Friday, June 12, 2009

Gestational Diabetes Testing

Hey Folks,

As I am writing this I am at the DynaLab in Red Deer waiting out my 1 hour for the glucose screening. This test just screens if u need to go on for the more specific 3 hour test. If u pass u're free, fail means 3 more hours another day.

I had been warned about the sugary sweet orange pop like drink. What I didn't expect, was for it to taste EXACTLY like orange pop. So I really didn't mind the flavor, just found it a little disconcerning to drink 10oz of pop in 5 minutes. I am not much of a fluid intaker so it felt kind of weird during the second half of the bottle. However it is about 15 min later & I feel fine again.

I am worried about this test. Despite my resolve to eat better, I know I am still eating too much sweets and not a huge balance of nutrients (protein & veggies are the tough ones right now). However since I still haven't gained any weight, even with my belly size expanding, I am trying to stay with positive thinking. Hmmm, I don't imagine I get the results today as it is a blood test. That never occurred to me. Oh well.

Yesterday I had a business luncheon and one of the ladies asked me if I had lost weight cuz I was looking good. Who doesn't want to here that at 25 weeks pregnant? :-)


  1. Anonymous9:33 AM

    yes, when I went for this test I was warned the drink tasted like flat pop.. which it did, but it still was pretty nasty to down so much at once! I can drink plenty of water in one sitting, but this stuff wasn't overly great.

    and you look amazing! I am excited you are where you want to be size wise with this baby (not gaining additional weight - AND getting compliments that you've lost!)

    hope your concert was good!

  2. hey! I loved the pop!! But I am weird i
    Dont worry about the weight thing. I did not gain much weight until the last few weeks when I was preggo with Addy. I think until my last month I gained 10lbs!! It was crazy, but I did look slimmer in my face and stuff. The doc said the baby really took alot of my extra fat! (I liked the sound of that!) He actually wanted me to eat more and I did and baby just kept taking and taking, therefore, little weight gain! I was into my regular jeans 2 weeks after having Addy. But for everyone else reading this, do not be jealous, as I gain 65lbs with my middle child and 30 with my 1st and it took me a LONG time to get it off!
    Anywho there is my story!
