Friday, May 15, 2009

Temping, Proper Speech and Other Updates

So far I have done some temp work at two different offices.
The first office was suppose to be one week plus one day & got extended an extra week. Smaller office but 3 women that work there and try/tried very hard to make sure they included me on all the coffee breaks etc. I'd say they like/liked me because they asked me to come back for today to help cover the phones and two separate weeks in the summer for sure. The work is decent, taking maintenance requests via phone & email and then transfering them into work orders via their computer system. In the down time, there is equipment to enter into their new system so I always have something to do which is nice.
The second office was for 3 1/2 days and was nicely located only 3 minutes drive from my house. It was for an rig company that is on spring breakup so their office was super quiet. In fact, not only did they encourage me to bring a book or something to do while I was there, but they also left me in charge of the entire office once they had "made an appearance" for the day and decided to go home. So for the most part I was by myself from at least 10am to 4:30pm. I like myself so I didn't mind that too much. Especially since I was allowed to do non-work stuff, I'd much rather not have an audience for that! I ended up working on my online scrapbook stuff which was awesome. As an added bonus, they insisted on paying me for rounding up each day's hours so I got paid for 4, 8, 8 & 8 hours instead of 3.5, 7.5, 7.5 & 7.5. That's 2 extra hour of pay...actually the lady wanted me to lock up early on my last day so I got another 1/2 hour for that day.
The first job paid $15/hour & the second paid $14/hour. Not what I'm used to getting paid for sure but better than retail pay & much better than no pay staying home so I'm happy enough with that. Especially since the jobs are relatively low on the challenge meter. While I don't love working, I am enjoying the sense of accomplishment it brings to my day as well as the money in my bank. I also enjoy the social aspect of meeting new people. An extra perk to the temp work is that I have a greater appreciation for my time on the days I am not temping!
Proper Speech
There are a couple words that I have somehow developed the bad habit of pronoucing wrong and it brings my husband great joy to point it out everytime I say them. The first one I say is "supposably" versus the correct "supposedly," and the second one is "suffercate" versus "suffacate". I think "suffer-cate" makes more sense as I am usually suffering when I say it LOL
I was watching "Jimmy Fallon" and Jeff Probst (the host of 'Survivor') totally used "supposably". Since we have a PVR digital cable system I instantly hit record so that I could show Tyler that even if I was wrong, at least I was in celebrity company (and not just ditzy celebrity company). It then spawned a conversation where I googled "supposably vs supposedly" to see if anyone had written about it. Turns out supposably is a word, however it is NOT synonomous with supposedly so I was still using it wrong. Also turns out that there are a lot of people who list the incorrect usage of this word as one of their pet peeves. Interesting.
Even though I am not perfect at grammar & word use myself, it still annoys me when I see certain words used incorrectly in very public places. Your/you're is very commonly used wrong. Recently I also saw a sign that read "No payments till July". The till they used refers to a cash register when I'm sure they meant 'til short for 'until'.
Other Updates
Not too many plans for this upcoming weekend. My mom, grandma & sister were suppose to come down so that my sister could stake out 'Marvel College'. However my sister accidently booked off the wrong weekend (she & many other people assumed next weekend was the long one) and my Grandma's boyfriend is very sick so they all decided to post pone it. I don't think I've spoken on it, but my Grandma's boyfriend Ross - who is a super awesome guy & very good for her - has cancer for the second time and is not doing very well. Both of the past Christmas' it was thought that he wouldn't make it through, and though he has, it seems he doesn't have much left in him now. The extra stinky part is that it was only in 2001 that my Grandpa died and my Grandma had to watch him suffer, sick for many years also. She's an incredibly strong lady but it doesn't seem fair that she should have to go through that twice and so soon. Life ain't about being fair though!
So since my family ditched, we are somewhat obligated to attend Tyler's stepmom's birthday supper. Tyler's uncle on his dad's side is going to be up with his son and son's girlfriend as well and his birthday is within a few days so they are sort of doing a combined celebration. Tyrone, Kim & family are going to be around also, but THANKFULLY they are staying at someone else's house for the weekend so I am mega pumped about that. Must have built up some good kharma :-) Though when Tyler & I were talking about this weekend, Tyler's like "oh you'll be seeing Tyrone & Kim...guaranteed blog now". Am I that predictable or are they?
Next weekend, Tyler & I are going to the thriving metropolis of Grimshaw for my cousin's grad and to pick up a Fifth Wheel RV from my parents! Last year we were tossing around the idea of getting some sort of RV but we couldn't really agree on what to get (super nice as per me, super cheap as per Tyler) nor did we really have any extra bucks. My parents said they had only used their's once in the last two years so we were more than welcome to HAVE it if we wanted it. I am all about free stuff but Tyler was hesitant as nothing is free from his family (there are either financial costs or some other "strings" involved). So it's a 1989 I believe, about 24 1/2 feet long, and is decorated in dusty blues/pinks rather than oranges & browns. My Grandpa (on my mom's side) bought it new, used it a few times, then passed away and then my parents inherited it. It's in pretty good condition for its years as it hasn't been used much, except that the fridge stopped working recently so we'll have to get that fixed. I'm excited to do some camping this year since I hate tenting it and I'd so much rather have my own space then stay in Tyler's mom's fifth wheel. Now Tyrone & company can stay in Mary's RV all they want and we don't have to wake up at the butt crack of dawn like his family does. We can also go off and do our own camping without anyone else...mostly I just like camping food.
The major challenge will be saying 'no' to other people that I don't want to share my RV with and figuring out if Tyler's truck will be able to haul it.

1 comment:

  1. Danielle9:00 PM

    How exciting! I would love a trailer or 5th wheel. I am also not a fan of tenting. I'm all about having my own toilet that flushes. LOL.
