Thursday, January 18, 2007

NYR: January Progress Report

Okay so here I go self-evaluating my progress on those January New Year's Resolutions...
1. Attend water aerobics: there have been 2 classes so far I have am 2 for 2...however it was a close call as yesterday I wasn't feel good. I had went home sick in the afternoon but felt better by the time it was Water Aerobics time. I'm feeling much better physically after only 2 times...
2. Plan at least one social event: well I'm attending a few so maybe that counts? It's my friend Cat's b-day this week so I'm going to her parent's house for fondue. On Sunday one of my co-worker's Cheryl is having a Partylite party. Then next weekend my friend/hairdresser Megan is having her birthday party (glow bowling). I feel like that's busy enough. However, I should get on the ball for my game night that is fast approaching...
3. One Rachael Ray Recipe/Per Minimum: I can cross this one off! Last night I made chicken meatball sauce & rice...I also whipped up some homemade mac & cheese (the cheese sauce is homemade not the macaroni). I'm also watch several episodes and have cooking options for next week.
4. Hit the sack at 11:30: this one I am failing at miserably and thus also making myself very UNpunctual for work each day. In fact I haven't worked a full day yet this week: Monday - nail appointment, Tuesday - vet, Wednesday - Sick...sigh.
5. Minimize in-law rants to Tyler: score. I'm fairly certain I haven't bitched to him yet.
Stay tuned for February's goals!

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