Monday, June 22, 2009

Updates (sorry about the delay)

Sorry for the lack of blogs over this last week or so. I have been temping during the day and was out camping this weekend so didn’t have much time to do them. My weekend was pretty uneventful was our first weekend taking out our “new” RV and we were going with a group of 38 people including Kim, Tyrone and Mary (my mother-in-law).

My parents brought the Bumbo chair back from Medicine Hat that Kim was so frantic over. In addition to that were a few other random items in a bag that she had given me so Tyler & I gave her the whole bag back on Friday as soon as we saw them. I wanted to avoid spending much time with Kim this weekend so I enlisted June (one of my new friends), who has a permanent site at the camp ground, to spend a bunch of time with me as an extra excuse to avoid Kim. It turned out to be pretty rainy Friday night so Tyler & I mostly just set up the RV and did a little visiting in our fifth wheel before I went to bed pretty early (growing a fetus is exhausting!).

We slept in on Saturday and then Tyler headed to the kiddie pool area along with Kira (my 2 ½ year old niece) and Tyrone. I found out June was also going to be there as well so I headed over sans swim suite (not really interested in swimming with the chaos that is kids). After a bit June, her two daughters and I went for an ice cream and a casual saunter (as opposed to a walk). Then I hung out at her site as long as I could, until about 3:30pm when I was due back at our area for a group campfire-dinner thing. Mary had two co-workers there for the weekend, one whom I had met before and one whom I hadn’t - both who are really nice and friendly – so I got to visit with them and Owen throughout the dinner. After, Tyler & I both went over to June’s site as Willie and Kris were going to be there as well (June is married to Kris’ nephew). Kim & Tyrone ended up coming too, so I had to do some visiting with Kim but it wasn’t too bad as June was there as well. Then June ditched me for her campsite friend Mary Anne (just joking cuz I know June will eventually read this) so I convinced Tyler we should go back to our area. It was raining again so Tyler, Owen & I hung out in our RV playing a little bit of ‘Uno’ before they decided to hang out by the campfire and I again, ditched out to hit the hay early.

Sunday was another sleep in day followed with some visiting with Dezerae (Owen’s younger sister) and then a solitary swim in the pool as by the time I made it to the pool everyone else was done. Then it was about time to pack up so we did that and headed home. So I avoided any extra conflict arising this weekend J

Our stay in our “new” RV wasn’t too bad. The bed in there was pretty hard so I was pretty sore and not well rested so I am planning on getting a foam pad to see if that helps. The back roof vent leaked a bunch on Saturday and then just a little on Sunday after Tyler tried to fix it so hopefully that won’t be too bad to take care of. It was really lovely to have privacy and my own space and to NOT be in a tent with the crazy amount of rain we got this weekend. We are doing another camping trip out near Strathmore this weekend for a Friends Golf Tournament and then family Anniversary party so hopefully I have a few more of the quirks and missing pieces figured out by then. Tyler took the following week off so we’ll be able to do some odds and ends around the house, go to my much awaited Ultrasound on the 3rd and Vanessa will be coming down to help paint the baby room around the 1st and into the weekend.

Baby Room Update – I’ve boiled down my color choices for the room to the four main colors in the bedding set (though there are many shades still to choose from): chocolate brown, turquoise, taupe & green. I am not a big fan of the green idea so I’ve ruled that out right off the bat. I’m going to use ‘Debbie Travis’ paint as it is wonderful and they have little sample bottles in some of their colors so I bought the taupe color to try out (it was the only one of those I was interested in available). I put it on the wall and totally hate it so that’s out. I was thinking I might like to do three walls in the turquoise color and then one wall (which will have the crib) in the chocolate color to add depth to the room and suggested that to Tyler. He responded with “whatever you want” to which I said “you DO get an opinion” and he says “I don’t like brown I think it looks like poop, literally”. I was like, no brown looks like chocolate. And I was pretty surprised that he suddenly doesn’t like brown as we have a LOT of brown furniture and accessories. He’s so weird sometimes. So anyway, I am still leaning towards that option.

Megan and I pow-wowed about what kind of paintings she is going to do and we’ve pretty much decided on her doing animal silhouettes instead of the like cutesy animals I was originally considering. I have quite a few stuffed animals already that can add the cutesy affect and then be taken away as baby grows to be a little less baby like. So the basics of the room itself will be pretty modern & urban (which is one style I favor) and then my changeable accessories will be a little more cute and baby like (another style I like). Megan won’t be able to do the paintings until after the long weekend as she is away & we’ll just be painting the basic colors that weekend. Since that is still about two weeks away we both might come across something totally different and change our minds LOL

I have Wednesday the 24th off so I am hoping to go to Edmonton to see Danielle and her new baby Lakelyn as well as maybe do a little baby stuff shopping there.

Temping - I am temping today & tomorrow (Tuesday) here at RIFCO and then I am off until July 6th. The job I’m at right now, RIFCO, is probably my favorite so far as there are 28 people in this office so its been pretty busy socially and workwise though I am much too efficient so I’ve had down time (like right now). I have a job lined up at the “Red Deer River Watershed Alliance” from 8am - 12pm from the 6th to the 17th (two weeks), and then following that I have the 20th to the 24th booked at “Parkland Maintenance” which is 8:00am - 4:30pm. I’m really enjoying the temping work as it gives me variety in jobs and people as well as a paycheck without a huge commitment. However the dollar/hour wage is lower than I am probably “worth” in the market. I think I’d like to continue the temp work after baby but that will depend on my ability to get some sort of sitter that makes it worth my while. I need some free labor ha ha

1 comment:

  1. Danielle12:05 AM

    I love the turquoise and brown idea! It will look so good!

    On an unrelated topic, did you watch Jon and Kate plus 8 tonight? I've only seen a few episodes, so I'm not really attached to the show, but I was heartbroken at their announcement. I really hoped they would work things out and fall back in love. I think you need to blog more on this subject. LOL.
