Thursday, May 28, 2009

Hmmm, coincidences

So Kim, coincidently, wrote the following message on my facebook wall:
"Hey Crystal. Have fun at dinner tonight, order lots! I have a very specific reason for f/b you. Tehya is needing the Bumbo chair and will only have a small window of opportunity to benefit from it. As you know, the chair is very important to me and is an excellent tool for babies. Pls contact me with solutions as to how you will be retrieving it for me. Thanks."

I've thought about many snarky ways to reply to her (in my world where I speak my immediate thoughts). Here are some of my thoughts:
"Well Kim, option 1 is that you drive 3 hours to Medicine Hat & pick it up. Option 2 is that my brothers sends it to you collect. Option 3 is that you suck it up & re-buy it. Consider it a $80 storage fee for the 16 months your shit was stored at my house. It can be extra special as its probably the first item you sprung for yourself."

What do u think? Last I checked Tyler didn't think I should worry about it so I'm going to ask him to deal with it so I don't cause any family drama on his bday. Besides I shouldn't be stressed & pregnant right?

As I type I am sitting in the parking lot of Tyler's apartment so that I can have birthday dinner & cake with him. Last night when the baby moved/kicked I saw my belly move which freaked me out but was cool. I thought it'd be really cool if baby moved for him on his bday.

So yes that means I'm in the Edmonton area Danielle. I wanted to coordinate meeting up with you/her but I have to be back in Red Deer tonight for work tomorrow & I knew /you/she had a doc appt today.

I was able to hit two baby stores in Edmonton though: Echildren & Baby Sam. Both had quite a bit of stuff. I think have to run it by Tyler, but I really like one set.


  1. Danielle9:48 PM

    I haven't been to Baby Sam, but it's supposed to be awesome. Apparently the owner is willing to beat competitors' prices.

    You're forgiven for not notifying me of your visit in advance. LOL. It's been a busy day for me too.

  2. Anonymous3:10 PM

    so... what came of the Kim thing?? how did you respond?
