Monday, June 01, 2009

Bumbo chair issue, an update - sort of

I have done virtually nothing on this issue. I mentioned it to tyler who suggested I try another time to get the chair back. So I messaged my brother today to see if he has it & if he does I plan to tell him to send it to kim collect. That's me being passive aggressive. If he doesn't have it, I'll have to decide on a course of action at that point. Might have to grow a back bone & be direct about it. We will NOT be buying them one. Oh & tyler remembered kim saying she didn't even like it when she gave it to us!


  1. Danielle4:09 PM

    I like the idea of you growing a back bone and telling Kim to back off. If your brother sends it to her collect, I bet she'll try to give you the bill. LOL.

  2. oh my...she didnt like it??!! Sheesh...sounds like something she would say. She is very much a walking-talking contradiction!
    Love the pic!!
