Sunday, January 28, 2007

Being Sick Sucks

Hi All...I've been getting some complaints about not updating my blog frequently (ahem, Kyla) so as I laid in my bed not falling asleep I thought "why not write a blog". The reason I haven't posted anything lately is that I've been busy, also I have been sick. :-(

Monday: I woke up with chest pains. After a while I was a little concerned so I called to make an appointment with my docter. What a surprise she's on holidays (again) so I made an appointment with her fill in for Wednesday...but by after lunch my boss lady (Cynthia) insists that I go to the walk in, stressing that chest pains aren't something to mess with. There weren't too many people at the walk in so I got in to the doctor within about ten minutes. He didn't seemed too concerned & said he'd like to do an x-ray. So off to the basement I go. About an HOUR later I made my way back upstairs, chest shots in hand. The waiting room was now super full. The receptionist insists that she'll put me in the next available room. She calls two names before calling mine (weird, my definition of next must be different then hers). Doctor says he doesn't see anything in the x-ray to cause concern so sends me to the hospital for blood work. Once I get to the right counter at the hospital the receptionist there insists that I take a number than sit in the waiting room. I barely sit down when she calls my number (must be a control issue?). Get my blood work then head back to work. It's now about ten to four so I've pretty much wasted my whole afternoon. Doctor said he'd let me know the results by the end of the day, so at 4:25pm I call the clinic back. They say "yep, he'll call you when he knows", so I asked when the clinic closed: 6pm. Off to home to wait. Needless to say I decided to skip my aqua aerobics as I still had the chest pains. At about 5 to six I call the clinic again as I haven't heard...I get voicemail telling me their closed. Awesome. I go to have a relaxing shower. I'm in the middle of shampooing my hair when the phone rings. So I answer it. Doc says that there isn't any blood clot action but that my white blood cell count is high so he'll write a prescription for anti-biotics. I go pick them help along with some take out pizza.

Tuesday: I wake up feeling no chest pains but a little under the weather. Fairly stuffed up. I have a work conference that day though so off I go. It starts at 8am and goes until about 10pm that night. Got to see and talk to a bunch of co-workers I never see anymore so that was fun.

Wednesday: Wake up with a sore throat and very congested. Can't really taste anything either. I still have the conference in the morning so I go to that as well as work in the afternoon. I again skip the aqua aerobics (I'm feeling guilty about this so if anyone thinks it's okay that I didn't go please leave a comment). Still taking the anti-biotics.

Thursday: Wake up feeling entirely shitty. Call in sick to work. Sleep until about 12:30pm. Wake up and make myself some homemade soup. Makes me feel a little better. Chilled on the couch, watch a Will Ferrell movie off tv (Kicking & Screaming) and went through a week's supply of toilet paper for my nose (we don't have kleenex in the house). Ran to the store and got some ginerale & cough drops. Watched Thursday night TV which lifts my spirits (the Office, War at Home, CSI). Tyler gets home sometime after midnight.

Friday: Drag myself out of bed cuz timesheets are due this morning & I'm in charge of that. People like to get paid, don't like it so much when they don't. And I didn't have time to brief Nancy on where everything went or is. Spend more time at work than I intend, don't get out until 10am. I try to go to Tim Horton's to get some soup/tea...their debit machine is down & I of course do not have cash. I try the other Timmy's and it's super packed. So I hit a convenience store, buy more ginerale & cough drops and head home. Relax at home for a bit and watch TV with Tyler. Then he heads out to run errands and I crashed for a few hours. Wake up in time to make supper and watch more movies on TV. It was a pretty relaxing evening all around.

Saturday: Less snot, throat isn't sore today. I (mistakenly) think I'm getting better. Tyler & I get into a stupid fight. I leave to do some shopping (Scrapbooker's, Reitman's, Megan's b-day present, Safeway) but it doesn't make me feel better. Come home and make Suprise Spread for Tyler's dad's b-day. We go there for supper than I have to leave cuz it's Megan's bday & I signed up to go bowling. My throat feels really sore when I leave. Go bowling (did okay for me, had fun) then go back to Tyler's dad's. Did I mention that it's a half hour drive outside of Red Deer? So I drove two hours that nightl. Anyway, saw my niece. Women beat the men at Sequence (a board game).

Sunday: Feeling like the cold is out of my head at least. Throat hurt a little this morning. I'm still snotty but don't feel congested. I bought "Yoga Booty Ballet" on DVD ( yesterday so decide to try it out. I was sweatin'. But it was fun. Now as I sit here typing I have chest pains again! Maybe I just pulled something during the DVD? I had a nice bath tonight using some of my new products so that semi-rejuvenated me. However I am feeling a bit loney cuz Tyler may be out of town for 18 days this time. Could be a long stretch. However this week IS busy: water aerobics monday, massage then dinner with Lorna tuesday, water aerobics wednesday...not to mention my VERY long list of little things to do that I've been putting off for a while, especially with being sick last week.


  1. Anonymous3:09 PM

    I am only trying to help you keep your resolutions Crystal! Promise!

  2. I LOVE that you harass me for postings cuz that means you both read and like the postings I put on.

    And thanks for helping me with my resolutions!
