, Sit In Your Parked Car With Sunglasses on and point a Hair Dryer At Passing Cars. See If They Slow Down.

2. Every Time Someone Asks You To Do Something, ask If They Want Fries with that.

3. Put Decaf In The Coffee Maker For 3 Weeks. Once Everyone has Gotten Over Their Caffeine Addictions, Switch to Espresso.

4. In the Memo Field Of All Your Checks, Write ' For Marijuana.

5. Order a Diet Water whenever you go out to eat, with a serious face.

6. When The Money Comes Out The ATM, Scream 'I Won! I Won!'

7. When Leaving the Zoo, Start Running towards the Parking lot, Yelling 'Run For Your Lives! They're Loose!'

8. Tell Your Children Over Dinner, 'Due To The Economy, We Are Going To Have To Let One Of You Go.'

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Lakelyn Pics!

Mamma Danielle with new baby Lakelyn...

Big sis Hudzyn with new little sis Lakelyn...

Lakelyn, ready for her close up...

Newly born with Daddy Morgan...

Monday, June 08, 2009

Few Topics...I know you hate that so I bolded titles


Apparently Kim had a reunion in Saskatchewan this weekend (family or school, I don't know) and Tyrone "needed" to play poker this weekend, so Mary drove from Edmonton to Calgary to baby sit for them. Does anyone else think its ridiculous that she will drive 3 hours to be a free babysitter for them? She watched both Tehya & Kira and bragged about how Tehya slept from 9pm to 4:30am so she only had to get up to feed her then. Isn't that Dad's job?? When other people go to their "jobs" they usually have a sitter of some sort so why shouldn't these two? And Kim is suppose to be breastfeeding so how can see leave Tehya for the whole weekend? I'm sure she pumped or something, but she's only like 2 1/2 months. Not that I don't think it's healthy for a person to leave their baby and get out, but I'm not sure if I could do it for a whole weekend at that point. I think I would have been inclined to take my baby with me and then find a sitter for portions of the weekend if need there in Saskatchewan.

Bumbo Chair Update: After seemingly ignoring me for like a week, my brother finally responded with "hey Crystal what's their number so I can send the stuff tomorrow" yesterday. He apparently has been busy sleeping and working, let's hope that is true LOL I told him I hoped it was more working than sleeping. So in theory, the chair will be on it's way to Kim today on the bus. However, I will not feel confident about that until its official.

Daddy Felt Baby’s First Movement

It was actually really late Thursday night when Tyler first felt the baby move. I’ve been feeling it very strongly for a few weeks now and I saw my belly move shortly before Tyler’s birthday so I thought he should be able to feel the movement from the outside soon. From that point it was just a matter of timing since Tyler has been working away in Fort Saskatchewan during the week.

I think I was more excited than he was, or at least what he showed. Since I’ve been feeling it for a while I really wanted to share that experience with him. It makes everything seem more real.

Baby Room/Nursery Decisions

Vanessa has decided that she is most likely coming down around July 1st and for a few days that follow. Quite a few months ago I told her she could paint baby’s room for me as she is much more anal with detail than I and Tyler doesn’t have a lot of time at home (nor does he want to paint the room again). With an actual deadline to work with for when painting colors need to be decided I was getting anxious to make some decisions, specifically the bedding as I think that is the starting point for the room. While I am anxious, I am also trying to savor the experience as I love shopping & decorating so I don’t want to rush the decisions. For the last few months I have been looking at bedding mainly in the blue/chocolate schemes as I like that color combination. Well this week Tyler announces that he isn’t really a fan of that scheme as it’s “boring”. He’s completely entitled to an opinion (as the baby is half his contribution), however that would have been nice to know months ago when I started the bedding quest!

Luckily, one of the sets I found while looking at blue/chocolate stuff is a bit more exciting (think more turquoise, green, brown and animal print) and he liked that one. Today we are going to “Babies R Us” (as they have it in stock), so we can feel it (very important in textiles) and see it in person to know if it’s the right one. Every time I think I like a set, I’ve put it on my blackberry background so that I see it quite a few times a day. With the first two sets I did that with, I started liking them less and less. With this set, I like it more and more and am actually getting very excited about it. It’s a nice balance for me of gender-neutral, funky yet timeless. Most likely, if/when we have baby #2, I would use this set again so it’s another reason to go gender neutral. I’ve decided I can go crazy on the boy/girl specific stuff when doing a toddler room! Then you have a little bit better idea of what they are into at that point. INSERT: We bought it! Got to use a coupon because we “started our registry” (why not) so we saved $21 which is better than no dollars. The set was almost twice what I wanted to pay for a bedding set but I know I liked it cuz I didn’t care (and Tyler seemed to have accepted it as well).

In addition to the bedding, we’ve decided on the furniture: crib and change table/dresser pieces. When I started looking at cribs I really wanted chocolate furniture, however the crib that I like the shape and style of best only comes in white. It’s a combo crib that turns into a bed down the road so I think style is more important than color in this instance. Especially as all crib colors are essentially neutral. Not to mention that the change table/dresser we love is from the same set and only comes in white also. I want to get a good crib but I also don’t want to spend a ridiculous amount of money (again – balance) so of all the ones I’ve seen, I really enjoy this set the most.

My mom had told us she wanted to buy “furniture” for the baby room as soon as we told her we were expecting. I recently asked her about the budget and what exactly she wanted to buy. She said “$1000”. Well the crib I have picked out is $299.99 so that’s way under budget. She then told me I can pretty much spend the entire $1000 getting what we need for baby’s room. I may love to spend money but Tyler has also taught me to shop for deals. The crib & change table I like are from Sears, but I was at “E-children” in Edmonton and they have the exact same one marked down $40 less than Sears. Score! I don’t even really have to factor in gas, etc into the cost as Tyler is working in Fort Sask near Edmonton and can pick it up anyway. So I put a deposit on it at E-children (so it doesn’t get sold on me), which is my first official baby purchase. Pretty impressive if you know me well LOL Well I guess I technically bought a monkey puppet in Dallas so it’s purchase #2, but Major Purchase #1.

Pictured below, crib (picture from sears.ca) & change table/dresser (took picture in store). And no I am not getting any of the pink accessories right now, try to picture it with the bali bedding set from above.

So far here is my shopping list for my Mom’s moola (Including taxes but not shipping costs):

Major Pieces:
Crib from Sears…………………………………. $314.99
Crib Mattress from Sears…………………………$73.49
Change Table/Dresser Combo Piece……………..$199.45 (saved $42+)
Change Table Pad from Sears…………………….$31.49
Chocolate Glider with Ottoman…………………..$FREE (inheriting from Mom who got it with my brother Cody)
Subtotal = $619.42
That leaves me with $380.58 to contribute to other nursery factors, with the major components covered. Sweet suite!

Desired Set Pieces for Bali Bedding Set:

Bedding 4pc from Babies R Us………………………$294 (saved $21 used a coupon)

These are the pieces I'd like to get to go with the bedding:
Valance from Babies R Us .………………….………..$41.99
Changing Pad Cover from Babies R Us ……….....$36.74
Artwork 3pc at Baby Pops.……………………………$66.14 (or $73.49 from Babies R Us)
Extra Fitted Sheet at Baby Pops...........................$47.24)
Subtotal = $192.11
Rug………………………………………………………………$104.99 is the price from Toys/Babies R Us, but I think I am going to look around for something that will go but is cheaper.

Megan, my hair stylist friend who is also an amazing artist (who has also volunteered to take prego photos for me) has ALSO offered to come do some mural or other type painting for the room for us. I found this animal paintings online and thought they were cute, so they may be the inspiration for us, but I'm not 100% committed yet. I think they're adorable though.

Sunday, June 07, 2009

Introducing Baby Irving!

Danielle & Morgan had their baby! Their second daughter, Lakelyn Justys Mazzi Irving, was born Sunday, June 7th at 1:50 am weighing 6 lbs 15 oz. She texted me to say her & baby are heading home today so hopefully there'll be some pics to see soon.

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

For All You Patience Peeps, Here I am at 24 Weeks!

Note, I am doing my very bestest not to suck it in at all (which is getting harder to do anyway) and might even be pushing out slightly. I think its starting to be more of a baby belly, which it should be at 6 weeks!

Monday, June 01, 2009

Bumbo chair issue, an update - sort of

I have done virtually nothing on this issue. I mentioned it to tyler who suggested I try another time to get the chair back. So I messaged my brother today to see if he has it & if he does I plan to tell him to send it to kim collect. That's me being passive aggressive. If he doesn't have it, I'll have to decide on a course of action at that point. Might have to grow a back bone & be direct about it. We will NOT be buying them one. Oh & tyler remembered kim saying she didn't even like it when she gave it to us!

Beyond an/on/en/in...

When I was in junior high or high school I started really noticing how people named their kids. In particular, my friend Vanessa's family. She had a nephew Dalton, and cousins Tristan, Colton & Tullson. It was here that I grew a distaste for the "on" ending and it popularity and vowed to avoid it when I picked my own children's names. My resolve was strengthened by my common maiden name of Johnson and now married surname of Nelson. I personally would prefer a variety of sound in there!

That being said, there is a plethra of male names that end in the on/en/in/an/yn. And most of those are beautiful names. For instance I've always like "Jordan" and one of my characters is an "Aidan", plus many of my friends & family have recently named their kids with names from this group: Hudzyn, Owen, Jackson, Keegan, Regan, Addison, Gavin, Cayden, Logan...all names perfectly suited to their children and I couldn't imagine anything else for them.

I'm sure no one overthinks the naming process quite to the level that I do but really that is my personality. It keeps me entertained! So Tyler & I are still on the hunt for baby name options. Our list building is slow because I'm very decisive about what I don't like but not willing to committ to liking much. So often the name sounds good for a second but not that great after a while. I guess I just feel that my child deserves the "perfect most spectacular" name and I'm not sure if that exists :-)