Thursday, May 21, 2009

Weekend Plans

I'm gearing up for another weekend headed to Grimshaw. My initial reason for going to Grimsville (as I like to call it) was to support my cousin Alisha who is graduating from High School this year. I remember when I graduated, it was THE most important event so I thought it would be nice if I could be there. We aren't super close, even though I did baby sit her when she was little, but she's a really good kid from what I know.

Not sure if I blogged about it before, but my parents are 'loaning' us their 5th Wheel RV indefinitely. They have only used it once in the last two years and we were looking into getting something we could afford so they offered for us to take theirs. They actually inherited it from my Grandpa back in 1992 or so who had bought it in 1989. My dad said you could probably count on both hands how many times its actually been used so its still in great condition. It still has the orginial tires even LOL So I'm not much of a camping girl but I am much more inclined to enjoy it in an RV that is all our own to use where I can escape with some privacy so I'm excited. I'm also nervous as I know they are a lot of work to set up & take down etc. But it's all good! It's an 80s RV so its decorated in blues & pinks which I prefer over browns and oranges by far. It's also nice to know where it's been so to speak and also sort of special that it was my Grandpa's. I actually broke it in with him back when I was like 7 and he first got it! I was going through a memorabilia box just two nights ago and found a picture from one of those trips. I'm going to scan it & post it here cuz i'm just too cute for words. :-)

My Grandma (mom's mom) is coming with us to Grimshaw as it's my mom's brother's kid who is graduating. It'll be nice for her to be there as well. In fact, my Grandma will be arriving in Red Deer in about an hour and I haven't showered since after swimming yet so I'd better run. I hope my Grams (as I call her) doesn't care that my house is not in tip top clean shape. I just totally ran out of time this week.

1 comment:

  1. yay for the trailer!!! Cant wait for you guys to come camping!!!!!!
