Tuesday, March 20, 2007

I hate people...

#1: One of the ladies who REFUSED to go in on the christmas thing for my boss because she said it was "against company policy & business etiquette" to buy a gift for your boss, buys him a coffee like almost every day. What is that?
#2: My friend Catharina who desperately needs a vacation had planned to go to the Dominican with her friend Katie at the end of April. Well then Katie, who originally said she had $10,000 in the bank calls Cat and bails because a) she can't afford it & b) cuz it'll remind her of the guy she just broke up with who lives in Cuba. Cat called her out on the money issue and so Katie relented. Then, last night, Katie calls Cat & says "I just quit my job, I can't go to the Domincan." This is especially jerky cuz Catharina doesn't have anyone else to go with (including family as they run a business and can't take vacations at the same time). So if you want to go on vacation with Catharina at the end of April give her a call!


  1. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Thanks Crystal. Should we post my picture and day time phone number to see if we get any interests on a vacation? I just don't know what to do. Everyone I know is, well not necessarily in a slump, but more tied down then anything,. if it is family, spouses whom they want to go on holiday with (which I really don't blame, as I feel the same), pregnant, has little children, etc. The list just goes on. I do appreciate you expressing my feelings on your blog. And I really am up to meeting new friends if anyone is interested in going to the Dominican. Cheers, Cat

  2. Anonymous7:28 AM

    aw that totally sucks. If i had an extra couple thousand dollars just sitting around, i'd go :) -not helpful i know-

    but.. alas, i do not. Good luck to you tho! (well, to Cat)
