Tuesday, August 18, 2009

A 180...

I’m not sure what happened over the last few months, but I went from being really apprehensive about nursing to being willing to try it to, lately, actually being excited about it! I’m not really sure what I am excited about, but I am. Maybe it’s just the reality of our baby actually arriving soon is starting to set in?

This might be an over share for some of you ladies, but I’ve been leaking just a tiny since about 24 weeks or so I think. The first time it happened I felt a coolness on my nipples, like a draft, so I checked them out and there was a tiny drop of liquid there. I’ve pretty much only had a drop or two here and there (no actually streaming happening, but I have heard of people with that experience). A drop is kind of neat… streaming would be very inconvenient & possibly embarrassing! Yesterday I borrowed a book from the library that looked modern enough (& short) to learn as much about nursing as possible before baby comes.

I still get very irritated by some of the arguments for nursing, as I just don’t believe them or think they are fact based. Then there are some arguments that are likely true most of the time, but certainly not EVERY time, and I hate how its’ presented in a very black & white way. Yes I agree that most of the time, something synthetic is probably not as good as the real thing, but at the same time the synthetic product will be more consistent in quality than the real thing. Even the book I’m reading now, presents the idea of giving even one bottle of formula as being potential hazardous long term as “we don’t know the effects of formula long term”. I seriously doubt it’ll be hazardous. Maybe I’m just too much of a radical thinker than a conservative thinker. On a side note: I think my original resistance to nursing came a lot from just not wanting to be brainwashed, or conform to this huge pressure as I like to investigate everything myself and make personal, individual decisions. The more pressure something comes with, the more likely I am to go in the other direction (i.e. why Tyler & I resisted first marriage & then babies for so long).


  1. Anonymous9:22 AM

    i'm excited you are excited! I as you know was fairly antu-nursing, and here I am, 3 months into it! I agree, my most hated argument is the 'formula is bad' argument! If it were so bad, i would be in rough shape, along with all of my brothers and sister! We were all formula fed.

    i didnt experience the leaking beforehand, but i know about it since birth! i cant go anywhere withouy bra pads...kinda sucks!

  2. Anonymous9:22 AM

    (that comment was from me - Kyla)

  3. I hope it goes as well for me as it seems to for you...after all you just let us know that Logan is in the 97 percentile, so he must be feeding well :-D

  4. Anonymous12:24 PM

    lol ya.. the nurse is all 'you have good milk' lol

    i'm glad i persaveered (sp?) pursavired...?? hm, anyways, i'm glad i pushed through those first few weeks.

  5. Anonymous3:22 PM

    Yay! I'm so glad to hear that, Crystal (and Kyla too)! :) You both seemed so anti-nursing in prior conversations...and I was like "How can you knock it when you haven't tried it??" Anyways, I am happy to hear that you are more open to it, at least. Nursing is a wonderful, natural thing. Oh, and FYI - I also started leaking colostrum at about 5 months. Slightly annoying but good to know the 'plumbing' is working! haha. ;P
    - Diana
    P.S. I CAN relate to the feeling of non-conformity! hehe.
