Thursday, May 28, 2009

Annoyance - Need Input

Back in around Spring of 2007, when Tyrone and Kim split up and moved into seperate places, she unloaded a bunch of baby stuff onto us. Most noteably they were clothes and a bumbo chair. When she gave us the stuff she was assuming that she wasn't going to have any more kids so she told us to go through it, keep what we want and donate whatever we didn't want. Which I did as when she gave us the stuff we still weren't really thinking kids yet and I wasn't going to keep stuff I wasn't too into. My brother had just had Chaise so I took the bumbo chair to him in Medicine Hat. He didn't end up getting any use out of it as he didn't see Chaise during that timeframe but that's not really the point.
Anyway, when Kim and Tyrone announced they were pregnant (with Tehya) in September of 2008 they basically asked for all their stuff back. Which for me was kind of salt in the wound of the fact that we were trying for a baby at that point and here was two undeserving, non-dating people having a baby. So whatever, I gave back all the stuff I had, not including the Bumbo chair as I don't have it (my brother does). Two days after Tehya was born (circa March 18) Kim really started to bug me to get the Bumbo chair back for her, bragging about how advanced Tehya was already and how she'd need it soon. I had a trip planned to Medicine Hat on March 31st for a baby shower so I planned to get it back then. Well when I left I forgot it there. So now everytime Kim talks to me or she's me she asks me to get it. Since my brother doesn't have a lot of money I didn't really want to ask him to mail or send it on the bus. However, the last time Kim asked me she said "maybe if you don't get it back you should buy us a new one and then just keep that one for yourself". Um, what? I don't think so. So now I don't even want to try to get it back, just to be spiteful. My Grandma came down last weekend on the bus and I did ask my brother to send it with her but he either forgot, doesn't know where it is or was too lazy to grab it.
If they had given us all that stuff with the understanding that we were to give it back I think it'd be one thing (or really if it was anybody other than them). But now it just really burns me that she's acting like this about it. And to be honest, I really don't even buy into the whole Bumbo chair great thing. What do you guys think?


  1. Anonymous12:33 PM

    My opinion is... You should tell Kim that she gave you those baby items, and said you can do what you want with those items. So you gave the bumbo chair to your brother. And you are not going to get it back or buy them a new one. They shouldn't have given you those things if they were going to have another child. So to bad for Kim, she can stop whining about it, and buy Tehya a new one.
    And by the way I don't really like the bumbo chairs either, so If you really want one I have one in my basement you can use! LOL

  2. Danielle1:46 PM

    I watch a lot of court shows during the day and I guarantee Judge Judy would rule in your favor. She gave you those items. You were free to do whatever you wanted with them. Morgan's sister gave us a bunch of stuff because they didn't plan to have to any other kids. They ended up having a baby girl in December. She didn't even ask for anything back. I gathered up the things I still had, such as her exersaucer, which is a must have item, but some of the stuff I had already given away. Laura wasn't bitter at all. In fact, she was grateful that we still had any of the things she had given us. Kim is just being ridiculous. I would tell her to f#@* off. Judge Judy has your back. LOL.

  3. Ha ha, Judge Judy, I love it! I could totally see how that would play out on her show :-)

  4. YAY for Judge Judy!! I can be bitchy like her. We could set it up!! LOL
    Hey possession is like 9/10ths of the law right!!?
    She gave it to you, she gave it to you....guess she shoulda thought twice! Now they want a 3rd???!! Weird n' stooopid!

    I am almost caught up on the back blogs...LOL YAY!!

  5. Anonymous3:08 PM

    I'm in agreeance with everyone here. she GAVE you the stuff.. it wasn't a "here borrow this until I have another child" situation! (and i am with you on not buying into the whole idea of the bumbo.. though I do have one.. lol but it was a gift in my defense!)


  6. Anonymous9:23 PM

    My opinion? Bumbo chairs are both overpriced and overrated! Kids learned to sit up way before Bumbos were ever invented. lol. It's a fad...and she should get over it! She should've thought about how 'priceless' it was before she gave it away... ;)
    - D.
