Monday, March 05, 2007

As if!

Okay so on my lunch break I was watching a "Baby Story" on TLC. The woman on the episode was struggling through over 24 hours of labor when I had to leave to go back to work. What pissed me off about the episode was that the woman wanted to have an epideral to help with the pain but the husband didn't believe in anything but a natural birth so he was talking her out of it. She was having nervous breakdowns, bawling, talking about how she couldn't make it through and that she felt like her top half of her body was being ripped from the bottom. Basically begging him to allow her to have the epideral.
So, yeah. That will not be the case when I have a baby. Until Tyler is the one pushing something the size of a watermelon out something much smaller he doesn't have a say in my pain medication during delivery!


  1. Anonymous3:15 PM

    I would like to see this guy pass a kidney stone. We probably would not hear the end of it.

  2. Anonymous11:13 AM

    Touche ~ maybe by the time some of us start having kids, they wil have introduced some new technology for men carry and have children~!
