Friday, May 29, 2009

Musings about "Jon & Kate + Eight"

From the moment I saw the first documentary, I really enjoyed watching “Jon & Kate + 8”. I loved their realness as a couple (as opposed to scripted reality) and since I’ve always been interested in twins it makes sense that I would be fascinated by a couple that had twins and THEN sextuplets. The original documentary showed the family when the sextuplets were about 6 months old or so and then there was a follow up documentary some time after. It was so popular that they ended up getting their own series when they had two 6 year olds and six 2 year olds. The show only grew in popularity and they just launched season five on Monday.

I always related with Kate in the show because she is definitely the Alpha Female in the relationship and she never shyed about that. She has gotten lots of criticism for seeming very strict, grumpy and bossy with her kids and even her husband. However, I challenge anyone to take care of 8 kids under six with any less of a rigid schedule and attention to detail. Not to mention, if a camera and film crew followed me around, even now sans kids, I am sure I would look equally unpretty in my speech and mannerisms. The show has always been very good natured and fun and had the ability to lift my spirits. Both Jon & Kate have been criticized for “exploiting” their children by having the show. Personally, I think that Jon and Kate are really doing the best they can with an unexpected situation. By having the show they are able to provide experiences and financial security for their children that they wouldn’t otherwise be able to. They are also able to be home more with their kids, with the recent exception of Kate’s book tour. However, at least one parent is home which is more than most of society can claim (good or bad). If they didn’t do the show, they would likely have to return to Jon and Kate working crazy hours. In you read Kate’s book (which I of course did), she talks about how Jon got laid off when his work found out they were having sextuplets and how most of her pregnancy he was unemployed. Can’t really blame someone coming out of that situation trying to provide for their family the best they can?

In the season four finale, Jon complained about how he didn’t think they should do the show anymore because he was becoming “famous” for being a dad and he wasn’t comfortable with the fame part of the deal. What Kate pointed out and Jon fails to realize, is that they are really at the point of no return for fame. Stopping the show now will not stop the interest in the family and in my belief may only make it worse. At least in this situation they have some control over what access people have into their lives (they seem to have a lot of say over when the cameras are there as demonstrated when Kate didn’t have the cameras around for Maddy’s braces being put on).

In the last few months or so, Jon & Kate have been getting lots of publicity in the tabloids and such. The smear papers originally alleged that Jon was out partying and cheated on Kate. To which he replied that he simply had taken a photo with fans and now it was being used against him. The story has now morphed into this huge deal with headlines such as “Inside their twisted marriage: how Jon has a license to cheat” and other very insulting stories. If you watch the show at all, you know that there is no way Kate would have such a deal with Jon. I truly want to believe that he didn’t cheat on Kate but the whole truth of that isn’t really important. What appears to be important to Kate is that he had put himself in a situation where the media could make him look like he had. And I would assume that she thinks it wasn’t very fatherly of him to be out drinking and partying.

Before I even watched the season opener I felt really bad about the whole thing. Here’s a couple who are trying to provide for their kids and dealing with the added fame and pressure the best they can and they relationship gets dragged through the press. They are human beings, as Kate pointed out, with real emotions. The paparazzi, of course, have no conscience for the possibility that the kids (especially the 9 year olds) might see these scary headlines about their parents. It was sadly apparent during the season premiere that the media attention has really caused a strain on their marriage. Jon seems very different on the show, displaying a lot of defensiveness to both producer questions and statements made by Kate. I’d venture to guess that he is struggling with his identity right now as he isn’t “working” but is mostly staying home taking care of the kids. It’s hard to define your worth in other ways when you are used to a job defining your worth. Especially when his wife is still contributing by writing books and doing talks around the country, he seems bitter that she is out traveling while he is home with the kids. Kate eventually broke down during her question period, stating how when they first had the babies she was confident that the triple divorce rate of parents of multiples wouldn’t affect them, but how now she wasn’t so sure they would make it.

It would break my heart if this couple divorces. I really saw a lot of Tyler & my relationship in them and it freaks me out that they might split. Not to mention how the kids will be affected. Of course, if two people can’t get along its better for them to parent as two separate people than a couple, but I can’t imagine trying to raise the 8 kids split between two homes. It’s hard enough to deal with relationship issues, but when they are published in the media it would be almost impossible. I think I am going to try and send them some positive energy…maybe you could join me?

1 comment:

  1. I am with you here!!!!
    I am sending some positive vibes!! Its got to be hard for them! No relationship is easy and when you got pressure like that, it would be brutal! Hope things work out for them.
    I agree with the 'no turning back', once you are in the spotlight, it is hard to escape it!
