Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Prenatal Appointment

Had my 34 weeks check up yesterday with Dr. Hawley (sp?). SHE is a new doctor in the area & part of my clinic also.
Weigh In - I am officially 6.5 lbs heavier than my original starting weight before being pregnant. Not bad I guess.
Measuring - My belly is measuring between 34 & 35 cm, which according to Dr.Hawley is right on track. I feel like my belly should protrude more but maybe I am just tall enough & wide enough for baby to have room.
Heart Rate - When she first put the monitor on baby's heart rate was at about 190, which is quite high. She waited a few seconds and it came back down to 140. She said it's a good sign that it spikes and returns to normal (normal being between 120 - 160) because it shows that he is responding to stimuli but that his resting heart rate is still good.
Blood Pressure - 130/70, I have always been good at this test LOL but I usually test a little more to 120/80.
Next Time: In two weeks time I am back with Dr.Moffat who just so happens to be a guy & just so happens to coincide with having to do the vagina/anal strep b test. BOO. I have never had a male doctor down there so yeah. I wasn't worried about delivering with a male doctor cuz I figure when you're in that stage you just want baby out, but I'm not all about doing that test in the office...oh well, that is life.
My Questions
Do we need to pre-arrange the circumcision? No, we can just come in when baby is about 1 week and make the arrangments then.
Is there a September schedule for the doctors so I know who to contact? Not really, and it can change very easily even if there was one. So I just have to go to the hospital when I am in labor and they'll contact the right doctor.
When do I need to make decisions about birth control methods post baby? Unless I was planning on getting a UTI (i think they're called) put in right after labor, then it can wait until the 6 week check up mark.
That's all there was...

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