Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Question for the Mommies who Read This

Do you, or did you, use special detergent for your baby clothes?


  1. Anonymous7:50 AM

    I have a seperate bottle for baby clothes yes :) And it's only because I make a point of doing my laundry seperate from Logan's because I find his little socks and tiny clothes get stuck in our clothes and I lost alot of items when I once tried mixing the loads! So until his clothes are larger and can 'fend for themselves' so to speak lol, we are doing seperate loads, thus I chose to use baby detergent as it can't hurt to play it safe! It's just one more very simple step I can take.. :)


  2. Anonymous3:06 PM

    I have always used (and still use) Ivory Snow (but am not necessarily particular to that BRAND name). Babies' skin is EXTRA-super-sensitive. My friend switched to regular detergent for her daughter's clothes when she was 18 months and she broke out in horrible rashes. :-S Best to play it safe, I think!
    - Diana

  3. Danielle11:21 PM

    Nope, I use the same Tide that I use for the rest of us. My doctor told me that special detergent isn't necessary unless the baby has some sort of reaction to the regular stuff. Both of my kids have really sensitive skin when it comes to bodywash and wipes but they have never had any problems with their clothes.

  4. See I'm kind of, of the philosophy like "let's just use our regular stuff & see how it goes". Then if you do have a reaction you know what to change...

  5. Anonymous11:23 AM

    I use Ivory Snow just out of habit because I did with Brayden. The reason I think they say to use baby detergent is because it is softer than the powder detergent. But since they make Tide in a liquid it is softer than the powder. I would only use the Ivory Snow if they had a reaction to Tide.


  6. Hey! Well at first (cause I always have good I used Woolite then I would see how pricey it was after a bit and then I would switch to like Tide or Sunlight. I loved the smell of Woolite! To me it smelled like baby!! mmmmmm

    I have never had any probs with my kids and detergents and I have 3 as you! I always wash the baby clothes separate from the rest of the families, but I always wash each persons clothes separately. My Bros wife thinks that is nuts!! but meh whatever!

    That is my ramblings for you!! Have a groovy day!!
