Wednesday, January 10, 2007


I took this picture off of the AMA road report camera's. While this shot is closer to Edmonton it's pretty accurate to describing how it looks outside. The wind is blowing like crazy and while I don't think it's snowing per say it looks like it from the wind. The sky is pure white which gives the illusion of sunshine but it's super cold!

Gotta love winter in Alberta, Canada! We've been spoiled so far this year...

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:29 PM

    Hey Crystal.
    I was going to tell you something over a regular e-mail, but thought you would enjoy a comment on your blog more.
    It is more of a compliment though!

    I off and on read your blog every now and then, as not only do I find it amusing, but a lot I can relate to (not everything, but a lot).

    You mentioned to me that your current job is just a job, nothing that you would really rave about.
    As I am reading your blog, I thought to myself, "Hey, Crystal should become a columnist or a journalist".
    A lot of people don't read a lot, such as books (I am one of them), but short stories, or incidents attract more people.

    That's just my thought, and a comment / compliment for you!
    Cheers, Cat
