Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Baby Bedroom Update

I ordered three things for our baby room yesterday: the matching drapes, extra fitted sheet and the 3pc artwork (all in the same picture). I decided to go with the curtains over the valance as I like curtains better but they were like double the price which sucks. I really hmmmed & hawed over it but decided to get them. Tyler wasn't completely sold on the idea so he's a little annoyed that I bought them (in my defense I thought he was fine with it per our previous conversations). I also probably shouldn't have bought the extra matching fitted sheet as it is priced ridiculously...but it seems like such a waste to get the bedding set and then not have a spare sheet that matches. I told him that since I didn't get to do the 3D ultrasound that would have cost $175, that I am able to spend a little loosely for that sacrifice. He didn't see the logic in that LOL So I am 'grounded' from further purchases until he gets home this weekend, which is fine cuz I've spent enough money this week for even my comfort level! Oh, but I did manage to save an additional 10% by using a coupon. Yay me!

Tonight when my Mom is here we'll be ordering the crib, mattress & change table mattress. So exciting! My parents & sis are also bringing the glider down with them too. We are losing some stuff tonight brother apparently has found a basement suite to move into (and out of my Aunt's house) and doesn't have a bed (he's been sleeping on a very uncomfortable futon - trust me I slept on it once). So since we have two spare beds that only get used when we have company we are letting my parents take one for my brother. Realistically, my parents bought the bed when my sister moved down here and we inherited it by default when she moved back to Grimshaw. Since my parents are buying so much for us (especially with the fifth wheel added in), I'd feel like a complete A-hole if I didn't let them take it and they'd have to buy my brother a new bed. We don't even have it set up right now as we are finishing the basement. So they'll take that and the two matching bedside tables. We still have a bed in our spare room (purple) room so I guess we'll just have to have less company!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:11 PM

    I think since your parents are contributing $1000 to your baby's arrival that the extra cost for the sheet, etc justifies it.. just tell him that money paid the difference :)
