Monday, March 26, 2007

I Will Survive...

First, I want to confess that I missed the last five days in a row of swimming. ~Pout~ The first two days were because I was sick, Friday was because Tyler came home the night before and I didn't get to bed at a decent hour, Saturday was because I chose Costco over swimming and Sunday was because I chose doing nothing over swimming.

Second, I want to "brag" that I did make it to swimming this morning before work. Yah! One day at a time right?
Third, I want to whine that it is very hard for me to be general. It is SO much easier to bitch, be annoyed, make fun of people, gossip and focus on the negative. Why is that?
Forth, I want to confess, after reviewing number three, that maybe I am not as good a person as I think I am. I told this to my co-worker Bev once (at Property Team) and she reassured me that it's very human to be selfish. I miss Bev...I wonder where she is now?


  1. Anonymous7:08 AM

    Well, I think considering that you were sick AND considering it was a weekend (were you not just going to swim week days?) I don't think you are a slacker for missing a few days. ESPECIALLY since you picked it back up again! :)

    Also, it actually is human nature to be selfish. To tell you the truth, i'd go as far as saying it's unhealthy if you didn't watch out for yourself first. But, that being said, I have never looked at you and thought "what a selfish person" because.. you are still willing to help other people out. Sometimes it deserves some complaint, sometimes it doesn't. Depends on the situation, but since you still go and do it, i think that's what counts..

    any comments?


  2. Hmm, I don't remember if I was only aiming for weekdays but as of right now I am aiming for everyday...except that I was freakin' exhausted this morning and didn't go. I blame painting my bathroom last night.

    I think Dr.Phil even says to take care of yourself first because if you don't take care of you soon there will be no you to share.

    Thanks for being so nice to me! Super thanks for reading & commenting...I love that.
