Tuesday, January 30, 2007


So I have to admit something. I break the law everyday. Usually more than once. It's true, I'm a common criminal...here's my story.
First: I park across the street from my office. Now, by law I am suppose to walk to the corner and cross the street at the crosswalk. But if I learned anything in high school it was that the shortest distance between two points is a straight line. So I jaywalk. GASP. I don't even look both ways (it's a one-way). I'm not sure if it's the business person in me (efficiency) who can't stand to back track or if it's the human in me (laziness). I go home for lunch usually so I end up jaywalking about 4 times per week day.
Second: I speed. Frequently. And I get very mad at people who are doing the speed limit or below. Sadly I also get mad at people who ride my ass in a hurry!
So that's my story. Report me if you must. Give me the scarlett letter for Jaywalking or Speeding. But first remember: let he who casts the first stone be without sin.


  1. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Just testing to see if I can post a comment without signing up...

  2. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Well, I'm glad you are a criminal Crystal. But really, no one can say they don't break the law because there are tiny things like jaywalking that do constitute as an illegal act.
    Thanks for the extra thought to ponder! It was interesting to me to watch my own actions and my unlawful side come out. hahaha!
