Tuesday, June 23, 2009

A Blemish on My Perfect Record

My temping job was going amazingly well, and I was really enjoying it, until I had an unfortune incident over the lunch hour. Here is my official report (which some sensitive info bleeped out):

Incident Report

Date: June 23/09
Time: About 12:40pm

At approximately 12:40pm a man walked into the office quickly thumbing several cash bills then threw them in a pile onto my desk announcing “There that’s $335 for my payment.” He made a move to walk away and leave when I stopped him saying that I needed to get his name and information and fill out a receipt. I pulled out the receipt book, filled in the date and said “Can I get your name please?” He starred at the employee board and said “John Smith (name changed)”. I said “Can you please spell that for me? I’m not that great at spelling...” He said “J-O-H-N” and I wrote that on the receipt. Then I asked “And your last name?” And he said “S-M-I-T-H” which I also wrote on the receipt. I pulled out the loans binder so that I could locate his file number for the receipt and told him that’s what I was doing. I found the page and was scanning it when he pointed at his name and said “Yeah [insert half of file number here]...” trailing off. I wrote down the loan number as per the book. I then reached for the cash pile to count it and he put his hand out, as if to block me, saying “I said its $335.” I should have known better and counted it anyway as a counting error can be innocent but he intimidated me so I wrote down what he said. He then told me “that’s for May and I’ll be back with more for the next one”. So I wrote down ‘May 2009 Pymt’ on the receipt as well. I signed my name to the receipt and was tearing off the white copy for him when he started telling me that his number was probably disconnected, that I should tell Tonya (name changed) that and that he would call Tonya when he could. I passed him his receipt and he went to leave, then paused at the door way and said “As soon as I get my phone number you’ll be the first ones to know.” As soon as he was out the door I counted the cash pile and got $315 ($300 in 20s and $15 in 5s). I counted again to be sure. It was still $315. I immediately grabbed the receipt book and the cash and went into Sharon’s (name changed) office to get another person to count it and since she is in accounting I thought she might be able to tell me what to do now. It was about 12:45pm now and she was technically still on lunch but I didn’t want to wait. She was talking with Diana (name changed) but I interrupted them asking if she could “double count this for me as I think the customer told me the wrong amount”. She got $315. I told her that he had told me “$335”. I asked if I should change it on the pink & yellow copies. She asked if he already had a receipt for the $335 and I nodded and said “yes”. She said she wasn’t sure what to do as he had a receipt backing up his claim of $335. She went to count it again but since I had already counted it twice I knew it was $315. Sharon said it was probably going to be his word against mine and asked Diana to verify that she saw Sharon count $315. Then Sharon said we should talk to Tonya about the client when she got back from lunch (as it was a ‘insert file number’ file). She told me to keep it at my desk for now. When Laine got back from her lunch, probably close to 1:00pm, Sharon told her about the incident right away and asked Laine what we should do. Laine said to post the payment as $315 and make notes on the receipt and payment about what happened. So I gave the cash and yellow copy to Sharon. She wrote up a quick few sentences on her computer and asked me to verify that that was my experience. I read it and said yes. Rhonda came to relieve me for a lunch break at about 1:10pm and I mentioned my frustrations about what had happened with the client. She suggested we tell Aaron about it rather than waiting for Tonya. I let Sharon know that was what Rhonda thought and then headed for my lunch break at about 1:15pm.

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