Thursday, August 13, 2009

Baby Full!

I woke up Tuesday morning feeling "baby full". I'm not sure if my baby boy had a sudden growth spurt or something but pants I wore just on Monday feel tighter and it's more uncomfortable to sit forward or even straight up. I can't really explain it but I just feel like he's taking up more room in there!
My mom & sister made a last minute trip to come visit. :-D My sis found out she had Tuesday thru Friday off this week and wanted to come down. My parents didn't want her to risk the trip with her car (second hand, unreliable) so my mom managed to get a couple days off & come with her. Last night we went to Babies R Us and my sister decided to buy the Fischer Price Vibrating Bouncing chair I wanted (it has polar bears & penguins) which is awesome. My mom decided to buy us a Diaper Genie II Elite, some refills, a pack of newborn diapers (as they are only good to 10lbs & we don't know how big baby will be), a refill pack of wipes, 3 pack of receiving blankets, a soother string, a wrist rattle, a baby bottle, teether rails for the all came to about $200+ with my sister's chair so we didn't make out too bad!
It was fun. I assembled the bouncer when we got home, which is SO not my job usually, so it took a while but I got it :-)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:27 PM

    I think your baby may have 'dropped'!! Jackson didn't drop until 2 or 3 weeks before her due date, but now that I think about it I guess you could be that close too! :-) I remember the feeling though. So exciting!!
    - Di
