Thursday, January 18, 2007

My poor little baby...

So my little baby boy Dominic (a.k.a. one of my dogs) was not feeling good this last week. On Friday he was acting "down" and kept dropping his butt on the ground making a weird thunk sound, but we didn't know what was wrong. Flash forward to Saturday night, Tyler went to pick Dominic up for the couch & he yiped. We looked at his bum and he had a huge swelling on the side of his, um, bum hole (lack of a better term). It was about the size of a ping pong ball. And very gross looking. I called the vet to see if it was an emergency. I described it to her and she said it sounded like a swollen anal gland. She said it wasn't an emergency and to give him some baby aspirin to help the pain. We of course didn't have any as we don't have any babies. She also said that it basically just needed to pop and drain. A little while later there was some blood stuff on the floor so it looked like it had popped, so I didn't worry about the baby aspirin.

Sunday night when I went to bed, Dominic was trembling non-stop. I figured he must still be in pain so I was going to buy him some aspirin the next day.

Monday: came home from work but didn't have time to go to like Wal-mart for aspirin so called the Express 24...they only had baby Tylenol (didn't know if that would be okay). So I called my neighbors (who recently had a baby) to see if they had any baby aspirin. Negative. So I called the vet again to see if Tylenol would be okay. The lady who answered the phone responded by saying that I really shouldn't give him baby aspirin or tylenol as there isn't a lot of confirmed reasearch on the effect it has on the animal. She asked me what was wrong so I explained it to her and told her what the on-call vet said. The phone lady told me that really I should bring him in as swollen anal glands have a tendancy to get infected so I made an appointment for Tuesday morning. She said that for the pain that night I could give Dominic the baby tylenol.

Tuesday @ the vet's: the shaved my baby's boy and inspected his gland. The vet said it was too sensitive for her to fully inspect so she gave me two drugs for Dominic: one for pain and one for an antibotic, setting us back about $100. Then I booked an appointment for next week.

So...I have to give Dominic a pill every 12 hours (i slip it in some wet food so it goes down really easy), and this liquid medicine through a syringe to his mouth every 24 hours. He doesn't like the syringe squirting one but is enjoying the wet food as we usually only give them dry food. Charlie, my other dog, seems to be a little jealous that Dominic is getting all these "treats". LOL But Dominic seems to be getting better now so hopefully he is back to his old self soon.

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