Saturday, August 01, 2009

33 Weeks...Ahhh!

I cannot believe that I am 33 weeks pregnant today. That means baby could come anytime between the next 5 - 9 weeks. That totally just blows my mind.

It's not that I'm not excited to see our baby but for the most part, I am enjoying being pregnant and what that brings. I have the baby all to myself and no diapers to clean up or cries to hear. There's a certain amount of excuses you can use when you're pregnant related to your mood & tiredness that you just don't get again. Not to mention that I still feel like I have some research to do on the whole birth thing and what comes after (like breastfeeding, etc). I recently borrowed "Hypnobirthing" from the public library as Kyla suggested it as a good book and I am trying to be at least a little bit frugal and get it from the library instead of buying it. I'm only about a chapter in but it's interesting so far. The main premise, if you haven't heard about it, is that birth is a natural thing for our bodies to go through and that the fear of pain is what actually causes the pain. It continues that, if you can get to a place of birthing acceptance and self-hypnosis then you should only really feel pressue and not pain and finish the experience energized instead of exhausted.

I'm still on the part where I'm skeptical, but I REALLY like the sounds of all that LOL I truly do believe in the power of mind over matter as I've used it many times over the last few years...and if you believe in it then you either believe in it whole heartedly or not at all (there's no inbetween). AHEM - Kim who believes in mind over matter except for certain 'illnesses' that plague her and are different. That makes sense how? Kyla had a really positive birth experience and I've read a few testimonials that jive with it too. It really can't hurt to try it.

There is a center in Calgary where you can do a two day course with a instructor and that costs about $400 and includes a "text, 2 cds" and coaching for Tyler & I. I can still get in to her Aug 22/23 sessions so I guess that's something I need to think about...if I am doing this 100% then it would most likely be worth the investment, but it's not worth it if its just a whim. Something else to think about & discuss with Tyler.

Baby Room Update

Megan came back on Thursday afternoon and finished the mural work. We put all the furniture back in & took some pics. Tyler & I still had some other artwork and decals to hang so I put off posting other pics until those were mostly done. I had one set of decals that I wanted to make into a picture (in a frame) and I think it turned out really cute. I was sort of working with scraps for the background colors so it came out pretty good especially considering that! Though it's kind of weird to do this: we are going to hang it under the window.

I painted in this chimp & am very proud of myself for that, ha ha. Tyler put up the zebra border, and June, my master seamstress who is going to make a slipcover for the glider, is camping for a few weeks so I'm not sure when that is happening. Oh, and the curtains are from our bedding set.
Tyler hung the net basket hammock for our abundance of stuffed animals and I think it looks especially cute with the tree now. To the right of that is a white picture frame that has 2 ultrasound pics in it & will have baby's foot and hand prints once he arrives. Oh & I found some bins to put into the change table/dresser that coordinate and were 50% off woot. The middle one says "baby" on it repeatedly and the other two have polka dots.

We hung the "matching" artwork from the bedding set in the corner as two of them looked best on brown & one looked best on blue. It doesn't look like it but there is still lots of room over in that corner for storage of other things. The closet also finally has my scrapbooking stuff out of it (though it's just literally thrown into the spare room right now) so it has TONS of room left in it too - I'd say at least 60-70% is empty. We put the decal stickers on the doors: the closet has animal numbers & the door has animal alphabet. It kind of looks busy in this picture, but rest assured that it looks cute in person. The metal/glass shelf you're looking at still has lots of room on it as well. Only one of the baskets has stuff in it & I haven't done the 'final' placing of the shelf stuff.

The cube shelf still has lots of empty space on it too, which I'm happy about. On top I have an empty picture frame to fill, a family tree that we got for our wedding that I thought looked good in baby's room, and a lava lamp! Above is a footprints beach picture that is holographic - meaning it changes as you shift how you look at it.

So the room is as done as I'd like it to be until baby comes & I have a baby shower. I know I'll get other things to go in it (such as diapers, wipes, more blankets, possibly some toys, a baby, etc) so I'm glad there is still room in it to grow.

One last is the inside of the crib. It has three of my favorite stuffed animals in it: Cheeky Charlie the puppet from Dallas Aquarium, a lion & a hippo. Of course they might not stay in there as it could interfer with baby's breathing, but for now, it's their home!

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