Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Contemplating 3D/4D Ultrasounds

So right off the bat, I feel very hypocritical even considering a 3D/4D ultrasound because about 6 weeks ago I had absolutely no interest in getting one. I thought that they looked kind of creepy and were very expensive and that I would easily like to spend that money on something else.
However, in light of us not finding out gender at the 18 week ultrasound as I had hoped, I found myself considering this option. Here's the info:
-I can get in for May 15th (a Friday so Tyler can be there too) in Red Deer at the "Central Alberta Fertility Clinic",
-for $150 you get a 30 minute appointment & 5 - 6 pictures printed off,
-for an additional $25 you can get a 15 - 30 minute DVD made of moving video clips,
-they ARE there for your entertainment so I'm hoping they'd be a little nicer than the other lady,
-as an added bonus you are suppose to arrive with an EMPTY bladder.
I do have another regular ultrasound scheduled for July 3rd (also a Friday for Tyler). I am not 100% satisfied with knowing that because:
-that is a whole 2 months away and only about 2 months or so before baby is due (2 months ISH depending on circumstances),
-there are still no guarantees that we can find out gender at that appointment. The appointment is for them to identify the location of my placenta at that point and see if its still near or covering my cervix and I can already see them being so concerned with that, that they won't bother with gender.
In addition to that, I still feel as if I am not yet connected to baby. I've been going through a bunch of parenting magazines that I've stockpiled (a whole other story) and I keep coming across advertisements for the 3D/4D which are getting me more and more on board. One of the points they made is that it helps you connect with baby & I could see that. It also says that they use the exact same technology & frequency of normal ultrasounds so that makes me feel better about the exposure factor. I also feel like I was "ripped" off of a positive experience at my last ultrasound and want to have a positive experience to reflect on for our baby.
If you're like me and you're wondering what the difference between 3D & 4 D is...
-3D is because you have depth in addition to height & width,
-4D is when you actually have the motion as well (so a video verus a still picture).
I'm still not 100% sure though as cost is still a factor for me, though it is less expensive than I thought it would be and I AM a scrapbooker so the extra photos could come in handy. Another big factor is of course there are still no guarantees that we'll find out gender at this appointment. So I think I need to decide if there is more elements to this that I'd enjoy other than just gender. They could also be wrong about gender (as a normal u/s tech could be), as I just heard a story directly from a girl who was told she was having a boy. Then ended up with another ultrasound (as they found out their baby had cystic fibrosis) and at that u/s were told girl. They had a girl. I'm not sure if she was here in town or not. I'm going to find out though!
Ugh, pregnancy is just the beginning of making endless decisions. At this point the good outweighs the bad for me but I haven't specifically discussed it with Tyler yet. I'm going to try to remember to talk to him tonight about it.
Oh & I googled "images" of 3D ultrasound and they are better than I remembered them being. However I think the further along you are, the better they'll be & I'll only be about 22 weeks (which is the earliest they do them).


  1. I posted an inquiry about 3D/4D ultrasounds on facebook & I got a few responses. My brother's baby mama Crystal wrote me to say:
    "Hey Crystal I noticed yoru status and I thought I would let you know that I had read an article about 3d ultrasounds and in some cases it can cause brain damage to the fetus. Just thought I would let you know, it said it doesn't happen all the time but it has happened."

    I'm not sure if that is true but it does sound like some of the musings that are out there. I might have to do a little research about that. I'm guessing though, that the technology has improved over the last few years and it is done at a Doctor's office so that makes me feel a little better about it!

  2. From Facebook "I think they are pretty cool." - Katherine Alexander

    Kyla also commented but I'm sure she is going to give me a comment on here herself so I don' want to ruin that :-)

  3. From Facebook "Why would you care what everyone else thinks...I would just do what you want to do, it's your baby. I had one with Amelia and it was cool...and it won't do any harm." - Megan Graville (a co-BeautiControl girl).

    My reply "Thanks Megan, I"m a little on the fence so looking for some feedback."

  4. Anonymous4:02 PM

    Well I totally disagree. I don't think the 3D/4D u/s is a good idea. I have heard of some health risks to the baby including ear problems. And how do we know that it doesn't do any harm. The only benefit for the 3D/4D is entertainment purposes, so I just doesn't understand putting your child at risk for that. I would like to know if they has been any research done on the 3D/4D u/s.


  5. Danielle4:25 PM

    Hmmm, I've never heard of any of these risks for 3D ultrasounds. I even know some people whose doctor's specifically requested them. I was supposed to have one with Hudzyn, but they were running 1 hour behind and I didn't have the pleasure of arriving on with an empty bladder, so I ended up just getting the 2D. Do you have to pay because you are going without a referral? We don't pay for them in the Capital Health Region when they are requested by a doctor. Can you get in to get a normal 2D ultrasound?

  6. I don't think there are necessarily any MORE risks with a 3D ultrasound, just that they tend to be done electively now and doctors seem to frown about using it without a medical need (as per my research thus far anyway). The one person I know who did have a side effect from regular 2D ultrasounds (or any ultrasound for that matter) said she was having one every other day for a few weeks at the end of her term (doctor ordered) so I could see how that would effect baby (he had a hearing issue when he was born which was solved with a ear surgery at age 2).

    I'm not sure if they are covered when a doctor requests one as I hadn't heard of that happening. Only people choosing to get them done and yes paying for them.

    I can only get a normal 2D ultrasound on July 3rd as requested by my doc & the tech unless i have bleeding beforehand (which we don't want really). You can't get one of those without a referral so far as I know.

  7. Danielle10:12 PM

    Okay, I've thought about this some more. I think that if you are stressing and if wondering the sex of the baby is driving you nuts the way I think it is, then you should have the ultrasound. $150.00 is a fair price to pay for peace of mind and for you to be able to start your plans. You are like me. I bet your last ultrasound still haunts your dreams. I think you will feel much more in control and at ease once you get your answer. I also think that once you can start shopping and preparing for a specific baby, you will instantly bond. I found it much easier to picture my life with the baby once I knew the sex. It made it more real for me, and I think it will for you.

  8. I think gender is HUGE with helping me identify with baby. I don't really understand how people are able to bond not knowing??

    I am still in negiociations (SPELLING??) with Tyler over whether it is "worth" that much money to find out 6 weeks sooner. In reality, he makes that much money before noon on a regular day so I don't think it's that big of a deal. However I am also the one with the retarded amount of debt so maybe this is one of my "punishments" for that.

  9. Danielle10:59 AM

    Do boys do that? Punish us? Or is that just a girl thing? LOL.

  10. I'm sure he doesn't see it as a punishment but I do!
