Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Late Night Freak Show

So I don't think I'll be missing many more early morning swims...I slept in this morning so decided that I'd go to late swim (9pm-10pm) to make up for it. Well guess what, there is an abundence of freak shows who go to late night swim. They are:
-middle aged guy who stares at you and is wearing yellow flippers and making weird noises as he swims (think grunts). he also happens to be the guy in the hot tub who needs to make conversation for no reason (so which city pool is your favorite?).
-crazy short yet muscular grannie who jumps up and down in one spot,
-super tanned, hairy chest, slightly chubby gold medallion wearing guy,
-weird teenage kid who doesn't understand the etiquette of swimming where you respect people's personal space in the pool, who expects you to move for him but won't move for you,
-teenage girl & middle aged women who appear to maybe be giving each other swimming lessons...couldn't quite figure it out (oh & the teenage one was crying when I got there).
-several creepy old guys (but there are a handful of them in the morning too).
-quiet middle aged lady who frequently makes eye contact but never talks, head nods or even slightly smiles.
-plus tons of crazy splashing swimmers (why do they need to make so much of a splash?).
Good times. I decided to treat myself with a little hot tub time so I watched for an optimal moment for when the tub was empty...I saw the opportunity, went for it and then realized when it was too late that there was a guy already in it (quiet philphino guy). Alright I can deal with that. Oh no wait, the creepy yellow flipper guy is right behind me & is now joining the hot tub. Oh & there's another middle aged guy joining us. And then the gold medallion guy. Then a totally normal looking late 20s guy (I wasn't fooled though, I know he too must be a freak). I was blocked in. I don't do hot tubs well on account of them being so hot. I was ready to get out after like 90 seconds but they had the stairway blocked. Not too mention I was loathing having to bare my pale ass to all of them as I emerged from the water. But after five minutes or so I had to make my break for it. Stubbed my toe on the way out, so hard it busted some skin. Ow. So yeah, I'll be aiming for morning swim from now on!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:57 PM

    LOL......ahh poor crystal. That sounded pretty freaky to me. Glad you survived it. Did you have a panic attack?
    Keep the stories coming and congrats to keeping up with swimming thing.
