Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Resolutions Re-evaluation

So I am re-evaluating my New Year’s resolutions. Here we go. I still have all those goals in mind but instead I’m going to set up mini-goals for each month, say about five per month, to help me stay on track.

Here is January’s Mini-Goals:
1. Attend water aerobics starting Jan 15
2. Plan at least one social event.
3. Make at least one “Rachael Ray” recipe per week.
4. Hit the sack at 11:30pm on week nights.
5. Keep in-law rants on blog or to friends: not to Tyler.

January Accomplishments So Far:
1. Finished scrapbooking Christmas 2006.
2. Signed up for water aerobics.

Items I’ve scrapped/re-evaluated:
1. Weight Watchers: I’ve familiarized myself with the program and have decided that on the whole it doesn’t work for me. However I will take key elements with me, such as the point system when evaluation food choices.
2. Yoga: I’ve decided that I don’t want to commit myself to Tuesday nights for 10 weeks for $75. Instead I will rent or buy a Yoga DVD & try it out first. Besides, Tuesday nights are the best nights for going to the theatre.

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