Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Names ending in "N"

Okay, so I know you all have read about how I am trying to avoid picking a name that ends in "N". I also know that my brain doesn't work the same as everyone else's so often I worry that I am a little paranoid about things. When I was looking through a blog on a baby naming website I found some amazingly interesting stats & graphs that actually back up my names ending in "N" theory. I really love when my random theories get backed up with facts so I thought I would share these graphs with you!
Both graphs show the alphabet on the X axis and the number of boys with a name that ends in that letter on the Y axis. The first graph here is from 1906. The first interesting point is to notice that the graph tops out at 17,500. Secondly, the top four contenders are the letters: E, N, D, S. You might be struggling to think of names that end in that letter, one key thing to remember is that a name like Edward that ends in "D" might have been used 15,000 times rather than there being many names that end in "D" LOL

The second graph, is the one I get excited about. I should also point out, before you look at it, that there is a third graph available at the website regarding 1956 if you want to see the medium ground between them. It's pretty similar to the first one so I didn't bother. Anyway, here is the second graph:

I think it's pretty self explanatory, but in case your not into graphs...this graph is showing that in 2006 there was approximately 600,00 baby boys given a name that ends in "N". The closest next contender is the letter "R" which has less than 200,000. That's a signifant difference! N is obviously very dominiating...

By the way, I am way to excited by this data LOL Maybe I should become a sociologist or something :-D



  1. Anonymous8:49 PM

    LOL...first of all KUDOS for doing your research! Second of all, I LOVE your original-thinking! Your brain is one of my favorites. :)
    - Diana

  2. In all honesty I happened to come across the info more than seeking it out, but thanks! And double thanks for appreciating my mind LOL
