Friday, May 01, 2009

Follow up with Dr.Phil(pot) & Cool Website

So the majority of my appointment was spent talking about how I now have a low lying placenta. Which means that instead of being toward the back or top it is close to the cervix. So if it is still that way closer to my due date then it'll be an automatic c-section (which doesn't bother me all THAT much). For those that are interested in the bio lesson: the placenta is what nourishes the baby. Normally you would want the baby to deliver and then the placenta to follow. If it's in the way of the cervix, then I would have to c-section as baby needs to come out through the cervix.
I needed to schedule another ultrasound for the end of the 2nd/beginning of the 3rd trimester to check on it so I'm booked in for July 3rd. Two months away but better than nothing. Oh & if I end up having any bleeding I'll need to do an ultrasound right away. And I'm suppose to abstain from intercourse for now cuz it could irritate my cervix and cause bleeding (and yes I've selfishly considered not listening so that maybe it will cause bleeding and I'll get in sooner. But Tyler refused). She's also referring me to an Obstetrician just to be cautious and get his opinion (as I'm considered a little more high risk now). Most likely she figures he'll just give us some direction but tell me to keep seeing Dr.Phil (who's just a general practicioner not a specialized OB). I haven't googled anything yet about it but I'm sure there's a wealth of info out there.
C-sections don't scare me anymore than actual labor does. In fact, even though they are surgery, I think they'd be better in the long run as I have heard SO many horror stories about long labors and then followed by c-sections. Then I could guarantee baby was born in September (sapphire birthstone) as my due date is the 20th and I think pre-scheduled c-sections are done about two weeks early? Maybe they could even do a tummy tuck while they're down there?

She also mentioned that they baby is head down which I'm not sure if that's an issue or not as she didn't elaborate. Tyler had a large head for his size as a baby so I've been pretty freaked about that for a while!
Dr.Phil also informed me that they are changing how they are doing things a little as there is so many doctors retiring & semi-retiring and not doing deliveries anymore. Instead of having one doctor I'll have a group of doctors and when I go into labor (if that's the cause) then it could be any of those doctors who are scheduled for that day. That's how they do things at my friend Kyla's clinic and I'm actually surprised that doctors didn't come up with this idea sooner: Dr.Phil shared how difficult it can be if you take a day to help one of your patients deliver and then you have to try to take all those missed appointments and re-fit them into an already full schedule. So instead each doctor would have pre-set aside days of when they are doing deliveries (or on call for deliveries I guess). However all of that would be irrelevant if the Obstetrician decides he wants to keep me under his care.
I've also been referred to a cool website by a friend. It has recordings of pregnancy & baby related discussions. I haven't listened yet but I'm sure it's worth checking out:

1 comment:

  1. Danielle3:40 PM

    I also had placenta previa, but it has now cleared up. My doctor is also pregnant and was diagnosed with it, but hers cleared up as well. More than 90% of people diagnosed prior to 30 weeks end up being able to deliver vaginally. Although I see some advantages to avoiding labor, I don't think you really want a c-section. You're not allowed to be alone for the first couple weeks after the surgery. Somebody would have to stay with you and the baby 24/7. That would make me nuts!

    Head down is perfect birthing position. You always want the head to come first.

    My doctor does deliveries, but unfortunately is now on maternity leave, so I'm going to a clinic like yours. There are 3 different doctors (normally 5, but 2 are on maternity leave) and when I go into labor, I get the doctor who happens to be on call. I've met 2 out of 3 of them so far and they seem really good.
