Wednesday, January 03, 2007

My Week in Hell

So I’ve already blogged Christmas Day & New Year’s but I didn’t write about the 2 crappy things that happened in between. I’m not sure exactly what I did but I think God is punishing me for something. I'm trying to ignore my French Catholic upbringing & purge my guilt instead of wallowing in it. Here it goes...

Incident #1 - Last Wednesday I was shopping in my Scrapbooker’s store and Tyler was waiting for me outside in my car. Completely unprovoked my windshield made a SNAP sound and cracked from the middle out in both directions. I have a giant mustache shape almost clear across my windshield. And it makes noise: we were traveling on the highway this weekend and it was making a rubbing sound. Scary.

Incident #2 – So I think I have come a long way in terms of driving but apparently my parking still needs work. I was trying to park in a spot in the North Wal-Mart parking lot (my arch nemesis: see back-story below) which was a little tight. I must have had my angles wrong and got too close to the truck on my right’s back bumper. Awesomely, he had a hook right in that spot that hooked onto the part in between my back passenger door & the wheel hub. I stopped as soon as I fell the impact, and then reversed trying to get out of it. This action popped a piece of my auto body off about 4 inches by two inches as well as dug quite a nice groove into my door. I was quite impressed with myself as you can imagine. I could barely continue shopping at Wal-Mart. In reality it could have been much worse but I was still pissed off at myself as my car is only a 2005. It was one of those moments where you wish you could rewind.

Back-story – Shortly after I bought myself my first car (about two weeks), a brand new 2003 Saturn Ion, I found myself parking in the North Wal-Mart parking lot. I parked on the perimeter which I rarely do and had my Little Sister (from the program) with me. When it was time for us to leave I decided that instead of backing up in a curve I would just back out straight into the empty lane and then pull out. Bad idea. There was a heavy duty truck there with a bumper that was sticking out. I hit his bumper with my driver’s side back end and my reaction was slow so I hit it for a bit of a long time. I ended up denting in my dent resistant auto body. I called Tyler in tears to come get me. Then Jessica (11) & I waited for him to show up. In her never ending niceness she said to me “if your car was a puppy you would have just killed it”. Thanks, that makes me feel a lot better. The guy who owned the truck showed up & was really nice. He said that his truck was fine and asked me if I was alright. It was good that there was no damage to his vehicle. Tyler showed up and lectured me on my not smartness. When we got home he managed to pop out the dent so all that was left was the two puncture holes left by the screws. It was a constant reminder of my parking inexperience. Especially since I hadn’t even made my first car payment yet. :-(

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